308 | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -Prufung |  | 616 | 578 | 551 | 564 |
2931 | Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen / Federal Highway Research Institute |  | 1046 | 772 | 2538 | 3879 |
3569 | Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau |  | 381 | 1597 | 2538 | 3879 |
3742 | Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft |  | 881 | 1738 | 2538 | 3879 |
2445 | Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung |  | 295 | 439 | 2538 | 3879 |
6355 | Bundesinstitut für Bevolkerungsforschung |  | 2691 | 6981 | 1867 | 3879 |
4424 | Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen Im Ostlichen Europa |  | 2830 | 2662 | 2538 | 3879 |
878 | Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |  | 942 | 1643 | 1362 | 1351 |
6663 | Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft |  | 2917 | 5968 | 2538 | 3879 |
1197 | Bundesinstituts für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte |  | 717 | 505 | 2538 | 2188 |
4869 | Bundeswehrkrankenhaus |  | 3549 | 3297 | 2538 | 3879 |
2433 | Bundeszentrale für Gesundheitliche Aufklarung |  | 2072 | 349 | 2538 | 3879 |
5314 | Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital / Главный военный клинический госпиталь им Н Н Бурденко |  | 6166 | 3702 | 2538 | 3879 |
335 | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières |  | 363 | 560 | 490 | 763 |
704 | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures |  | 915 | 288 | 1642 | 2313 |
1310 | Bureau of Economic Analysis |  | 1077 | 87 | 1859 | 3879 |
131 | Bureau of Meteorology |  | 177 | 86 | 269 | 777 |
595 | Burnet Institute (Austin Research Institute) |  | 1834 | 1719 | 380 | 753 |
7429 | Buryat Institute of Agriculture / Бурятский научно¬исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства ФАНО России |  | 5900 | 7070 | 2538 | 3879 |
3914 | Buryat Science Center SB RAS / Бурятский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 3499 | 3573 | 1887 | 3879 |
6814 | Burzynski Research Institute, Inc |  | 7744 | 5771 | 2538 | 3879 |
1552 | Butler Hospital |  | 3838 | 2216 | 2538 | 1380 |
4460 | Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Armenian Academy of Sciences |  | 7212 | 4258 | 2538 | 3410 |
8042 | Cairo Kidney Center |  | 8011 | 7934 | 2538 | 3879 |
1697 | Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory |  | 2765 | 1315 | 2538 | 2313 |
6149 | Calcutta Medical Research Institute |  | 5866 | 5002 | 2538 | 3879 |
242 | California Academy of Sciences |  | 129 | 141 | 550 | 1279 |
5508 | California Ear Institute |  | 6625 | 3919 | 2538 | 3879 |
1489 | Callaghan Innovation (Industrial Research) |  | 3298 | 1558 | 1701 | 2733 |
4383 | Cambia |  | 5589 | 2392 | 2538 | 3879 |
3325 | Cambridge University Hospitals |  | 1605 | 1146 | 2538 | 3879 |
1538 | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust |  | 3243 | 2139 | 2538 | 1419 |
6293 | Camcare Health Education and Research Institute |  | 4884 | 5297 | 2538 | 3879 |
5488 | Campbell Clinic Medical Center |  | 5844 | 3992 | 2538 | 3879 |
6045 | Campbell Foundation |  | 7374 | 4643 | 2538 | 3879 |
5421 | Campus des laboratoires de Villejuif |  | 351 | 5846 | 2176 | 3879 |
3578 | Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation |  | 1535 | 1472 | 2538 | 3879 |
2748 | Canadian Centre for Architecture |  | 621 | 645 | 2538 | 3879 |
3676 | Canadian Grain Commission |  | 1787 | 1587 | 2538 | 3879 |
1148 | Canadian Institutes of Health Research |  | 605 | 378 | 2538 | 2290 |
941 | Canadian Museum of Nature |  | 1517 | 399 | 2018 | 2584 |
4691 | Canandaigua VA Medical Center VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York |  | 5961 | 6814 | 2538 | 2510 |
6435 | Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex |  | 7766 | 5137 | 2538 | 3879 |
7527 | Cancer Alliance of Nebraska |  | 7314 | 7566 | 2538 | 3660 |
1874 | Cancer Care Ontario |  | 1675 | 2003 | 2538 | 2188 |
5332 | Cancer Center of Kansas |  | 5633 | 3779 | 2538 | 3879 |
468 | Cancer Council Victoria |  | 2240 | 906 | 895 | 711 |
6615 | Cancer Genomics Centre (Centre for Biomedical Genetics Netherlands) |  | 7374 | 5551 | 2538 | 3879 |
994 | Cancer Institute of New Jersey |  | 2988 | 1515 | 2538 | 550 |
1043 | Cancer Registry of Norway Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research |  | 3653 | 2616 | 1935 | 834 |
2451 | Cancer Research and Biostatistics |  | 5993 | 3536 | 2538 | 2077 |
1985 | Cancer Research Institute |  | 3175 | 615 | 2538 | 3316 |
5711 | Cancer Research Malaysia |  | 7266 | 5266 | 2359 | 3879 |
5367 | Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute |  | 2833 | 6835 | 279 | 3879 |
134 | Cancer Research Uk Cancer Charity |  | 255 | 48 | 2538 | 129 |
3371 | Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute (Paterson Institute for Cancer Research) |  | 6364 | 6651 | 1091 | 2653 |
1408 | Cancercare Manitoba |  | 3934 | 2417 | 2235 | 1649 |
826 | Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital |  | 1949 | 1972 | 1689 | 791 |
6473 | Cape Shoulder Institute |  | 6605 | 5420 | 2538 | 3879 |
6132 | Cape Tribulation Tropical Research Station |  | 7576 | 4710 | 2538 | 3879 |
791 | Capio Fundación Jiménez Díaz |  | 2109 | 2024 | 547 | 1009 |
5471 | Capio Saint Göran's Hospital |  | 4577 | 4112 | 2538 | 3879 |
5285 | Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center |  | 5750 | 6406 | 2538 | 3140 |
6860 | Carbohydrate Competence Center |  | 7012 | 5991 | 2538 | 3879 |
2064 | Cardiff and Vale University Health Board |  | 884 | 5855 | 2538 | 550 |
7030 | Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute |  | 7899 | 5996 | 2538 | 3879 |
5686 | Cardiovascular Institute |  | 5965 | 4284 | 2538 | 3879 |
4797 | Cardiovascular Institute of the South |  | 6019 | 2996 | 2538 | 3879 |
795 | Cardiovascular Research Foundation |  | 2377 | 1536 | 2131 | 696 |
5714 | Carea |  | 4323 | 4481 | 2538 | 3879 |
2755 | Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute |  | 401 | 676 | 2538 | 3879 |
3391 | Carlsberg Research Center |  | 7409 | 4121 | 2538 | 2782 |
3388 | Carmabi Foundation |  | 7729 | 3645 | 2538 | 2919 |
95 | Carnegie Institution for Science |  | 797 | 212 | 94 | 129 |
3716 | Carnegie Observatories |  | 2007 | 1623 | 2538 | 3879 |
3267 | Carolina Population Center |  | 967 | 4120 | 2538 | 2919 |
349 | Carolinas Healthcare System |  | 898 | 591 | 1308 | 493 |
4647 | Carrier Clinic |  | 6127 | 2765 | 2538 | 3879 |
464 | Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies |  | 1103 | 837 | 275 | 1036 |
7179 | Casa Shalom Institute For Marrano Anusim Studies |  | 7847 | 6360 | 2538 | 3879 |
7477 | Caspian Institute of Arid Land Agriculture RAAS / Прикаспийский научно исследовательский институт аридного земледелия Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук |  | 6890 | 7066 | 2538 | 3879 |
6523 | Caspian Institute of Biological Resources Daghestan Scientific Centre RAS / Прикаспийский институт биологических ресурсов Дагестанского научного центра РАН |  | 5040 | 5622 | 2538 | 3879 |
1138 | Catalonia Institute for Energy Research |  | 3643 | 2923 | 675 | 1397 |
639 | Catharina Ziekenhuis |  | 1562 | 1670 | 1318 | 612 |
3078 | Catholic Health Association |  | 1398 | 870 | 2538 | 3879 |
3880 | Catholic Health Initiatives |  | 2917 | 1812 | 2538 | 3879 |
7834 | Catholic University of Korea Rheumatism Research Center |  | 5336 | 7770 | 2538 | 3879 |
901 | Cato Institute |  | 375 | 50 | 2538 | 3076 |
1259 | Cawthron Research |  | 2495 | 2620 | 985 | 1832 |
2266 | Cedars Sinai Medical Center |  | 1221 | 277 | 2538 | 3879 |
3555 | CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine OEAW |  | 5663 | 2741 | 1893 | 3879 |
3177 | Censis Centre for Social Studies and Policies |  | 4088 | 876 | 2538 | 3879 |
7448 | Censyra Centro de Selección y Reproducción Animal |  | 6563 | 7050 | 2538 | 3879 |
1557 | Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology |  | 4616 | 3098 | 722 | 2313 |
1731 | Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia |  | 1929 | 556 | 631 | 3879 |
1588 | Center for American Progress |  | 545 | 65 | 2538 | 3879 |
7881 | Center for Applied Development Bulgaria Academy of Sciences |  | 7598 | 7743 | 2538 | 3879 |
3103 | Center for Applied Genomics |  | 6620 | 5452 | 2538 | 1813 |
2603 | Center for Applied Linguistics |  | 2196 | 464 | 2538 | 3879 |
7792 | Center for Arson Research |  | 7767 | 7509 | 2538 | 3879 |