4801 | 444 | Swiss Tropical Institute |  | 2550 | 1129 | 1621 | 310 |
4802 | 441 | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics |  | 2334 | 1836 | 272 | 293 |
4803 | 440 | Hospital Clinic Barcelona |  | 680 | 1059 | 2538 | 73 |
4804 | 437 | Babraham Institute |  | 1116 | 1008 | 265 | 741 |
4805 | 434 | Agricultural Research Organization |  | 514 | 1428 | 148 | 543 |
4806 | 433 | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics |  | 1291 | 1087 | 216 | 673 |
4807 | 426 | Ataturk Training and Research Hospital |  | 63 | 383 | 469 | 1658 |
4808 | 424 | Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona |  | 674 | 940 | 332 | 775 |
4809 | 422 | Météo France |  | 324 | 156 | 2538 | 694 |
4810 | 420 | Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ |  | 1978 | 1238 | 222 | 495 |
4811 | 419 | Institut d'Investigacio Biomedica de Bellvitge IDIBELL |  | 1188 | 1704 | 446 | 268 |
4812 | 416 | Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering |  | 1751 | 1800 | 255 | 255 |
4813 | 415 | Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam / Astrophysical Institute |  | 1398 | 808 | 984 | 596 |
4814 | 413 | Institute of Marine Research |  | 476 | 958 | 329 | 728 |
4815 | 411 | Norwegian Institute for Air Research |  | 1179 | 614 | 624 | 914 |
4816 | 408 | Finnish Institute Occupational Health |  | 1713 | 748 | 755 | 673 |
4817 | 405 | Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano |  | 1330 | 1924 | 506 | 176 |
4818 | 404 | UMR5800 Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique |  | 627 | 484 | 429 | 1165 |
4819 | 403 | National Observatory of Athens |  | 1058 | 618 | 432 | 935 |
4820 | 400 | Norwegian Polar Institute |  | 364 | 516 | 936 | 958 |
4821 | 396 | Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire |  | 892 | 403 | 919 | 1042 |
4822 | 395 | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |  | 499 | 592 | 559 | 935 |
4823 | 391 | Deutscher Wetterdienst |  | 400 | 173 | 1215 | 1658 |
4824 | 387 | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen |  | 1093 | 643 | 664 | 755 |
4825 | 386 | Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung |  | 2845 | 1106 | 428 | 384 |
4826 | 382 | Natural Environment Research Council |  | 2788 | 510 | 2538 | 115 |
4827 | 382 | National University Hospital Rigshospitalet |  | 1301 | 1177 | 2538 | 29 |
4828 | 378 | Saint Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute RAS |  | 1103 | 1410 | 1278 | 165 |
4829 | 375 | Austrian Institute of Technology (Austrian Research Centers) |  | 947 | 675 | 320 | 820 |
4830 | 374 | Guy's & Saint Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1713 | 688 | 2538 | 79 |
4831 | 373 | Leibniz Institut für Festkörper und Werkstoffforschung / Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research |  | 3108 | 1109 | 207 | 415 |
4832 | 372 | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana |  | 279 | 565 | 1035 | 778 |
4833 | 371 | Nottingham University Hospitals |  | 2235 | 1417 | 814 | 185 |
4834 | 369 | Diamond Light Source Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |  | 1675 | 1000 | 347 | 441 |
4835 | 367 | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |  | 1703 | 531 | 2538 | 103 |
4836 | 367 | Computer and Automation Research Institute HAS |  | 26 | 255 | 764 | 1620 |
4837 | 366 | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria |  | 527 | 980 | 230 | 553 |
4838 | 365 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research |  | 1689 | 1121 | 281 | 380 |
4839 | 363 | Helse Bergen Haukeland University Hospital |  | 1221 | 1475 | 484 | 211 |
4840 | 362 | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur |  | 1259 | 828 | 478 | 523 |
4841 | 361 | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |  | 356 | 348 | 972 | 1051 |
4842 | 359 | Slovak Academy of Sciences |  | 105 | 452 | 2538 | 152 |
4843 | 357 | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung |  | 364 | 474 | 200 | 1101 |
4844 | 355 | Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency |  | 616 | 470 | 665 | 873 |
4845 | 352 | UMR5506 Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier |  | 752 | 585 | 292 | 834 |
4846 | 350 | European Institute of Oncology Milano |  | 2598 | 1253 | 259 | 278 |
4847 | 350 | Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |  | 1004 | 774 | 494 | 534 |
4848 | 347 | Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales ONERA |  | 912 | 789 | 313 | 587 |
4849 | 345 | Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics |  | 2864 | 1277 | 935 | 158 |
4850 | 344 | Science and Technology Facilities Council |  | 2475 | 445 | 2538 | 99 |
4851 | 341 | UMR5505 Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse |  | 666 | 606 | 314 | 766 |
4852 | 340 | Royal Brompton Hospital |  | 2284 | 1334 | 476 | 189 |
4853 | 338 | Mario Negri Institute Pharmacology Research |  | 2182 | 1235 | 136 | 301 |
4854 | 336 | Tubitak Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |  | 224 | 204 | 723 | 1454 |
4855 | 335 | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières |  | 363 | 560 | 490 | 763 |
4856 | 333 | Barts Health NHS Trust |  | 1038 | 967 | 953 | 265 |
4857 | 333 | Istituto Nazionale Ricerca Cancer |  | 1110 | 1461 | 145 | 227 |
4858 | 332 | Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung DIW Berlin / German Institute for Economic Research |  | 419 | 296 | 744 | 1074 |
4859 | 330 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |  | 386 | 853 | 2538 | 47 |
4860 | 327 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1120 | 1108 | 400 | 281 |
4861 | 324 | UMR7154 Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris |  | 781 | 873 | 121 | 509 |
4862 | 322 | Danish Cancer Society |  | 883 | 755 | 573 | 428 |
4863 | 321 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |  | 640 | 894 | 218 | 441 |
4864 | 320 | Deltares (Geodelft Delft Hydraulics) |  | 540 | 699 | 288 | 590 |
4865 | 318 | UPR8001 Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes LAAS |  | 517 | 711 | 164 | 632 |
4866 | 316 | Zoological Society London |  | 1999 | 187 | 2054 | 701 |
4867 | 315 | Instituto de Telecomunicações |  | 547 | 900 | 464 | 360 |
4868 | 314 | Institut de Ciències Fotòniques |  | 147 | 970 | 312 | 412 |
4869 | 313 | Ioffe Institute RAS |  | 305 | 769 | 299 | 521 |
4870 | 310 | Statens Serum Institut |  | 1615 | 896 | 201 | 369 |
4871 | 309 | HIAO |  | 182 | 468 | 630 | 749 |
4872 | 308 | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -Prufung |  | 616 | 578 | 551 | 564 |
4873 | 307 | UMR7095 Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris |  | 1817 | 815 | 491 | 345 |
4874 | 304 | Swedish Museum Natural History |  | 430 | 441 | 282 | 861 |
4875 | 302 | John Innes Center |  | 2032 | 718 | 150 | 491 |
4876 | 301 | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen |  | 2253 | 1190 | 326 | 196 |
4877 | 294 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas |  | 313 | 746 | 353 | 464 |
4878 | 290 | National Museum of Natural History Netherlands |  | 474 | 495 | 253 | 718 |
4879 | 289 | Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputación |  | 594 | 537 | 270 | 654 |
4880 | 288 | Flemish Institute for Technological Research |  | 243 | 624 | 440 | 512 |
4881 | 286 | University Hospital Southampton NHS |  | 1020 | 978 | 924 | 173 |
4882 | 283 | UMR7503 Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications LORIA |  | 876 | 254 | 417 | 1001 |
4883 | 282 | Max Planck Institut für Astronomie |  | 1120 | 729 | 863 | 267 |
4884 | 280 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse |  | 1368 | 1165 | 405 | 153 |
4885 | 280 | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust |  | 1508 | 968 | 1246 | 135 |
4886 | 277 | Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona ISGLOBAL (Centro de Investigación en Salud Internacional de Barcelona CRESIB) |  | 773 | 760 | 640 | 289 |
4887 | 275 | Institute of Physics ASCR |  | 701 | 1076 | 289 | 211 |
4888 | 274 | UMR7606 Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 LIP6 |  | 397 | 330 | 344 | 845 |
4889 | 269 | Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority |  | 284 | 749 | 252 | 380 |
4890 | 266 | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence |  | 586 | 304 | 337 | 850 |
4891 | 261 | Leibniz Gemeinschaft / Leibniz Association |  | 2011 | 869 | 2538 | 14 |
4892 | 258 | Institut Gustave Roussy |  | 2129 | 1007 | 162 | 205 |
4893 | 256 | Rothamsted Research |  | 1307 | 656 | 177 | 390 |
4894 | 249 | FR636 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace |  | 425 | 915 | 157 | 260 |
4895 | 246 | Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit |  | 339 | 155 | 1760 | 733 |
4896 | 243 | Karolinska Institute & Karolinska University Hospital |  | 2278 | 1142 | 1151 | 70 |
4897 | 239 | Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 977 | 758 | 537 | 209 |
4898 | 237 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie |  | 1069 | 728 | 159 | 296 |
4899 | 236 | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |  | 436 | 361 | 628 | 480 |
4900 | 235 | Jorvi Hospital |  | 770 | 1099 | 571 | 114 |