4701 | 655 | Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts |  | 58 | 700 | 1158 | 1906 |
4702 | 651 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy |  | 2584 | 2374 | 1356 | 336 |
4703 | 648 | Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung |  | 2129 | 2129 | 531 | 584 |
4704 | 648 | Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung |  | 1896 | 1965 | 498 | 686 |
4705 | 646 | Instituto Geólogico y Minero de España |  | 404 | 862 | 553 | 1701 |
4706 | 645 | Sincrotrone Trieste |  | 1259 | 1493 | 1303 | 733 |
4707 | 641 | Netherlands Institute of Ecology |  | 2258 | 1485 | 1712 | 564 |
4708 | 641 | Hospital Sant Joan de Deu |  | 1853 | 1107 | 2032 | 711 |
4709 | 639 | Catharina Ziekenhuis |  | 1562 | 1670 | 1318 | 612 |
4710 | 638 | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |  | 468 | 979 | 1119 | 1300 |
4711 | 637 | Uppsala University Hospital |  | 3391 | 1978 | 1385 | 404 |
4712 | 634 | UPR5051 Laboratoire Louis Néel |  | 2030 | 2267 | 293 | 605 |
4713 | 629 | Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung |  | 977 | 425 | 585 | 2173 |
4714 | 629 | (1)UMR7104 Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire IGBMC |  | 2235 | 2284 | 246 | 592 |
4715 | 625 | Kantonsspital Saint Gallen |  | 1125 | 1722 | 1003 | 647 |
4716 | 623 | NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde |  | 710 | 1023 | 2538 | 245 |
4717 | 620 | Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON |  | 2642 | 1189 | 1435 | 804 |
4718 | 617 | International Peace Research Institute Oslo |  | 829 | 609 | 1907 | 1336 |
4719 | 615 | Universitatsspital Basel |  | 953 | 1368 | 2538 | 140 |
4720 | 615 | Landspitali National University Hospital of Iceland |  | 533 | 2556 | 165 | 592 |
4721 | 613 | Ospedale Pediatrico Gaslini |  | 3303 | 2372 | 209 | 519 |
4722 | 613 | Leibniz Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung |  | 2253 | 1390 | 1084 | 755 |
4723 | 612 | Royal Marsden Hospital |  | 2110 | 1115 | 2538 | 178 |
4724 | 610 | Institute for Fiscal Studies |  | 1064 | 291 | 1755 | 2002 |
4725 | 609 | Weierstrass Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik / Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics |  | 1162 | 1237 | 855 | 967 |
4726 | 608 | British Trust for Ornithology |  | 1027 | 494 | 1015 | 1873 |
4727 | 607 | Hospital Vall d'Hebron |  | 1666 | 1323 | 2538 | 134 |
4728 | 604 | Swedish National Testing and Research Institute |  | 1316 | 776 | 1622 | 1173 |
4729 | 600 | Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS |  | 1368 | 1213 | 833 | 973 |
4730 | 599 | Sanquin Research |  | 4459 | 1160 | 801 | 916 |
4731 | 598 | UMR7586 Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu |  | 746 | 1145 | 800 | 1074 |
4732 | 593 | Centre for Economic Policy Research |  | 575 | 450 | 2538 | 649 |
4733 | 592 | Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli |  | 2310 | 1919 | 441 | 612 |
4734 | 591 | Zuse Institute Berlin |  | 635 | 483 | 742 | 1975 |
4735 | 587 | ifo Institut Leibniz Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e V. |  | 346 | 309 | 2538 | 909 |
4736 | 584 | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Novartis Research Foundation |  | 2448 | 1529 | 365 | 825 |
4737 | 584 | National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology |  | 1231 | 2303 | 749 | 390 |
4738 | 579 | NOFIMA Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture |  | 860 | 938 | 865 | 1210 |
4739 | 578 | Simula Research Laboratory |  | 1689 | 1470 | 560 | 804 |
4740 | 575 | Azienda Ospedaliera Careggi |  | 995 | 2628 | 661 | 314 |
4741 | 570 | Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l’Univers |  | 498 | 1372 | 2538 | 124 |
4742 | 570 | Institute for Nuclear Studies |  | 1644 | 2471 | 1273 | 239 |
4743 | 567 | Instituto Español de Oceanografía |  | 668 | 1140 | 305 | 1206 |
4744 | 566 | Fondazione Santa Lucia |  | 4017 | 2448 | 260 | 371 |
4745 | 564 | Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique Musique |  | 202 | 247 | 1069 | 2377 |
4746 | 562 | IMEC |  | 2580 | 820 | 2538 | 223 |
4747 | 560 | Norwegian Institute for Water Research |  | 4017 | 1481 | 229 | 791 |
4748 | 556 | Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale |  | 2673 | 612 | 687 | 1545 |
4749 | 556 | Institut Pasteur Lille |  | 3102 | 1421 | 1245 | 532 |
4750 | 555 | Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge |  | 1801 | 2529 | 617 | 302 |
4751 | 554 | Institut de Física d'Altes Energies |  | 3053 | 2296 | 412 | 366 |
4752 | 552 | Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts |  | 328 | 909 | 1165 | 1092 |
4753 | 551 | Universitätsklinikum Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg |  | 2068 | 1602 | 1404 | 416 |
4754 | 549 | Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 401 | 924 | 1464 | 967 |
4755 | 547 | Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas |  | 2158 | 2224 | 994 | 291 |
4756 | 543 | Max Planck Institut für Informatik |  | 773 | 2236 | 431 | 419 |
4757 | 539 | UMS831 Observatoire Midi Pyrénées |  | 1140 | 846 | 696 | 1188 |
4758 | 533 | IDIAP Research Institute |  | 863 | 976 | 592 | 1069 |
4759 | 532 | Institut Francais des Sciences et Technologies des Transports de l'Amenagement et des Reseaux |  | 1182 | 1054 | 291 | 1094 |
4760 | 530 | UMR8623 Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique |  | 710 | 308 | 538 | 2141 |
4761 | 528 | Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes / Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft |  | 748 | 959 | 879 | 975 |
4762 | 527 | Norwegian Meteorological Institute |  | 1231 | 572 | 896 | 1464 |
4763 | 526 | Netherlands Institute Primary Health Care |  | 942 | 947 | 902 | 958 |
4764 | 525 | Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica Gustavo Colonnetti |  | 1939 | 829 | 543 | 1153 |
4765 | 523 | Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung |  | 503 | 513 | 1259 | 1473 |
4766 | 521 | Max Planck Institut für Chemie |  | 1771 | 1648 | 239 | 626 |
4767 | 520 | Leibniz Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung |  | 1914 | 1156 | 473 | 857 |
4768 | 518 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory |  | 3041 | 1346 | 250 | 749 |
4769 | 513 | Saint George's Healthcare Trust |  | 1902 | 1384 | 1262 | 424 |
4770 | 512 | Zoological Institute RAS / Зоологический институт РАН |  | 238 | 694 | 465 | 1501 |
4771 | 509 | (1)Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona |  | 930 | 1358 | 273 | 755 |
4772 | 508 | Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques |  | 455 | 641 | 1242 | 1173 |
4773 | 507 | UPR3251 Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et Les Sciences de l'Ingénieur LIMSI |  | 1231 | 743 | 457 | 1246 |
4774 | 505 | Institut de Recerca i Tecnología Agroalimentàries |  | 2530 | 1437 | 434 | 576 |
4775 | 502 | (1)Academia Româna |  | 759 | 1321 | 1589 | 410 |
4776 | 501 | A I Alikhanian National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute) |  | 222 | 2519 | 711 | 248 |
4777 | 500 | Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust |  | 2051 | 1570 | 1783 | 239 |
4778 | 497 | Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute |  | 2485 | 1856 | 893 | 286 |
4779 | 496 | Statistics Norway |  | 149 | 248 | 1399 | 1975 |
4780 | 494 | Ospedale Niguarda |  | 786 | 1770 | 333 | 458 |
4781 | 489 | Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas |  | 1494 | 910 | 1393 | 669 |
4782 | 486 | Finnish Meteorological Institute |  | 85 | 375 | 2538 | 509 |
4783 | 486 | National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia |  | 1267 | 885 | 765 | 900 |
4784 | 482 | Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau |  | 1425 | 2424 | 213 | 274 |
4785 | 481 | Swansea NHS Trust |  | 94 | 286 | 633 | 2104 |
4786 | 480 | North Bristol NHS Trust |  | 1703 | 1280 | 1146 | 435 |
4787 | 478 | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland |  | 750 | 961 | 466 | 935 |
4788 | 477 | Academy of Sciences of Moldova |  | 171 | 323 | 1633 | 1572 |
4789 | 476 | Oslo Universitetssykehus |  | 1633 | 1168 | 2538 | 76 |
4790 | 474 | UMR7225 Institut du Cerveau et de La Moelle Épinière Icm |  | 2425 | 1447 | 620 | 437 |
4791 | 473 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares |  | 1231 | 1403 | 204 | 643 |
4792 | 466 | Friedrich Loeffler Institutes Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit |  | 2510 | 1088 | 988 | 535 |
4793 | 462 | Danish Meteorological Institute |  | 823 | 282 | 916 | 1740 |
4794 | 461 | Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit |  | 1962 | 1433 | 385 | 467 |
4795 | 460 | Netherlands Institute for Radioastronomy ASTRON |  | 1170 | 882 | 826 | 778 |
4796 | 459 | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research |  | 413 | 1153 | 351 | 755 |
4797 | 458 | Leibniz Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei |  | 2371 | 1155 | 411 | 622 |
4798 | 453 | Instituto de Física Corpuscular |  | 1055 | 1895 | 535 | 279 |
4799 | 452 | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals |  | 1259 | 1492 | 979 | 317 |
4800 | 448 | Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve |  | 742 | 783 | 2538 | 127 |