1301 | 969 | Polish Geological Institute | | 256 | 919 | 1414 | 2377 |
1302 | 2813 | Croatian Geological Survey | | 3712 | 4443 | 1410 | 3191 |
1303 | 1534 | Institute of Mathematics ASCR | | 1182 | 4048 | 1406 | 1701 |
1304 | 1091 | Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS / Математический институт В А Стеклова Российской академии наук | | 2837 | 3300 | 1404 | 890 |
1305 | 3094 | Institute of Mechanics BAS | | 2845 | 6645 | 1402 | 2377 |
1306 | 6310 | Institute for Single Crystals | | 5295 | 7076 | 1397 | 3879 |
1307 | 2771 | Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS / Институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины | | 3838 | 6649 | 1392 | 2002 |
1308 | 1945 | Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3033 | 3214 | 1389 | 2782 |
1309 | 1037 | Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2939 | 1949 | 1378 | 1501 |
1310 | 3447 | Institute of Agrarian Economics Ukraine | | 4316 | 3079 | 1378 | 3879 |
1311 | 822 | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics RAS | | 733 | 1685 | 1377 | 1107 |
1312 | 1258 | Institute of Control Sciences RAS | | 469 | 1891 | 1374 | 2188 |
1313 | 1491 | Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences / Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2736 | 2777 | 1373 | 2188 |
1314 | 1372 | Geological Institute RAS / Геологический институт РАН | | 2060 | 2727 | 1372 | 1975 |
1315 | 1921 | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR | | 3554 | 6075 | 1370 | 1141 |
1316 | 2271 | Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR | | 1090 | 6971 | 1369 | 1200 |
1317 | 3358 | Institute of Electrophysics RAS | | 4091 | 6105 | 1364 | 2981 |
1318 | 1131 | Botanical Institute V L Komarov RAS / Ботанический институт им В Л Комарова РАН | | 1675 | 1407 | 1363 | 2141 |
1319 | 2271 | Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR | | 2590 | 6174 | 1360 | 1740 |
1320 | 2501 | Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS | | 628 | 1504 | 1357 | 3879 |
1321 | 2580 | Institute of Microbiology and Virology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 6008 | 4921 | 1337 | 2733 |
1322 | 1234 | Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR | | 1484 | 2281 | 1327 | 1873 |
1323 | 1473 | Institute for System Programming RAS | | 1386 | 1110 | 1319 | 3191 |
1324 | 1578 | Estonian Biocentre | | 3721 | 3398 | 1311 | 2053 |
1325 | 4035 | Institute of Psychology ASCR | | 4338 | 7326 | 1304 | 2782 |
1326 | 2895 | Institutul de Biologie Si Patologie Celulara Academia Romana | | 6127 | 5922 | 1301 | 2555 |
1327 | 7055 | Krakow Branch Polish Academy of Sciences / Oddział w Krakowie Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 7930 | 7514 | 1300 | 3879 |
1328 | 1096 | Institute of Solid State Physics RAS | | 1853 | 1927 | 1299 | 1740 |
1329 | 3463 | Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry BAS | | 4916 | 7421 | 1295 | 2104 |
1330 | 2160 | Institute of Cybernetics Tallinn University of Technology | | 776 | 997 | 1288 | 3879 |
1331 | 2482 | National Institute for Strategic Studies | | 1243 | 1443 | 1281 | 3879 |
1332 | 378 | Saint Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute RAS | | 1103 | 1410 | 1278 | 165 |
1333 | 1687 | Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy BAS | | 2754 | 6900 | 1277 | 414 |
1334 | 570 | Institute for Nuclear Studies | | 1644 | 2471 | 1273 | 239 |
1335 | 1239 | Dorodnicyn Computing Centre RAS | | 728 | 1259 | 1272 | 2627 |
1336 | 4395 | Institute of High Energy Physics | | 4111 | 4881 | 1269 | 3879 |
1337 | 1071 | Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS | | 3518 | 2671 | 1263 | 1165 |
1338 | 1528 | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics BAS | | 636 | 3172 | 1251 | 2220 |
1339 | 2112 | Karelian Research Centre RAS / Карельский научный центр РАН | | 616 | 4944 | 1240 | 2377 |
1340 | 2085 | Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR | | 2972 | 6266 | 1237 | 1427 |
1341 | 1966 | Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS / Институт нефтегазовой геологии и геофизики им А А Трофимука Сибирского отделения РАН | | 630 | 6401 | 1235 | 1210 |
1342 | 5508 | Institute of Parasitology ASCR | | 1610 | 6521 | 1228 | 3879 |
1343 | 766 | National Academy of Sciences of Armenia | | 101 | 1169 | 1225 | 1596 |
1344 | 2371 | Institute of Sociology ASCR | | 594 | 3940 | 1221 | 3140 |
1345 | 3724 | Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 3678 | 7660 | 1218 | 2156 |
1346 | 900 | Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS | | 1307 | 1601 | 1217 | 1490 |
1347 | 1820 | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine / Національна академія медичних наук України | | 552 | 4034 | 1216 | 2377 |
1348 | 869 | Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics HAS | | 2577 | 1342 | 1209 | 1556 |
1349 | 5357 | Institute of Entomology ASCR | | 2518 | 6335 | 1192 | 3879 |
1350 | 1117 | Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ASCR | | 1494 | 1251 | 1190 | 2313 |
1351 | 1954 | Mathematical Institute Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 612 | 5985 | 1182 | 1508 |
1352 | 2013 | Institute of Protein Reseach RAS / Институт белка РАН | | 4140 | 3044 | 1180 | 2981 |
1353 | 2406 | Institute of Computational Modelling RAS | | 2131 | 3901 | 1172 | 3140 |
1354 | 1406 | High Pressure Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Ciśnień Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3522 | 2851 | 1171 | 2027 |
1355 | 3602 | Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Molekularnych i Makromolekularnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 4805 | 7633 | 1170 | 2064 |
1356 | 1698 | Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Chemii Organicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3365 | 4268 | 1168 | 1920 |
1357 | 1856 | J Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry ASCR | | 2754 | 6351 | 1167 | 975 |
1358 | 552 | Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 328 | 909 | 1165 | 1092 |
1359 | 1513 | Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences / Władysław Szafer Instytut Botaniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2411 | 3129 | 1163 | 2141 |
1360 | 655 | Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 58 | 700 | 1158 | 1906 |
1361 | 1230 | Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2616 | 1799 | 1157 | 2124 |
1362 | 883 | Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Farmakologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2154 | 1886 | 1135 | 1200 |
1363 | 2092 | Institute of Metal Physics RAS | | 1834 | 5731 | 1134 | 1873 |
1364 | 980 | National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies | | 2532 | 3592 | 1130 | 607 |
1365 | 1727 | Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health Zagreb | | 2845 | 3578 | 1128 | 2313 |
1366 | 1213 | Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2338 | 2006 | 1121 | 2027 |
1367 | 1297 | Robert Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences / Robert Szewalski Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1865 | 3289 | 1117 | 1556 |
1368 | 1208 | Institute of Problems in Chemical Physics RAS | | 1418 | 2440 | 1115 | 1797 |
1369 | 1334 | Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | | 1724 | 1678 | 1114 | 2555 |
1370 | 1662 | Institute of Inorganic Chemistry A V Nikolaev SB RAS / Институт неорганической химии им А В Николаева Сибирского отделения РАН | | 1605 | 5431 | 1100 | 1292 |
1371 | 1280 | Center for Physical Sciences and Technology | | 2143 | 3663 | 1075 | 1279 |
1372 | 2342 | Institute of Thermophysics C C Kutateladze SB RAS / Институт теплофизики им С С Кутателадзе Сибирского отделения РАН | | 2972 | 6916 | 1074 | 1380 |
1373 | 3684 | Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry BAS | | 4969 | 7724 | 1058 | 2077 |
1374 | 1100 | Institute of Mathematics Academia Romana | | 2495 | 1902 | 1055 | 1832 |
1375 | 930 | Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1368 | 1712 | 1051 | 1572 |
1376 | 1565 | Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculara Academia Romana | | 3783 | 4749 | 1047 | 1397 |
1377 | 1818 | Institute of Chemical Physics Academician Semyonova RAS | | 3319 | 5195 | 1042 | 1689 |
1378 | 2350 | Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials RAS | | 5980 | 4614 | 1032 | 2696 |
1379 | 1455 | Center for Theoretical Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3159 | 2873 | 1030 | 2156 |
1380 | 768 | Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2195 | 1929 | 1027 | 841 |
1381 | 1320 | Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch | | 100 | 190 | 1001 | 3879 |
1382 | 1065 | Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2397 | 2420 | 997 | 1454 |
1383 | 1676 | Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS / Институт теоретической и прикладной механики СА Христиановича | | 2186 | 3750 | 993 | 2188 |
1384 | 2012 | Institutul de Chimie Fizica Academia Romana | | 5531 | 5364 | 982 | 1856 |
1385 | 1076 | Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Informatyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2269 | 1535 | 981 | 2053 |
1386 | 951 | Space Research Institute RAS | | 984 | 2773 | 956 | 1028 |
1387 | 2580 | Slovak Academy of Sciences Kosice | | 984 | 1805 | 943 | 3879 |
1388 | 345 | Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics | | 2864 | 1277 | 935 | 158 |
1389 | 1159 | Institute of Nuclear Research National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 1971 | 3769 | 933 | 944 |
1390 | 864 | P P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS | | 2203 | 1424 | 925 | 1596 |
1391 | 1684 | Institute of Spectroscopy RAS | | 4483 | 4294 | 915 | 1920 |
1392 | 1415 | Institute of Cytology and Genetics RAS | | 838 | 4163 | 912 | 1556 |
1393 | 497 | Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute | | 2485 | 1856 | 893 | 286 |
1394 | 1880 | Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR | | 1125 | 5964 | 884 | 1473 |
1395 | 5675 | Institute of Geology and Mineralogy V S Sobolev SB RAS / Институт геологии и минералогии им В С Соболева Сибирского отделения РАН | | 1243 | 6888 | 881 | 3879 |
1396 | 1205 | Institute of General Genetics RAS / Институт общей генетики им Н И Вавилова РАН | | 3887 | 2768 | 859 | 1605 |
1397 | 2437 | Institute of High Current Electronics RAS | | 4122 | 6103 | 858 | 2124 |
1398 | 866 | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis RAS | | 1221 | 2199 | 842 | 1101 |
1399 | 600 | Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS | | 1368 | 1213 | 833 | 973 |
1400 | 1901 | I I Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 1535 | 3997 | 832 | 2584 |