4501 | 5161 | Cultural and Educational Technology Institute |  | 2746 | 3763 | 2538 | 3879 |
4502 | 5753 | Institute of Applied Geophysics E K Fedorov / Институт прикладной геофизики им акад Е К Федорова |  | 5230 | 4472 | 2538 | 3879 |
4503 | 7313 | Institute for Geothermal Research of Daghestan Scientific Center RAS / Институт проблем геотермии Дагестанского научного центра РАН |  | 6424 | 6831 | 2538 | 3879 |
4504 | 4128 | Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS / Институт геологии и геохронологии докембрия РАН |  | 3974 | 5644 | 2538 | 2867 |
4505 | 7398 | University of Cambridge Institute of Public Health |  | 3359 | 7127 | 2538 | 3879 |
4506 | 2890 | Institute of Philosophy RAS / Институт философии РАН |  | 964 | 1188 | 2538 | 3660 |
4507 | 6398 | Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences Gdansk Branch |  | 8091 | 4590 | 2538 | 3879 |
4508 | 5074 | Institute of Environmental Engineering / Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 5092 | 7194 | 2538 | 2510 |
4509 | 4266 | International Peace Information Service Antwerp |  | 4431 | 2308 | 2538 | 3879 |
4510 | 3594 | Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik |  | 5379 | 5912 | 2538 | 2156 |
4511 | 7122 | Institute for International Security Studies RAS / Институт проблем международной безопасности РАН |  | 7528 | 6349 | 2538 | 3879 |
4512 | 4912 | Lebedev Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering RAS |  | 6056 | 3160 | 2538 | 3879 |
4513 | 7836 | Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control RAS / Институт проблем точной механики и управления РАН |  | 7729 | 7599 | 2538 | 3879 |
4514 | 1463 | Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS |  | 1751 | 2000 | 2538 | 1391 |
4515 | 6853 | Institute of physical materials science SB RAS / Институт физического материаловедения Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 5609 | 6119 | 2538 | 3879 |
4516 | 2832 | Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials RAS |  | 3920 | 3848 | 2538 | 2460 |
4517 | 8021 | Institute for the State and Law Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |  | 8091 | 7848 | 2538 | 3879 |
4518 | 3715 | Instituto Pedro Nunes |  | 1817 | 1634 | 2538 | 3879 |
4519 | 5711 | Oil and Gas Problems Institute RAS / Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН |  | 4847 | 4434 | 2538 | 3879 |
4520 | 7499 | Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SB RAS / Институт проблем нефти и газа Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 6735 | 7095 | 2538 | 3879 |
4521 | 6128 | UMR5822 Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon |  | 1449 | 5317 | 2538 | 3879 |
4522 | 1601 | UMR8608 Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay |  | 2569 | 4159 | 2538 | 588 |
4523 | 2307 | Instituto Português de Oncologia Porto |  | 3785 | 3780 | 2538 | 1856 |
4524 | 2642 | Instituto de Bienes y Políticas Públicas CCHS |  | 2967 | 4518 | 2538 | 1975 |
4525 | 7923 | Institute of Plant Protection and Ecologic Agriculture ASM |  | 7890 | 7767 | 2538 | 3879 |
4526 | 4912 | Institute for Physics and Power Engineering A I Leypunsky / Физико энергетический институт имени А И Лейпунского |  | 3207 | 3379 | 2538 | 3879 |
4527 | 6921 | Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education RAE / Институт педагогики и психологии профессионального образования РАО |  | 6900 | 6133 | 2538 | 3879 |
4528 | 4802 | Instituto Português de Reumatologia |  | 6342 | 5660 | 2538 | 3191 |
4529 | 2235 | UMR6251 Institut de Physique de Rennes |  | 5175 | 5004 | 2538 | 1015 |
4530 | 7354 | FR2952 Institut Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche Appliquée en Génie Pétrolier Ipra |  | 7721 | 7311 | 2538 | 3660 |
4531 | 2072 | Institute of Psychology RAS / Институт психологии РАН |  | 2053 | 2447 | 2538 | 2266 |
4532 | 2315 | UMR5254 Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico Chimie pour L'Environnement et les Materiaux Iprem |  | 5659 | 4960 | 2538 | 1136 |
4533 | 7169 | UMR9213 Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Paris Saclay Ips2 |  | 4760 | 6683 | 2538 | 3879 |
4534 | 4367 | Image Processing Systems Institute RAS |  | 5651 | 7785 | 2538 | 1246 |
4535 | 8091 | UMS3679 Institut Paris Saclay d'Innovation Thérapeutique |  | 7174 | 8094 | 2538 | 3879 |
4536 | 1888 | Ipswich Hospital |  | 3482 | 2764 | 2538 | 1740 |
4537 | 3392 | Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnologie |  | 4273 | 5744 | 2538 | 2091 |
4538 | 6175 | Institute for Problems of Energy Resources Transportation / Институт проблем транспорта энергоресурсов РБ |  | 6229 | 5000 | 2538 | 3879 |
4539 | 7240 | Institute of Physical Technical Problems SB RAS / Институт физико технических проблем Севера им В П Ларионова Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 6752 | 6663 | 2538 | 3879 |
4540 | 6965 | Institute of Transportation Problems Institute N S Solomenko RAS / Институт проблем транспорта им Н С Соломенко РАН |  | 7502 | 6102 | 2538 | 3879 |
4541 | 6817 | Institute of Physics of University of Latvia |  | 3262 | 6218 | 2538 | 3879 |
4542 | 3481 | Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Quimico-Biologico |  | 1162 | 1379 | 2538 | 3879 |
4543 | 4912 | Instituto de Química Orgánica General |  | 4223 | 7812 | 2538 | 1753 |
4544 | 5292 | Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information IQOQI Vienna OEAW |  | 3861 | 3846 | 2538 | 3879 |
4545 | 1483 | Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information IQOQI Innsbruck OEAW |  | 2604 | 2871 | 2538 | 916 |
4546 | 6790 | FR3050 InFRastructure de Recherche Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire À Très Hauts Champs Ir Rmn Thc |  | 3211 | 6175 | 2538 | 3879 |
4547 | 3679 | Institute for Rehabilitation Ljubljana |  | 4022 | 3976 | 2538 | 3191 |
4548 | 7751 | Institute of Robotics Bulgaria Academy of Sciences |  | 5474 | 7611 | 2538 | 3879 |
4549 | 3124 | Istituto di Radioastronomia Bologna |  | 1834 | 6929 | 2538 | 1009 |
4550 | 3962 | Institute of Radio Astronomy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |  | 7292 | 5165 | 2538 | 2822 |
4551 | 7943 | USR3155 Institut de Recherche sur L'Architecture Antique IRAA |  | 6684 | 7905 | 2538 | 3879 |
4552 | 1530 | Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique |  | 4527 | 1885 | 2538 | 1508 |
4553 | 7789 | FR3383 Fédération des Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux Fsab |  | 6806 | 7608 | 2538 | 3879 |
4554 | 8105 | UMR5060 Institut de Recherche Sur les Archeomateriaux Iramat |  | 7785 | 8099 | 2538 | 3879 |
4555 | 1287 | Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay |  | 762 | 1865 | 2538 | 1042 |
4556 | 7027 | UMR7306 Institut de Recherches Asiatiques IrAsia |  | 6557 | 6336 | 2538 | 3879 |
4557 | 5161 | Fraunhofer Informationszentrum Raum und Bau |  | 572 | 4033 | 2538 | 3879 |
4558 | 2882 | UMR7261 Institut de Recherche Sur La Biologie de L'Insecte Irbi |  | 6034 | 4930 | 2538 | 1920 |
4559 | 1907 | Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida |  | 2240 | 3789 | 2538 | 1236 |
4560 | 6368 | Istituto di Ricerca di Biologia Molecolare P Angeletti |  | 7030 | 5211 | 2538 | 3879 |
4561 | 7179 | UMR5186 Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l'Age Classique et les Lumières |  | 5949 | 6633 | 2538 | 3879 |
4562 | 6501 | FRE3744 Institut de Recherche Henri Dupuy de Lôme Irdl |  | 5926 | 5527 | 2538 | 3879 |
4563 | 2202 | Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos |  | 4893 | 4813 | 2538 | 1074 |
4564 | 8109 | FR7 Institut de Recherche Européen sur les Institutions et les Marches |  | 7436 | 8109 | 2538 | 3879 |
4565 | 4747 | UMR7310 Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman IREMAM |  | 2352 | 3211 | 2538 | 3879 |
4566 | 7379 | UMR8223 Institut de Recherche en Musicologie Iremus |  | 2485 | 7115 | 2538 | 3879 |
4567 | 5125 | Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales |  | 2445 | 3731 | 2538 | 3879 |
4568 | 6849 | Institute for Regional Economic Studies RAS / Институт проблем региональной экономики РАН |  | 5824 | 6081 | 2538 | 3879 |
4569 | 8117 | Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems |  | 6244 | 8125 | 2538 | 3879 |
4570 | 570 | Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l’Univers |  | 498 | 1372 | 2538 | 124 |
4571 | 6512 | UMR8529 Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion |  | 5996 | 5549 | 2538 | 3879 |
4572 | 4191 | UPR841 Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes |  | 151 | 5262 | 2538 | 3252 |
4573 | 5336 | Institute of Geography V B Sochava SB RAS / Институт географии им В Б Сочавы Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 4837 | 4858 | 2538 | 3660 |
4574 | 6465 | Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health / Научно-исследовательский институт медицины труда имени академика Н.Ф. Измерова |  | 4634 | 6354 | 2538 | 3660 |
4575 | 4498 | Institute of Russian History RAS / Институт российской истории РАН |  | 3269 | 2753 | 2538 | 3879 |
4576 | 4644 | UMR8156 Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Sur les Enjeux Sociaux Sciences Sociales Politique Santé Iris |  | 4451 | 2895 | 2538 | 3879 |
4577 | 6138 | UMR7170 Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Sociologie Economie et Science Politique Irisso Irisso |  | 3712 | 5167 | 2538 | 3879 |
4578 | 6594 | Institute of Chemistry А Е Favorsky SB RAS / Иркутский институт химии им А Е Фаворского Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 4787 | 5733 | 2538 | 3879 |
4579 | 7348 | Institute of Restoration and Preservation Technology |  | 7923 | 6537 | 2538 | 3879 |
4580 | 2263 | UMR7501 Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée |  | 2273 | 2782 | 2538 | 2377 |
4581 | 7580 | UMS3552 Irmage |  | 7626 | 7154 | 2538 | 3879 |
4582 | 2731 | UMR6625 Institut de Recherche Mathematique de Rennes Irmar |  | 4961 | 4245 | 2538 | 2124 |
4583 | 4847 | FRE2896 Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain |  | 2720 | 3324 | 2538 | 3879 |
4584 | 5533 | Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca |  | 4565 | 7747 | 2538 | 2266 |
4585 | 5447 | Institut de Recherche en Ophtalmologie |  | 7696 | 6361 | 2538 | 3140 |
4586 | 6354 | Institute of Radiophysics & Electronics Armenian Academy of Sciences |  | 7502 | 5928 | 2538 | 3660 |
4587 | 2436 | UMR7342 Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre IRPHE |  | 3399 | 3464 | 2538 | 2188 |
4588 | 8073 | UPS3364 Ingénierie Radioprotection Sûreté et Démantelement IRSD |  | 7733 | 8059 | 2538 | 3879 |
4589 | 7811 | Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari |  | 4075 | 7759 | 2538 | 3879 |
4590 | 5231 | Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno |  | 5955 | 5192 | 2538 | 3509 |
4591 | 7247 | FR2488 Institut de Recherche en Sciences et en Technologies de la Ville |  | 8011 | 6240 | 2538 | 3879 |
4592 | 1807 | Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria |  | 6635 | 4119 | 2538 | 763 |
4593 | 3965 | LRC7728 Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse |  | 6284 | 7523 | 2538 | 1141 |
4594 | 5456 | UMR5280 Institut des Sciences Analytiques Isa |  | 5911 | 5480 | 2538 | 3509 |
4595 | 5761 | Institut für Soziale Arbeit Munster |  | 6186 | 4403 | 2538 | 3879 |
4596 | 5605 | Isar Klinikum |  | 4565 | 4274 | 2538 | 3879 |
4597 | 7410 | UMS3518 Integrated Structural Biology Grenoble Isbg |  | 4860 | 7085 | 2538 | 3879 |
4598 | 3915 | Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung |  | 4969 | 6046 | 2538 | 2408 |
4599 | 3241 | Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS / Иркутский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 1307 | 3717 | 2538 | 3034 |
4600 | 6971 | UMS3665 Institut des Sciences de La Communication du Cnrs Isc |  | 4622 | 6398 | 2538 | 3879 |