3501 | 2414 | Kantonsspital Graubunden |  | 3842 | 2968 | 2538 | 2431 |
3502 | 4828 | UMR5474 Laboratoire Montpelliérain Economie Théorique et Appliquée |  | 4140 | 7134 | 2538 | 2431 |
3503 | 3558 | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research / Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Krebsforschung |  | 5083 | 5440 | 2538 | 2431 |
3504 | 1933 | Lithuanian Energy Institute |  | 1253 | 2573 | 2454 | 2431 |
3505 | 3713 | UMR5142 Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de leurs Applications |  | 6292 | 5611 | 2538 | 2431 |
3506 | 2428 | Lithuanian Academy of Sciences |  | 2960 | 3060 | 2538 | 2431 |
3507 | 1076 | Marine Institute Ireland |  | 718 | 1078 | 1310 | 2431 |
3508 | 2000 | Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid |  | 322 | 4943 | 674 | 2431 |
3509 | 6159 | UMR5536 Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques |  | 6197 | 7905 | 2538 | 2431 |
3510 | 2682 | Institut für Theoretische Physik |  | 1724 | 6366 | 656 | 2431 |
3511 | 2722 | Hospital Ruber Internacional |  | 3983 | 3737 | 2538 | 2408 |
3512 | 5565 | UMR8076 Biomolécules Conception Isolement Synthèse Biocis |  | 6051 | 7586 | 2538 | 2408 |
3513 | 2783 | Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona |  | 4350 | 3822 | 2538 | 2408 |
3514 | 1646 | Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry V I Vernadsky RAS / Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им В И Вернадского РАН |  | 2464 | 2588 | 1871 | 2408 |
3515 | 1806 | UMR6070 Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis |  | 1860 | 3896 | 938 | 2408 |
3516 | 2657 | Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento |  | 2259 | 3687 | 2538 | 2408 |
3517 | 4266 | Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil Lisboa |  | 3880 | 7263 | 2385 | 2408 |
3518 | 3915 | Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung |  | 4969 | 6046 | 2538 | 2408 |
3519 | 2734 | Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche |  | 1170 | 6355 | 1040 | 2408 |
3520 | 2590 | Klinikum Saarbrücken |  | 4680 | 3360 | 2538 | 2408 |
3521 | 5231 | UMR6507 Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Thio-Organique |  | 7142 | 7325 | 2538 | 2408 |
3522 | 3991 | UMR5519 Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels LEGI |  | 2655 | 6305 | 2538 | 2408 |
3523 | 2939 | Fondation Hôpital Saint Joseph |  | 3887 | 4290 | 2538 | 2377 |
3524 | 1384 | Leibniz Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel und Osteuropa |  | 2048 | 2009 | 1412 | 2377 |
3525 | 2569 | Institute of Computational Technologies RAS |  | 814 | 5126 | 2226 | 2377 |
3526 | 3094 | Institute of Mechanics BAS |  | 2845 | 6645 | 1402 | 2377 |
3527 | 2394 | Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS / Институт вычислительной математики РАН |  | 4205 | 5258 | 1471 | 2377 |
3528 | 564 | Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique Musique |  | 202 | 247 | 1069 | 2377 |
3529 | 2263 | UMR7501 Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée |  | 2273 | 2782 | 2538 | 2377 |
3530 | 2112 | Karelian Research Centre RAS / Карельский научный центр РАН |  | 616 | 4944 | 1240 | 2377 |
3531 | 1788 | Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS |  | 465 | 1639 | 2538 | 2377 |
3532 | 1747 | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources |  | 2867 | 2542 | 2200 | 2377 |
3533 | 1959 | Institute of Ecology HAS |  | 1862 | 4650 | 700 | 2377 |
3534 | 4195 | Ospedale di Circolo Fondazione Macchi |  | 4870 | 6471 | 2538 | 2377 |
3535 | 1755 | Hellenic Institute Pasteur |  | 3534 | 3248 | 1571 | 2377 |
3536 | 969 | Polish Geological Institute |  | 256 | 919 | 1414 | 2377 |
3537 | 3686 | Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry G B Elyakov FEB RAS / Тихоокеанский институт биоорганической химии им Г Б Елякова Дальневосточного отделения РАН |  | 4409 | 5787 | 2538 | 2377 |
3538 | 2786 | Pacific Oceanology Institute RAS |  | 3914 | 5482 | 2126 | 2377 |
3539 | 2811 | Fraunhofer Institut Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen |  | 4091 | 5265 | 2284 | 2377 |
3540 | 3110 | Fundación para el Progreso del Soft Computing / European Centre for Soft Computing |  | 7904 | 3949 | 2538 | 2377 |
3541 | 3191 | Stockholm Gerontology Research Center |  | 4402 | 4754 | 2538 | 2377 |
3542 | 1820 | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine / Національна академія медичних наук України |  | 552 | 4034 | 1216 | 2377 |
3543 | 1700 | National Research Center for Hematology / Гематологический научный центр |  | 3391 | 2251 | 2239 | 2377 |
3544 | 1700 | Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics |  | 3029 | 3381 | 1111 | 2377 |
3545 | 3722 | Friedrich Miescher Laboratory Max Planck Society |  | 6773 | 5672 | 2538 | 2377 |
3546 | 1895 | Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik |  | 5633 | 3798 | 1263 | 2339 |
3547 | 3960 | Biofisika Basque Centre for Biophysics (Unidad de Biofísica ) |  | 6814 | 6037 | 2538 | 2339 |
3548 | 1858 | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |  | 5040 | 3609 | 1439 | 2339 |
3549 | 2278 | Center for Human Drug Research |  | 5160 | 4039 | 2217 | 2339 |
3550 | 1024 | Danish Institute for International Studies |  | 1144 | 951 | 1472 | 2339 |
3551 | 1488 | Fraunhofer Representative Office USA |  | 5103 | 1824 | 1961 | 2339 |
3552 | 1524 | FRE3018 Genethon Centre de Recherche et d'Applications sur les Thérapies Géniques |  | 5609 | 2040 | 1845 | 2339 |
3553 | 4248 | UMR7517 Laboratoire d’HYdrologie et de GEochimie de Strasbourg LHyGes |  | 5520 | 6550 | 2538 | 2339 |
3554 | 3937 | UPR9027 Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Macromoléculaires |  | 5928 | 6095 | 2538 | 2339 |
3555 | 3647 | UMR7362 Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement LIVE |  | 6499 | 5620 | 2538 | 2339 |
3556 | 1574 | Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts |  | 1971 | 2579 | 1768 | 2339 |
3557 | 2648 | UMR5584 Institut de Mathematiques de Bourgogne |  | 5499 | 3514 | 2538 | 2339 |
3558 | 6023 | UMR7167 Laboratoire Matière Molle et Chimie |  | 7339 | 7852 | 2538 | 2339 |
3559 | 1956 | Max Planck Institute for the History of Science |  | 355 | 3641 | 2149 | 2339 |
3560 | 1913 | Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis |  | 1484 | 3681 | 1872 | 2339 |
3561 | 1966 | Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos World Radiation Center |  | 3964 | 1857 | 2538 | 2339 |
3562 | 5971 | (1)UMR7615 Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle Physico-chimie des Polymères et Milieux Dispersés |  | 5175 | 7895 | 2538 | 2339 |
3563 | 3740 | Sisli Etfal Hospital |  | 5834 | 5812 | 2538 | 2339 |
3564 | 1494 | Zagreb Institute of Public Health |  | 1596 | 2099 | 1929 | 2339 |
3565 | 4504 | Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik |  | 5271 | 6871 | 2538 | 2339 |
3566 | 4116 | Institute of Biotechnology ASCR |  | 6288 | 7523 | 1789 | 2339 |
3567 | 4235 | Institute of Chemistry FEB RAS / Институт химии Дальневосточного отделения РАН |  | 6279 | 7348 | 2228 | 2339 |
3568 | 5465 | FR2607 Institut de Chimie Moleculaire de Grenoble Icmg |  | 7733 | 7443 | 2538 | 2339 |
3569 | 3457 | Institute of Developmental Biology Koltzov RAS / Институт биологии развития им Н К Кольцова РАН |  | 5529 | 6145 | 2422 | 2339 |
3570 | 2283 | Fraunhofer Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering |  | 2562 | 4889 | 1745 | 2339 |
3571 | 1835 | Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León |  | 1562 | 2805 | 2304 | 2339 |
3572 | 2257 | Klinikum Oldenburg |  | 2199 | 2802 | 2538 | 2339 |
3573 | 2719 | UMR5127 Département of Mathématiques of the Université of Savoie |  | 2931 | 3911 | 2538 | 2339 |
3574 | 3249 | Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie |  | 6926 | 4714 | 2538 | 2339 |
3575 | 1417 | Laboratorio de Ensayos e Investigaciones Textiles del Acondicionamiento Tarrasense |  | 3025 | 1817 | 1817 | 2339 |
3576 | 4011 | UMR5096 Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes |  | 6800 | 6127 | 2538 | 2339 |
3577 | 5931 | UMR6521 Chimie Electrochimie Moleculaires et Chimie Analytique Cemca |  | 4719 | 7883 | 2538 | 2339 |
3578 | 4507 | UMR6291 L'Unité de Recherche de L'Institut du Thorax |  | 4323 | 6956 | 2538 | 2313 |
3579 | 3968 | UMR5615 Laboratoire des Multimateriaux et Interfaces Lmi |  | 6096 | 6180 | 2538 | 2313 |
3580 | 1674 | Neurosurgical Institute N N Burdenko RAMS / Научно исследовательский институт нейрохирургии имени академика Н Н Бурденко Российской академии медицинских наук |  | 5373 | 2340 | 2107 | 2313 |
3581 | 5247 | Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes Cluster Oncology |  | 6613 | 7430 | 2538 | 2313 |
3582 | 3253 | Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences |  | 7260 | 6537 | 1647 | 2313 |
3583 | 704 | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures |  | 915 | 288 | 1642 | 2313 |
3584 | 1697 | Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory |  | 2765 | 1315 | 2538 | 2313 |
3585 | 1117 | Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ASCR |  | 1494 | 1251 | 1190 | 2313 |
3586 | 5069 | UMR6619 Centre de Recherche sur Matière Divisée |  | 7647 | 7215 | 2538 | 2313 |
3587 | 4374 | Institute of Geology ASCR |  | 2754 | 6889 | 2538 | 2313 |
3588 | 2344 | Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4008 | 2957 | 2538 | 2313 |
3589 | 2563 | Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms RAS |  | 5849 | 5146 | 2001 | 2313 |
3590 | 4442 | Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias |  | 4768 | 7790 | 1910 | 2313 |
3591 | 4987 | Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris-Sud |  | 7428 | 7188 | 2538 | 2313 |
3592 | 3120 | UMR5507 Centre d'Electronique et de Micro-Optoélectronique de Montpellier |  | 4265 | 6204 | 2063 | 2313 |
3593 | 2708 | Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS |  | 4565 | 5080 | 2296 | 2313 |
3594 | 1727 | Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health Zagreb |  | 2845 | 3578 | 1128 | 2313 |
3595 | 2437 | UMR5015 Institut des Sciences Cognitives |  | 4097 | 5727 | 990 | 2313 |
3596 | 4446 | UMR8113 Laboratoire de Biotechnologies et de Pharmacologie Génétique Appliquée |  | 5772 | 6806 | 2538 | 2313 |
3597 | 3694 | UMR7283 Laboratoire de Chimie Bactérienne LCB |  | 5504 | 5810 | 2538 | 2313 |
3598 | 2371 | Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3991 | 3050 | 2538 | 2290 |
3599 | 2020 | Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits Petrography Mineralogy and Geochemistry RAS |  | 4216 | 3548 | 2136 | 2290 |
3600 | 6862 | FR2843 Institut Jean Barriol Ijb |  | 7007 | 8099 | 2538 | 2290 |