6001 | 333 | Barts Health NHS Trust | | 1038 | 967 | 953 | 265 |
6002 | 333 | Istituto Nazionale Ricerca Cancer | | 1110 | 1461 | 145 | 227 |
6003 | 332 | Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung DIW Berlin / German Institute for Economic Research | | 419 | 296 | 744 | 1074 |
6004 | 330 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | | 386 | 853 | 2538 | 47 |
6005 | 327 | University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust | | 1120 | 1108 | 400 | 281 |
6006 | 324 | UMR7154 Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris | | 781 | 873 | 121 | 509 |
6007 | 322 | Danish Cancer Society | | 883 | 755 | 573 | 428 |
6008 | 321 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf | | 640 | 894 | 218 | 441 |
6009 | 320 | Deltares (Geodelft Delft Hydraulics) | | 540 | 699 | 288 | 590 |
6010 | 318 | UPR8001 Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes LAAS | | 517 | 711 | 164 | 632 |
6011 | 316 | Zoological Society London | | 1999 | 187 | 2054 | 701 |
6012 | 315 | Instituto de Telecomunicações | | 547 | 900 | 464 | 360 |
6013 | 314 | Institut de Ciències Fotòniques | | 147 | 970 | 312 | 412 |
6014 | 313 | Ioffe Institute RAS | | 305 | 769 | 299 | 521 |
6015 | 312 | (1)National Astronomical Observatories CAS / 中国科学院国家天文台 | | 1069 | 502 | 1546 | 384 |
6016 | 310 | Statens Serum Institut | | 1615 | 896 | 201 | 369 |
6017 | 309 | HIAO | | 182 | 468 | 630 | 749 |
6018 | 308 | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -Prufung | | 616 | 578 | 551 | 564 |
6019 | 307 | UMR7095 Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | | 1817 | 815 | 491 | 345 |
6020 | 304 | Swedish Museum Natural History | | 430 | 441 | 282 | 861 |
6021 | 302 | John Innes Center | | 2032 | 718 | 150 | 491 |
6022 | 301 | Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen | | 2253 | 1190 | 326 | 196 |
6023 | 300 | National Taiwan University Hospital | | 291 | 993 | 1488 | 170 |
6024 | 296 | Hospital Authority | | 429 | 599 | 1210 | 373 |
6025 | 294 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas | | 313 | 746 | 353 | 464 |
6026 | 293 | National Institute of Genetics Mishima | | 106 | 421 | 367 | 904 |
6027 | 290 | National Museum of Natural History Netherlands | | 474 | 495 | 253 | 718 |
6028 | 289 | Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputación | | 594 | 537 | 270 | 654 |
6029 | 288 | Flemish Institute for Technological Research | | 243 | 624 | 440 | 512 |
6030 | 287 | National Health Research Institutes | | 587 | 539 | 691 | 478 |
6031 | 286 | University Hospital Southampton NHS | | 1020 | 978 | 924 | 173 |
6032 | 285 | International Rice Research Institute | | 1231 | 381 | 409 | 698 |
6033 | 283 | UMR7503 Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications LORIA | | 876 | 254 | 417 | 1001 |
6034 | 282 | Max Planck Institut für Astronomie | | 1120 | 729 | 863 | 267 |
6035 | 280 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse | | 1368 | 1165 | 405 | 153 |
6036 | 280 | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust | | 1508 | 968 | 1246 | 135 |
6037 | 277 | Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona ISGLOBAL (Centro de Investigación en Salud Internacional de Barcelona CRESIB) | | 773 | 760 | 640 | 289 |
6038 | 275 | Institute of Physics ASCR | | 701 | 1076 | 289 | 211 |
6039 | 274 | UMR7606 Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 LIP6 | | 397 | 330 | 344 | 845 |
6040 | 272 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | | 296 | 705 | 1050 | 274 |
6041 | 269 | Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority | | 284 | 749 | 252 | 380 |
6042 | 266 | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence | | 586 | 304 | 337 | 850 |
6043 | 264 | (1)Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences CAS / 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 | | 674 | 1105 | 295 | 182 |
6044 | 262 | (1)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research CAS / 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 | | 1581 | 903 | 357 | 216 |
6045 | 261 | Leibniz Gemeinschaft / Leibniz Association | | 2011 | 869 | 2538 | 14 |
6046 | 258 | Institut Gustave Roussy | | 2129 | 1007 | 162 | 205 |
6047 | 256 | Rothamsted Research | | 1307 | 656 | 177 | 390 |
6048 | 254 | Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan | | 357 | 354 | 710 | 566 |
6049 | 252 | Japan Atomic Energy Agency | | 134 | 571 | 659 | 399 |
6050 | 251 | (1)Institute of Zoology CAS / 中国科学院动物研究所 | | 802 | 398 | 545 | 500 |
6051 | 249 | FR636 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace | | 425 | 915 | 157 | 260 |
6052 | 246 | Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit | | 339 | 155 | 1760 | 733 |
6053 | 244 | (1)Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology CAS / 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 | | 277 | 892 | 308 | 229 |
6054 | 243 | Karolinska Institute & Karolinska University Hospital | | 2278 | 1142 | 1151 | 70 |
6055 | 241 | Bhabha Atomic Research Centre | | 1324 | 1060 | 82 | 191 |
6056 | 239 | Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 977 | 758 | 537 | 209 |
6057 | 237 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie | | 1069 | 728 | 159 | 296 |
6058 | 236 | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | | 436 | 361 | 628 | 480 |
6059 | 235 | Jorvi Hospital | | 770 | 1099 | 571 | 114 |
6060 | 234 | UMR6074 Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires | | 514 | 392 | 235 | 556 |
6061 | 232 | Taipei Veterans General Hospital | | 294 | 723 | 237 | 285 |
6062 | 230 | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | | 408 | 234 | 580 | 722 |
6063 | 228 | Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture (IRSTEA, ex-CEMAGREF) | | 894 | 722 | 203 | 249 |
6064 | 227 | Universitatsspital Bern | | 1125 | 1028 | 169 | 146 |
6065 | 226 | Demokritos National Centre for Scientific Research | | 809 | 720 | 135 | 270 |
6066 | 223 | Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats | | 2397 | 1250 | 540 | 59 |
6067 | 222 | Japan Meteorological Agency | | 88 | 90 | 658 | 1438 |
6068 | 221 | Wasserforschungs Institut Eth-Bereichs | | 1517 | 620 | 137 | 296 |
6069 | 216 | Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek | | 2691 | 937 | 63 | 161 |
6070 | 215 | National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics NIKHEF | | 977 | 697 | 210 | 219 |
6071 | 214 | (1)Institute of Chemistry CAS / 中国科学院化学研究所 | | 1165 | 1286 | 117 | 89 |
6072 | 212 | Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine | | 523 | 629 | 133 | 294 |
6073 | 212 | Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt GSI | | 415 | 455 | 444 | 331 |
6074 | 211 | P N Lebedev Physics Institute RAS | | 465 | 684 | 695 | 159 |
6075 | 210 | GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften) | | 542 | 524 | 163 | 344 |
6076 | 209 | Eidgenossische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft Eth-Bereichs | | 678 | 584 | 192 | 276 |
6077 | 207 | National Physical Laboratory | | 725 | 271 | 338 | 566 |
6078 | 206 | Ospedale San Raffaele (Istituto Scientifico Universitario) | | 2280 | 1166 | 37 | 116 |
6079 | 203 | Maastricht UMC+ (Academic Hospital Maastricht) | | 888 | 1055 | 335 | 90 |
6080 | 201 | University College London Hospitals | | 1291 | 690 | 817 | 128 |
6081 | 199 | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 161 | 986 | 369 | 118 |
6082 | 198 | Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas | | 459 | 709 | 170 | 201 |
6083 | 197 | British Antarctic Survey | | 1221 | 317 | 175 | 449 |
6084 | 195 | Norwegian Institute of Public Health | | 768 | 548 | 141 | 263 |
6085 | 195 | National Institute for Environmental Studies | | 228 | 367 | 315 | 384 |
6086 | 193 | National Cancer Center | | 668 | 491 | 513 | 209 |
6087 | 191 | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | | 438 | 346 | 130 | 434 |
6088 | 189 | Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology | | 1330 | 661 | 507 | 132 |
6089 | 184 | National Institute for Health and Welfare | | 644 | 536 | 336 | 197 |
6090 | 183 | National Astronomical Observatory Japan | | 394 | 231 | 578 | 438 |
6091 | 182 | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Institute of Freshwater Ecology) | | 696 | 488 | 97 | 284 |
6092 | 181 | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust | | 1703 | 822 | 568 | 82 |
6093 | 177 | Robert Koch Institut | | 537 | 195 | 725 | 426 |
6094 | 176 | Medical Research Council | | 1982 | 358 | 2538 | 16 |
6095 | 175 | National Institute of Information and Communications | | 426 | 238 | 323 | 446 |
6096 | 174 | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | | 127 | 338 | 124 | 423 |
6097 | 172 | Centre National de Etudes Spatiales | | 372 | 225 | 908 | 346 |
6098 | 171 | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | | 170 | 319 | 182 | 405 |
6099 | 170 | University Hospital Leuven | | 870 | 1045 | 101 | 81 |
6100 | 169 | Korea Institute of Science and Technology | | 298 | 842 | 79 | 133 |