997 | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases |  | 2636 | 1245 | 2538 | 738 |
3083 | Biology Center ASCR |  | 2039 | 7231 | 2538 | 738 |
375 | Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences |  | 1398 | 763 | 240 | 738 |
782 | (1)Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology CAS / 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 |  | 3812 | 2288 | 692 | 737 |
1629 | Max Planck Institut für Psychiatrie |  | 3237 | 6111 | 1226 | 733 |
2343 | Istituto Officina dei Materiali |  | 2923 | 7752 | 594 | 733 |
246 | Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit |  | 339 | 155 | 1760 | 733 |
645 | Sincrotrone Trieste |  | 1259 | 1493 | 1303 | 733 |
2236 | VA Boston Healthcare System |  | 5535 | 5616 | 2538 | 728 |
1694 | Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura |  | 6019 | 6723 | 202 | 728 |
769 | Pirbright Institute (Institute for Animal Health) |  | 2993 | 2081 | 1033 | 728 |
199 | Wildlife Conservation Society |  | 757 | 174 | 394 | 728 |
413 | Institute of Marine Research |  | 476 | 958 | 329 | 728 |
1837 | Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos |  | 3248 | 6900 | 763 | 726 |
4457 | Centro de Química Orgánica Manuel Lora Tamayo |  | 5858 | 8044 | 2538 | 726 |
393 | National Optical Astronomy Observatory |  | 720 | 205 | 2426 | 725 |
2301 | Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center |  | 5175 | 5799 | 2538 | 722 |
230 | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute |  | 408 | 234 | 580 | 722 |
574 | Taichung Veterans General Hospital |  | 270 | 1528 | 1039 | 722 |
818 | Anglo Australian Observatory |  | 3079 | 762 | 2538 | 718 |
266 | Alberta Health Services |  | 407 | 364 | 359 | 718 |
290 | National Museum of Natural History Netherlands |  | 474 | 495 | 253 | 718 |
2326 | (1)Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology CAS / 中国科学院沈阳生态研究所 |  | 2575 | 6002 | 2538 | 718 |
914 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne |  | 2780 | 2720 | 1521 | 715 |
2501 | Centro Mediterráneo de Investigaciones Marinas y Medioambientales |  | 1633 | 6458 | 2538 | 715 |
1220 | Max Planck Institut für Zuchtungsforschung Köln |  | 665 | 5095 | 527 | 715 |
1566 | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering |  | 2349 | 3675 | 2538 | 711 |
641 | Hospital Sant Joan de Deu |  | 1853 | 1107 | 2032 | 711 |
710 | Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute |  | 1787 | 1967 | 913 | 711 |
468 | Cancer Council Victoria |  | 2240 | 906 | 895 | 711 |
1009 | Leibniz Institut für Katalyse an der Universität Rostock |  | 4837 | 3168 | 1368 | 708 |
1418 | UMR7222 Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique ISIR (Laboratoire de Robotique de Paris) |  | 2406 | 5631 | 927 | 708 |
1475 | Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec |  | 2217 | 3310 | 2538 | 708 |
541 | (1)Institute of Hydrobiology CAS / 中国科学院水生生物研究所 |  | 1834 | 1158 | 1193 | 705 |
484 | Beaumont Health System |  | 3365 | 1046 | 603 | 705 |
3257 | Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion CAS |  | 1517 | 7472 | 2538 | 705 |
325 | Landcare Research |  | 344 | 686 | 173 | 704 |
2260 | Institute of Particle Physics |  | 6427 | 5638 | 2538 | 701 |
546 | Chinese Academy of Forestry |  | 1221 | 1131 | 1445 | 701 |
316 | Zoological Society London |  | 1999 | 187 | 2054 | 701 |
285 | International Rice Research Institute |  | 1231 | 381 | 409 | 698 |
2445 | Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center |  | 6295 | 6045 | 2538 | 698 |
319 | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation |  | 1475 | 61 | 2538 | 698 |
795 | Cardiovascular Research Foundation |  | 2377 | 1536 | 2131 | 696 |
1132 | Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria IdiPAZ Hospital Universitario La Paz |  | 2450 | 3647 | 1678 | 696 |
422 | Météo France |  | 324 | 156 | 2538 | 694 |
263 | National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research |  | 701 | 376 | 268 | 694 |
1732 | Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau |  | 4255 | 4217 | 2538 | 692 |
1078 | (1)Centre de Recerca Ecológica i Aplicacions Forestals |  | 1200 | 1630 | 2538 | 692 |
1358 | UMR3681 Institut de Physique Théorique IPhT |  | 1994 | 5243 | 1203 | 690 |
237 | Marine Biological Laboratory |  | 964 | 307 | 254 | 690 |
498 | National Energy Technology Laboratory |  | 590 | 1457 | 285 | 689 |
246 | National Eye Institute |  | 2673 | 180 | 1195 | 686 |
1173 | Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica |  | 2367 | 4867 | 364 | 686 |
648 | Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung |  | 1896 | 1965 | 498 | 686 |
548 | Institut Laue-Langevin |  | 1553 | 977 | 1827 | 684 |
667 | Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association |  | 2805 | 1552 | 1340 | 684 |
829 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Amiens Picardie |  | 4122 | 2687 | 766 | 681 |
306 | J. Craig Venter Institute |  | 1615 | 480 | 356 | 681 |
1331 | Max Planck Institut für Sonnensystemforschung |  | 1475 | 5502 | 667 | 681 |
1868 | Siriraj Hospital |  | 215 | 5246 | 2538 | 679 |
2748 | UMR5554 Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution |  | 4350 | 6776 | 2538 | 679 |
522 | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care |  | 2164 | 981 | 1500 | 678 |
818 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest |  | 2668 | 2642 | 891 | 673 |
433 | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics |  | 1291 | 1087 | 216 | 673 |
2686 | Mulheimer Max Planck Institute |  | 7984 | 7458 | 1625 | 673 |
652 | Robarts Research Institute |  | 3618 | 2010 | 381 | 673 |
408 | Finnish Institute Occupational Health |  | 1713 | 748 | 755 | 673 |
1126 | Saint Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton |  | 2651 | 1731 | 2538 | 671 |
994 | Fuwai Hospital |  | 3870 | 1264 | 2538 | 671 |
489 | Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas |  | 1494 | 910 | 1393 | 669 |
1286 | National Physical Laboratory India |  | 1581 | 2542 | 2538 | 669 |
152 | Schlumberger Doll Research Center |  | 415 | 133 | 233 | 667 |
1266 | NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies |  | 1301 | 2459 | 2538 | 667 |
717 | La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology |  | 4947 | 2306 | 330 | 665 |
106 | National Institute of Informatics |  | 5 | 78 | 406 | 665 |
2053 | Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics CAS / 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 |  | 1801 | 5515 | 2538 | 664 |
1093 | Royal Liverpool University Hospital |  | 2295 | 1701 | 2538 | 661 |
2627 | VA Medical Center Birmingham |  | 7086 | 6415 | 2538 | 661 |
2324 | Centro Cientifico Tecnologico CONICET La Plata |  | 4768 | 5975 | 2538 | 661 |
1692 | Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi |  | 268 | 7196 | 231 | 660 |
446 | King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre |  | 2558 | 1010 | 452 | 659 |
766 | West Virginia University Health Sciences Center |  | 647 | 3180 | 183 | 657 |
719 | Hubrecht Institute |  | 4953 | 2113 | 605 | 657 |
898 | Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed |  | 3712 | 2234 | 2035 | 654 |
1651 | UMR7164 Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie |  | 1025 | 6432 | 1307 | 654 |
289 | Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputación |  | 594 | 537 | 270 | 654 |
593 | Centre for Economic Policy Research |  | 575 | 450 | 2538 | 649 |
704 | Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia / Centro de Investigación en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología |  | 2956 | 2380 | 387 | 649 |
657 | Korea Institute of Energy Research |  | 804 | 2239 | 501 | 649 |
891 | (1)Coastal Zone Research Institute Yantai CAS / 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 |  | 1658 | 3239 | 958 | 649 |
2859 | South Texas Veterans Health Care System |  | 5447 | 6963 | 2538 | 649 |
597 | Royal Women's Hospital |  | 3532 | 1114 | 1837 | 647 |
625 | Kantonsspital Saint Gallen |  | 1125 | 1722 | 1003 | 647 |
918 | Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales |  | 492 | 4376 | 128 | 644 |
769 | Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1724 | 2153 | 1354 | 644 |
146 | SRI International |  | 713 | 142 | 134 | 644 |
473 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares |  | 1231 | 1403 | 204 | 643 |
589 | Agresearch |  | 5919 | 1672 | 368 | 642 |
1367 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova |  | 4577 | 4926 | 1634 | 639 |