734 | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza |  | 453 | 1002 | 847 | 1673 |
1409 | Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales |  | 2691 | 2168 | 1507 | 2266 |
1974 | Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura |  | 316 | 902 | 2368 | 3509 |
2414 | Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad |  | 7393 | 1303 | 2538 | 3140 |
2764 | Organization for Tropical Studies |  | 2870 | 1930 | 2538 | 3252 |
3277 | Consejo Nacional para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas |  | 975 | 1118 | 2538 | 3879 |
3801 | Instituto Meteorologico Nacional Costa Rica |  | 474 | 1926 | 2538 | 3879 |
4297 | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza SIDALC |  | 1034 | 2627 | 2538 | 3879 |
4319 | Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud |  | 4287 | 5695 | 2538 | 2981 |
1668 | Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología |  | 3350 | 2451 | 1666 | 2584 |
2895 | Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologicas y Desarrollo Nuclear |  | 7346 | 5604 | 2538 | 1454 |
3044 | Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria |  | 1882 | 4874 | 1612 | 3191 |
3239 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas de Cuba |  | 2562 | 4009 | 2057 | 3410 |
3355 | Finlay Institute |  | 2700 | 4361 | 2025 | 3410 |
3397 | Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico |  | 1347 | 3577 | 1999 | 3660 |
3594 | Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas |  | 1703 | 5181 | 1346 | 3509 |
3651 | Centro de Neurociencias de Cuba |  | 8091 | 6564 | 1175 | 2627 |
3694 | Centro de Bioplantas |  | 4916 | 5467 | 1977 | 3252 |
4154 | Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica |  | 2084 | 3097 | 2447 | 3879 |
4272 | Instituto de Meteorología de la República de Cuba |  | 5804 | 2206 | 2538 | 3879 |
4281 | Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica |  | 7818 | 5423 | 2538 | 2867 |
4904 | Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática |  | 6758 | 5341 | 2538 | 3316 |
5396 | Academia de Ciencias de Cuba |  | 4860 | 3943 | 2538 | 3879 |
6253 | Escuela Nacional de Salud Publica |  | 4483 | 7268 | 2521 | 3252 |
6675 | Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía |  | 6369 | 5768 | 2538 | 3879 |
7384 | Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos |  | 7350 | 7642 | 2538 | 3509 |
7875 | Instituto de Gastroenterología Cuba |  | 7879 | 8083 | 2538 | 3410 |
1700 | Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics |  | 3029 | 3381 | 1111 | 2377 |
2453 | Cyprus Institute |  | 575 | 1717 | 754 | 3879 |
5963 | Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute |  | 7870 | 4318 | 2538 | 3879 |
275 | Institute of Physics ASCR |  | 701 | 1076 | 289 | 211 |
330 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |  | 386 | 853 | 2538 | 47 |
1005 | Czech Geological Survey |  | 258 | 1217 | 1951 | 1906 |
1062 | Institute of Clinical Experimental Medicine |  | 2206 | 2586 | 1651 | 1069 |
1117 | Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ASCR |  | 1494 | 1251 | 1190 | 2313 |
1149 | Research Institute of Crop Production |  | 984 | 2012 | 1722 | 1658 |
1234 | Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR |  | 1484 | 2281 | 1327 | 1873 |
1273 | Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR |  | 2528 | 2575 | 1944 | 1473 |
1302 | Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR |  | 2154 | 2162 | 2538 | 854 |
1405 | Institute of Botany ASCR |  | 1525 | 5680 | 627 | 783 |
1409 | Czech Hydrometeorological Institute |  | 325 | 600 | 2514 | 2822 |
1448 | Institute of Biophysics ASCR |  | 3342 | 4023 | 1504 | 1358 |
1534 | Institute of Mathematics ASCR |  | 1182 | 4048 | 1406 | 1701 |
1604 | Institute of Physics of Materials ASCR |  | 3755 | 4176 | 1518 | 1628 |
1691 | Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR |  | 1924 | 5707 | 1690 | 927 |
1695 | Veterinary Research Institute |  | 1787 | 1837 | 2538 | 1992 |
1750 | Astronomical Institute ASCR |  | 1259 | 4241 | 1695 | 1920 |
1777 | Institute of Photonics and Electronics ASCR |  | 4365 | 3669 | 1490 | 2156 |
1850 | Global Change Research Centre ASCR |  | 3038 | 3343 | 1649 | 2460 |
1856 | J Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry ASCR |  | 2754 | 6351 | 1167 | 975 |
1880 | Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR |  | 1125 | 5964 | 884 | 1473 |
1921 | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR |  | 3554 | 6075 | 1370 | 1141 |
2085 | Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR |  | 2972 | 6266 | 1237 | 1427 |
2271 | Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR |  | 1090 | 6971 | 1369 | 1200 |
2271 | Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR |  | 2590 | 6174 | 1360 | 1740 |
2371 | Institute of Sociology ASCR |  | 594 | 3940 | 1221 | 3140 |
2478 | Czech Metrology Institute |  | 2291 | 2623 | 2538 | 2733 |
2823 | Geophysical Institute Prague ASCR |  | 4394 | 5046 | 2080 | 2653 |
2917 | Institute of International Relations Prague |  | 1155 | 2069 | 1548 | 3879 |
2991 | Research Institute of Animal Nutrition |  | 2035 | 4320 | 2538 | 2487 |
3032 | Institute of Computer Science ASCR / Ústav informatiky Akademie věd České Republiky |  | 5358 | 4678 | 2538 | 2188 |
3083 | Biology Center ASCR |  | 2039 | 7231 | 2538 | 738 |
3134 | Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics ASCR |  | 1666 | 6134 | 2274 | 2290 |
3170 | Institute of Analytical Chemistry ASCR |  | 3712 | 5007 | 2538 | 2249 |
3401 | Institute of Archaeology ASCR |  | 1581 | 6073 | 2314 | 2627 |
3513 | Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR |  | 1751 | 7433 | 1941 | 1992 |
3527 | Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR |  | 4740 | 6541 | 2538 | 1701 |
3635 | National Radiation Protection Institute |  | 4140 | 3392 | 2538 | 3316 |
3640 | Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR |  | 2284 | 7417 | 1970 | 2091 |
3662 | Institute of Czech Literature ASCR |  | 783 | 4239 | 2334 | 3509 |
3662 | Institute of Philosophy ASCR |  | 488 | 5684 | 2084 | 3252 |
3696 | Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR |  | 1433 | 6966 | 2449 | 2141 |
3942 | Complex of Biomedical Institutes at KRC Prague ASCR |  | 1873 | 4663 | 732 | 3879 |
4035 | Institute of Psychology ASCR |  | 4338 | 7326 | 1304 | 2782 |
4116 | Institute of Biotechnology ASCR |  | 6288 | 7523 | 1789 | 2339 |
4142 | Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics ASCR |  | 5545 | 7723 | 2243 | 1873 |
4244 | Forestry and Game Management Research Institute |  | 3760 | 3796 | 2538 | 3509 |
4257 | Institute of Geonics ASCR |  | 4075 | 7212 | 2538 | 1906 |
4313 | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ASCR |  | 3229 | 7121 | 1974 | 2919 |
4374 | Institute of Geology ASCR |  | 2754 | 6889 | 2538 | 2313 |
4478 | Food Research Institute Prague |  | 6536 | 3953 | 2538 | 3509 |
4847 | Czech Language Institute ASCR |  | 264 | 4630 | 2426 | 3879 |
5016 | Institute of Inorganic Chemistry ASCR |  | 5725 | 7446 | 2538 | 2173 |
5199 | Klet Observatory |  | 4501 | 3664 | 2538 | 3879 |
5357 | Institute of Entomology ASCR |  | 2518 | 6335 | 1192 | 3879 |
5491 | Krajska Hygienicka Stanice |  | 5219 | 4073 | 2538 | 3879 |
5508 | Institute of Parasitology ASCR |  | 1610 | 6521 | 1228 | 3879 |
6013 | Hop Research Institut |  | 4416 | 4906 | 2538 | 3879 |
6034 | Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |  | 284 | 5421 | 2538 | 3879 |
6279 | Ethnologic Institute of Sciences ASCR |  | 5692 | 5224 | 2538 | 3879 |
6318 | Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR |  | 4780 | 7876 | 2538 | 2653 |
6674 | Institute of History ASCR |  | 149 | 6388 | 2538 | 3879 |
6794 | Institute of Hydrobiology Biology Centre ASCR |  | 4426 | 7532 | 1430 | 3879 |
6875 | Polymer Institute Brno |  | 7242 | 5990 | 2538 | 3879 |
6951 | Institute of Contemporary History of Sciences ASCR |  | 2342 | 6496 | 2538 | 3879 |
6974 | Institute of Art History ASCR |  | 2928 | 7143 | 2538 | 3660 |
7118 | Institute of State and Law ASCR |  | 2385 | 6715 | 2538 | 3879 |
7148 | Institute of Plant Molecular Biology ASCR |  | 4172 | 7697 | 1874 | 3879 |
7348 | Institute of Restoration and Preservation Technology |  | 7923 | 6537 | 2538 | 3879 |
7357 | Masaryk Institute ASCR |  | 2319 | 7572 | 2538 | 3660 |