2895 | Institutul de Biologie Si Patologie Celulara Academia Romana |  | 6127 | 5922 | 1301 | 2555 |
1810 | Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College |  | 1953 | 487 | 1302 | 3879 |
645 | Sincrotrone Trieste |  | 1259 | 1493 | 1303 | 733 |
4035 | Institute of Psychology ASCR |  | 4338 | 7326 | 1304 | 2782 |
750 | (1)Kunming Institute of Zoology CAS / 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 |  | 2115 | 1471 | 1305 | 990 |
1962 | International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation |  | 2023 | 659 | 1306 | 3879 |
1651 | UMR7164 Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie |  | 1025 | 6432 | 1307 | 654 |
349 | Carolinas Healthcare System |  | 898 | 591 | 1308 | 493 |
384 | New York Botanical Garden |  | 291 | 183 | 1309 | 1596 |
1076 | Marine Institute Ireland |  | 718 | 1078 | 1310 | 2431 |
1578 | Estonian Biocentre |  | 3721 | 3398 | 1311 | 2053 |
1562 | Wildlife Institute of India |  | 7945 | 1455 | 1312 | 2733 |
2544 | UMR5256 Irce+Lace |  | 3953 | 7353 | 1313 | 1101 |
1086 | European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL Hamburg |  | 2448 | 2114 | 1314 | 1572 |
2925 | Max Planck Institute of Biophysics |  | 5971 | 7371 | 1315 | 1490 |
1388 | Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research |  | 3229 | 1490 | 1315 | 2696 |
1069 | Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language |  | 2244 | 2030 | 1317 | 1581 |
639 | Catharina Ziekenhuis |  | 1562 | 1670 | 1318 | 612 |
1473 | Institute for System Programming RAS |  | 1386 | 1110 | 1319 | 3191 |
2524 | Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research |  | 1103 | 1508 | 1320 | 3879 |
1007 | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |  | 1581 | 4453 | 1321 | 367 |
1979 | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Thiruvananthapuram |  | 1963 | 687 | 1322 | 3879 |
5924 | Materialforschungsinstitut DWI (Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut) |  | 4431 | 6753 | 1323 | 3879 |
882 | Asklepios (Orthopädische Klinik Lindenlohe / Klinik Sankt Augustin) |  | 636 | 651 | 1324 | 2431 |
1747 | World Conservation Monitoring Center |  | 2194 | 417 | 1325 | 3879 |
1108 | European Forest Institute |  | 1282 | 840 | 1326 | 2696 |
1234 | Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR |  | 1484 | 2281 | 1327 | 1873 |
1798 | Centro de Tecnologia Mineral Rio de Janeiro |  | 1064 | 2535 | 1328 | 2981 |
635 | (1)Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden CAS / 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 |  | 1615 | 1116 | 1329 | 975 |
810 | National Veterinary Institute Sweden |  | 1658 | 1344 | 1330 | 1314 |
2434 | Benaki Phytopathological Institute |  | 3001 | 3804 | 1331 | 3140 |
1270 | Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research |  | 1849 | 2867 | 1332 | 1620 |
906 | Gandhigram Rural Institute |  | 3685 | 2294 | 1332 | 920 |
1308 | Norwegian Computing Center |  | 1282 | 1649 | 1334 | 2460 |
1879 | Institut National de Santé Publique du Quebec |  | 623 | 623 | 1335 | 3879 |
875 | NHS Lothian |  | 1433 | 4738 | 1336 | 168 |
2580 | Institute of Microbiology and Virology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |  | 6008 | 4921 | 1337 | 2733 |
3619 | National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Lucknow |  | 2217 | 3593 | 1338 | 3879 |
648 | American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research |  | 308 | 73 | 1339 | 3191 |
667 | Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association |  | 2805 | 1552 | 1340 | 684 |
1513 | Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics |  | 6814 | 4595 | 1341 | 1088 |
2688 | Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique |  | 1801 | 1721 | 1342 | 3879 |
504 | Detroit Medical Center |  | 2775 | 1103 | 1343 | 548 |
1992 | UMR7243 Laboratoire d'Analyse et Modélisation de Systèmes pour l'Aide a la Décision LAMSADE |  | 1324 | 5372 | 1344 | 1873 |
1203 | Istituto Dermopatico Dell'Immacolata |  | 5115 | 3196 | 1345 | 1084 |
3594 | Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas |  | 1703 | 5181 | 1346 | 3509 |
1599 | Instituto Agronômico do Paraná |  | 1886 | 2441 | 1347 | 2653 |
904 | Forschungszentrum Informatik |  | 2679 | 1037 | 1348 | 1920 |
1261 | Korea Railroad Research Institute |  | 1050 | 2804 | 1349 | 1673 |
2741 | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories |  | 1440 | 4994 | 1350 | 3034 |
3384 | Regional Centre for Biotechnology |  | 3974 | 2982 | 1351 | 3879 |
665 | (1)Institute of Software CAS / 中国科学院软件研究所 |  | 2775 | 1409 | 1352 | 775 |
5541 | Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos |  | 7895 | 5839 | 1353 | 3879 |
769 | Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1724 | 2153 | 1354 | 644 |
3106 | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics NRIAG |  | 5824 | 5261 | 1355 | 3076 |
651 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy |  | 2584 | 2374 | 1356 | 336 |
2501 | Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS |  | 628 | 1504 | 1357 | 3879 |
843 | Deutsches Primatenzentrum Leibniz Institut für Primatenforschung |  | 2072 | 1663 | 1358 | 1141 |
2584 | Fraunhofer Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie |  | 4961 | 7278 | 1359 | 1177 |
2271 | Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR |  | 2590 | 6174 | 1360 | 1740 |
2394 | Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle Specie Arboree |  | 1751 | 6529 | 1360 | 1701 |
878 | Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |  | 942 | 1643 | 1362 | 1351 |
1131 | Botanical Institute V L Komarov RAS / Ботанический институт им В Л Комарова РАН |  | 1675 | 1407 | 1363 | 2141 |
3358 | Institute of Electrophysics RAS |  | 4091 | 6105 | 1364 | 2981 |
1378 | Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology |  | 5585 | 2268 | 1365 | 2077 |
2380 | UMR8190 Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales LATMOS |  | 2379 | 7269 | 1366 | 995 |
2122 | Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology |  | 6252 | 4907 | 1367 | 2091 |
1009 | Leibniz Institut für Katalyse an der Universität Rostock |  | 4837 | 3168 | 1368 | 708 |
2271 | Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR |  | 1090 | 6971 | 1369 | 1200 |
1921 | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR |  | 3554 | 6075 | 1370 | 1141 |
814 | (1)Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics CAS / 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所 |  | 2616 | 2023 | 1371 | 811 |
1372 | Geological Institute RAS / Геологический институт РАН |  | 2060 | 2727 | 1372 | 1975 |
1491 | Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences / Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2736 | 2777 | 1373 | 2188 |
1258 | Institute of Control Sciences RAS |  | 469 | 1891 | 1374 | 2188 |
3763 | Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences |  | 8091 | 7960 | 1375 | 1141 |
345 | Ottawa Civic Hospital |  | 2352 | 1220 | 1376 | 144 |
822 | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics RAS |  | 733 | 1685 | 1377 | 1107 |
3447 | Institute of Agrarian Economics Ukraine |  | 4316 | 3079 | 1378 | 3879 |
1037 | Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2939 | 1949 | 1378 | 1501 |
2208 | Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung |  | 854 | 1018 | 1380 | 3879 |
1211 | Max Planck Institut for Brain Research (Hirnforschung) |  | 4760 | 2472 | 1381 | 1545 |
2364 | National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences |  | 6252 | 3990 | 1382 | 2867 |
1233 | Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine |  | 1116 | 2959 | 1383 | 1490 |
1612 | Leibniz Institut für Kristallzüchtung |  | 3914 | 3874 | 1384 | 1843 |
637 | Uppsala University Hospital |  | 3391 | 1978 | 1385 | 404 |
835 | Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde an der Universität Rostock |  | 2137 | 1462 | 1386 | 1279 |
1061 | Mater Misericordiae University Hospital |  | 5689 | 2633 | 1387 | 1009 |
6314 | Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa |  | 1077 | 7257 | 1388 | 3879 |
1945 | Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3033 | 3214 | 1389 | 2782 |
1648 | Institute for Social Research |  | 2425 | 2517 | 1390 | 2653 |
1550 | Institute of Physics Academia Sinica Taiwan |  | 1771 | 6685 | 1391 | 357 |
2771 | Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS / Институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины |  | 3838 | 6649 | 1392 | 2002 |
489 | Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas |  | 1494 | 910 | 1393 | 669 |
757 | Icelandic Meteorological Office |  | 203 | 345 | 1394 | 2555 |
4395 | Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio |  | 7719 | 7691 | 1395 | 2431 |
820 | (1)Wuhan Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics CAS / 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 |  | 930 | 2595 | 1396 | 630 |
6310 | Institute for Single Crystals |  | 5295 | 7076 | 1397 | 3879 |
3138 | Electronics Research Institute |  | 5491 | 5689 | 1398 | 2919 |
496 | Statistics Norway |  | 149 | 248 | 1399 | 1975 |
2843 | Norwegian Institute for Studies in Innovation Research and Education |  | 2188 | 1951 | 1400 | 3879 |