4601 | 858 | International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory |  | 4369 | 2071 | 522 | 1163 |
4602 | 856 | Helios Vogtland-Klinikum Plauen |  | 3289 | 735 | 2402 | 1366 |
4603 | 855 | Research Institute of Molecular Pathology |  | 4560 | 1573 | 759 | 1391 |
4604 | 853 | Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS |  | 1605 | 966 | 1453 | 1843 |
4605 | 852 | Instituto de Física de Cantabria |  | 4837 | 3442 | 779 | 427 |
4606 | 850 | Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe |  | 2969 | 1656 | 957 | 1292 |
4607 | 846 | Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Gottingen |  | 253 | 136 | 49 | 3660 |
4608 | 843 | Deutsches Primatenzentrum Leibniz Institut für Primatenforschung |  | 2072 | 1663 | 1358 | 1141 |
4609 | 835 | Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde an der Universität Rostock |  | 2137 | 1462 | 1386 | 1279 |
4610 | 834 | Universitatsklinikum des Saarlandes |  | 874 | 1362 | 2538 | 401 |
4611 | 833 | Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center |  | 1914 | 1411 | 2538 | 354 |
4612 | 832 | Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals |  | 2316 | 1952 | 1795 | 772 |
4613 | 830 | Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química |  | 2720 | 3008 | 648 | 634 |
4614 | 829 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Amiens Picardie |  | 4122 | 2687 | 766 | 681 |
4615 | 826 | Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital |  | 1949 | 1972 | 1689 | 791 |
4616 | 825 | Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil |  | 534 | 1425 | 1038 | 1526 |
4617 | 824 | Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics HAS |  | 3350 | 3195 | 2011 | 232 |
4618 | 822 | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics RAS |  | 733 | 1685 | 1377 | 1107 |
4619 | 818 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest |  | 2668 | 2642 | 891 | 673 |
4620 | 815 | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Polish Academy of Sciences / Nenckiego Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 1931 | 1681 | 745 | 1236 |
4621 | 815 | Institute of Food Research |  | 7078 | 1154 | 1630 | 1101 |
4622 | 813 | Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori Giovanni Pascale |  | 1735 | 3536 | 283 | 513 |
4623 | 811 | Ikerbasque |  | 4752 | 1767 | 2538 | 168 |
4624 | 810 | National Veterinary Institute Sweden |  | 1658 | 1344 | 1330 | 1314 |
4625 | 809 | Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau |  | 1253 | 634 | 1065 | 2220 |
4626 | 806 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Tours |  | 1544 | 2463 | 1842 | 474 |
4627 | 802 | German Institute of Global and Area Studies GIGA Leibniz Institut für Globale und Regional Studien (Deutsches Übersee Institut) |  | 923 | 792 | 1148 | 2002 |
4628 | 801 | Citta della Salute e della Scienza di Torino |  | 1144 | 2342 | 1132 | 749 |
4629 | 798 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Angers |  | 3129 | 2430 | 1730 | 465 |
4630 | 795 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon |  | 3273 | 2367 | 1449 | 572 |
4631 | 794 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma |  | 3048 | 2608 | 849 | 634 |
4632 | 791 | Capio Fundación Jiménez Díaz |  | 2109 | 2024 | 547 | 1009 |
4633 | 788 | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology |  | 1484 | 3856 | 234 | 377 |
4634 | 786 | Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya |  | 1858 | 2295 | 734 | 791 |
4635 | 785 | (1)UMR 8243 Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale |  | 984 | 1089 | 928 | 1658 |
4636 | 784 | Parc de Salut Mar (Institut Municipal d'Assistencia Sanitaria) |  | 663 | 1832 | 954 | 1015 |
4637 | 782 | General Physics Institute RAS |  | 1412 | 1872 | 694 | 1009 |
4638 | 780 | Max Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik |  | 875 | 4201 | 644 | 231 |
4639 | 776 | Overseas Development Institute |  | 721 | 222 | 1057 | 2919 |
4640 | 773 | Max Born Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie |  | 2895 | 2261 | 415 | 865 |
4641 | 772 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Dijon Bourgogne |  | 3748 | 2832 | 880 | 454 |
4642 | 769 | Pirbright Institute (Institute for Animal Health) |  | 2993 | 2081 | 1033 | 728 |
4643 | 769 | Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1724 | 2153 | 1354 | 644 |
4644 | 768 | Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2195 | 1929 | 1027 | 841 |
4645 | 766 | National Academy of Sciences of Armenia |  | 101 | 1169 | 1225 | 1596 |
4646 | 765 | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli |  | 1958 | 1819 | 244 | 1197 |
4647 | 763 | Sahlgrenska University Hospital |  | 1155 | 1576 | 2538 | 206 |
4648 | 763 | Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish academy of Sciences / Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 1817 | 1655 | 646 | 1101 |
4649 | 757 | Icelandic Meteorological Office |  | 203 | 345 | 1394 | 2555 |
4650 | 755 | Academy of Athens |  | 1525 | 1642 | 2039 | 628 |
4651 | 752 | (1)Istituto Nazionale di Ottica |  | 1377 | 2449 | 392 | 801 |
4652 | 751 | Hellenic Centre for Marine Research |  | 1038 | 802 | 302 | 2141 |
4653 | 747 | Centro Tecnológico de Investigación Marina y Alimentaria |  | 2029 | 1453 | 713 | 1200 |
4654 | 745 | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |  | 1535 | 2781 | 609 | 561 |
4655 | 744 | Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri |  | 1960 | 2624 | 949 | 504 |
4656 | 741 | Odense University Hospital |  | 1301 | 1654 | 2538 | 166 |
4657 | 740 | Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados |  | 1801 | 1633 | 731 | 1028 |
4658 | 739 | Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam |  | 3003 | 1401 | 2110 | 631 |
4659 | 735 | Max Planck Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie in Bremen |  | 3015 | 1673 | 728 | 949 |
4660 | 733 | Helsinki Institute for Information Technology |  | 2881 | 1034 | 2192 | 845 |
4661 | 729 | Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 1508 | 1562 | 396 | 1206 |
4662 | 726 | Agencia Española de Meteorología |  | 132 | 189 | 1011 | 3034 |
4663 | 723 | Saint James's Hospital |  | 3416 | 2197 | 932 | 588 |
4664 | 719 | Hubrecht Institute |  | 4953 | 2113 | 605 | 657 |
4665 | 718 | Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme |  | 1188 | 3138 | 709 | 363 |
4666 | 715 | Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucleaire |  | 1259 | 1233 | 1223 | 1113 |
4667 | 713 | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals |  | 2048 | 1144 | 2538 | 264 |
4668 | 710 | Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute |  | 1787 | 1967 | 913 | 711 |
4669 | 710 | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence |  | 246 | 82 | 2433 | 2733 |
4670 | 706 | Chaim Sheba Medical Center |  | 1440 | 1297 | 2538 | 213 |
4671 | 704 | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures |  | 915 | 288 | 1642 | 2313 |
4672 | 704 | Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia / Centro de Investigación en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología |  | 2956 | 2380 | 387 | 649 |
4673 | 703 | Istituto Auxologico Italiano |  | 3501 | 2541 | 564 | 497 |
4674 | 701 | Istituto Nazionale Neurologico C Besta |  | 2577 | 2657 | 462 | 518 |
4675 | 699 | UMR5821 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie |  | 2203 | 2242 | 1954 | 311 |
4676 | 699 | UMR5208 Institut Camille Jordan Icj |  | 940 | 1257 | 900 | 1197 |
4677 | 698 | UMR7150 Station Biologique de Roscoff |  | 1834 | 1364 | 421 | 1256 |
4678 | 696 | Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla |  | 2010 | 2438 | 907 | 480 |
4679 | 694 | Swedish Institute of Computer Science |  | 1231 | 404 | 1104 | 2188 |
4680 | 693 | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS |  | 964 | 3651 | 604 | 238 |
4681 | 690 | Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer |  | 1418 | 1848 | 2538 | 112 |
4682 | 690 | Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown |  | 3175 | 1554 | 529 | 981 |
4683 | 689 | South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1751 | 1219 | 2408 | 456 |
4684 | 686 | Institut National d' Etudes Démographiques |  | 647 | 391 | 1286 | 2173 |
4685 | 682 | Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron |  | 845 | 2075 | 408 | 808 |
4686 | 682 | Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya |  | 942 | 1522 | 682 | 1001 |
4687 | 681 | Leibniz Institut DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen / German Resource Centre for Biological Material |  | 434 | 1120 | 772 | 1427 |
4688 | 680 | National Hellenic Research Foundation |  | 1817 | 1127 | 416 | 1454 |
4689 | 678 | Swedish Institute of Space Physics |  | 641 | 1057 | 1227 | 1256 |
4690 | 673 | Swedish Defence Research Agency |  | 2501 | 847 | 966 | 1501 |
4691 | 673 | Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel |  | 1581 | 816 | 1224 | 1480 |
4692 | 670 | Royal Free Hospital |  | 2518 | 1039 | 2538 | 251 |
4693 | 670 | Clínica Universitaria Universidad de Navarra |  | 688 | 832 | 2538 | 405 |
4694 | 667 | Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics AMOLF |  | 2393 | 1582 | 812 | 829 |
4695 | 667 | Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association |  | 2805 | 1552 | 1340 | 684 |
4696 | 665 | Geological Survey of Norway |  | 315 | 1208 | 706 | 1326 |
4697 | 664 | Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales |  | 287 | 1553 | 366 | 1177 |
4698 | 661 | Center for International Climate and Environmental Research Oslo |  | 1596 | 1104 | 1122 | 1141 |
4699 | 659 | Leeds Teaching Hospitals |  | 1425 | 1262 | 2538 | 184 |
4700 | 656 | Institute of Nuclear Research HAS |  | 1212 | 1882 | 1561 | 480 |