4501 | 1043 | Cancer Registry of Norway Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research |  | 3653 | 2616 | 1935 | 834 |
4502 | 1042 | San Matteo Policlinic |  | 1440 | 2739 | 2538 | 255 |
4503 | 1040 | Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center |  | 1316 | 1730 | 1177 | 1786 |
4504 | 1039 | Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig Leibniz Institut für terrestrische Biodiversitätsforschung |  | 2280 | 1325 | 1634 | 1891 |
4505 | 1037 | Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2939 | 1949 | 1378 | 1501 |
4506 | 1037 | Leibniz Institut für Neue Materialien |  | 4752 | 2275 | 1407 | 1188 |
4507 | 1034 | Forschungszentrum L3S |  | 2289 | 1542 | 934 | 1975 |
4508 | 1034 | Escuela Andaluza Salud Publica |  | 1221 | 917 | 2538 | 1188 |
4509 | 1033 | National Oceanography Centre Southampton |  | 6302 | 5157 | 395 | 304 |
4510 | 1030 | Leibniz Rechenzentrum |  | 958 | 593 | 1735 | 2696 |
4511 | 1030 | UMR5218 Laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système |  | 3958 | 3055 | 566 | 1088 |
4512 | 1024 | Danish Institute for International Studies |  | 1144 | 951 | 1472 | 2339 |
4513 | 1022 | Institut Universitaire de France |  | 4586 | 2384 | 2538 | 266 |
4514 | 1021 | Klinikum der Universität Regensburg |  | 1986 | 2042 | 2538 | 403 |
4515 | 1019 | Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid |  | 1834 | 5001 | 168 | 488 |
4516 | 1016 | Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS |  | 1605 | 1227 | 1987 | 1765 |
4517 | 1014 | IFP Energies nouvelles (Institut Français du Pétrole) |  | 1336 | 992 | 2538 | 1051 |
4518 | 1012 | Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research |  | 1974 | 2126 | 856 | 1556 |
4519 | 1012 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims |  | 2969 | 2953 | 1416 | 878 |
4520 | 1010 | Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Albert Einstein Institute |  | 1713 | 4610 | 220 | 603 |
4521 | 1009 | Leibniz Institut für Katalyse an der Universität Rostock |  | 4837 | 3168 | 1368 | 708 |
4522 | 1008 | Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics / Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik |  | 3848 | 2326 | 790 | 1376 |
4523 | 1007 | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |  | 1581 | 4453 | 1321 | 367 |
4524 | 1005 | Czech Geological Survey |  | 258 | 1217 | 1951 | 1906 |
4525 | 998 | UMR5086 Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines |  | 3193 | 1209 | 1067 | 2064 |
4526 | 998 | UPR8011 Centre d'Elaboration des Matériaux et d'Etudes Structurales CEMES |  | 4622 | 2568 | 520 | 1267 |
4527 | 998 | Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya |  | 1852 | 1526 | 1529 | 1673 |
4528 | 994 | Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione |  | 305 | 3712 | 420 | 944 |
4529 | 990 | Max Planck Institut für Biogeochemie Jena |  | 2845 | 4131 | 552 | 576 |
4530 | 988 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers |  | 2091 | 2551 | 2252 | 596 |
4531 | 988 | Max Planck Institut für Polymerforschung Mainz |  | 2636 | 5032 | 389 | 343 |
4532 | 986 | Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques |  | 2139 | 1064 | 2276 | 1572 |
4533 | 983 | Leibniz Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie |  | 2302 | 2666 | 853 | 1130 |
4534 | 983 | Rambam Health Care Campus |  | 1433 | 1658 | 2538 | 489 |
4535 | 983 | Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics |  | 201 | 1877 | 2538 | 497 |
4536 | 980 | Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research |  | 301 | 335 | 2287 | 2696 |
4537 | 980 | National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies |  | 2532 | 3592 | 1130 | 607 |
4538 | 976 | Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS / Институт теоретической физики Л Д Ландау |  | 1544 | 2112 | 748 | 1526 |
4539 | 976 | Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4787 | 1501 | 2229 | 1042 |
4540 | 976 | Osterreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung |  | 1055 | 1123 | 1250 | 2124 |
4541 | 972 | UMR7249 Institut Fresnel |  | 2852 | 2818 | 436 | 1181 |
4542 | 971 | Paul Ehrlich Institut |  | 1275 | 736 | 2538 | 1256 |
4543 | 969 | Polish Geological Institute |  | 256 | 919 | 1414 | 2377 |
4544 | 966 | Medical Spectrum Twente |  | 2246 | 1844 | 2215 | 904 |
4545 | 964 | Leibniz Institut für Troposphärenforschung |  | 2676 | 1851 | 2020 | 1015 |
4546 | 963 | Institute of Computer Science |  | 818 | 2667 | 875 | 1141 |
4547 | 962 | National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |  | 915 | 1734 | 2538 | 443 |
4548 | 959 | Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften |  | 652 | 1024 | 1759 | 2002 |
4549 | 958 | Danish Technological Institute / Teknologisk Institut |  | 1221 | 1119 | 1680 | 1906 |
4550 | 957 | Chelsea and Westminster Hospital |  | 1817 | 1301 | 2538 | 634 |
4551 | 954 | Institute of Information Science and Technologies / Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Alessandro Faedo |  | 311 | 3490 | 300 | 995 |
4552 | 951 | Space Research Institute RAS |  | 984 | 2773 | 956 | 1028 |
4553 | 950 | Quirónsalud Grupo Hospitalario |  | 386 | 810 | 1738 | 2266 |
4554 | 946 | Geological Survey of Finland |  | 531 | 1212 | 1176 | 2039 |
4555 | 944 | Norwegian Institute of International Affairs |  | 898 | 1186 | 1109 | 2039 |
4556 | 941 | Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik |  | 2271 | 4280 | 375 | 500 |
4557 | 941 | Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik |  | 2271 | 4280 | 375 | 500 |
4558 | 939 | Onze Lieve Vrouw Hospital |  | 2588 | 1519 | 1403 | 1545 |
4559 | 939 | Leibniz Institut für Zoo und Wildtierforschung |  | 4658 | 1614 | 1053 | 1518 |
4560 | 936 | Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas |  | 1989 | 1790 | 1002 | 1508 |
4561 | 936 | Economic and Social Research Institute Ireland |  | 1267 | 1012 | 708 | 2290 |
4562 | 934 | Institute of Ecology and Evolution A N Severtsov RAS / Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им А Н Северцова РАН |  | 1330 | 1566 | 1419 | 1556 |
4563 | 934 | Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien Jena |  | 1924 | 3250 | 834 | 766 |
4564 | 930 | Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 1368 | 1712 | 1051 | 1572 |
4565 | 928 | Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani |  | 3152 | 3139 | 257 | 967 |
4566 | 926 | Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de Cataluña |  | 3532 | 2597 | 2296 | 416 |
4567 | 922 | Instituut Voor Natuur en Bosonderzoek |  | 780 | 1985 | 680 | 1538 |
4568 | 921 | Basque Centre for Climate Change |  | 1624 | 2227 | 727 | 1300 |
4569 | 918 | Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales |  | 492 | 4376 | 128 | 644 |
4570 | 916 | Max Planck Institute for Ornithology |  | 3114 | 3145 | 576 | 808 |
4571 | 915 | Forschungszentrum Borstel Leibniz Zentrum für Medizin und Biowissenschaften |  | 4424 | 2569 | 339 | 1130 |
4572 | 914 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne |  | 2780 | 2720 | 1521 | 715 |
4573 | 912 | Food and Environmental Research Agency |  | 3303 | 1616 | 1569 | 1279 |
4574 | 906 | Royal Tropical Institute |  | 4037 | 895 | 2030 | 1681 |
4575 | 904 | Forschungszentrum Informatik |  | 2679 | 1037 | 1348 | 1920 |
4576 | 904 | Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts |  | 1055 | 2577 | 2538 | 174 |
4577 | 903 | Hôpitala Bruxelles Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc Université Catholique de Louvain |  | 2068 | 1742 | 2538 | 333 |
4578 | 900 | Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS |  | 1307 | 1601 | 1217 | 1490 |
4579 | 899 | UMR8028 Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides |  | 2532 | 914 | 1767 | 1856 |
4580 | 898 | Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed |  | 3712 | 2234 | 2035 | 654 |
4581 | 896 | National Veterinary Institute |  | 3379 | 1863 | 876 | 1314 |
4582 | 894 | Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry M M Shemyakin and Yu A Ovchinnikov RAS / Институт биоорганической химии им академиков М М Шемякина и Ю А Овчинникова РАН |  | 1787 | 2165 | 806 | 1188 |
4583 | 888 | Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale |  | 1155 | 2134 | 470 | 1397 |
4584 | 886 | Corporación Sanitaria Parc Tauli |  | 1724 | 2593 | 1291 | 814 |
4585 | 885 | Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |  | 2463 | 2618 | 606 | 981 |
4586 | 884 | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino IRCCS Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro |  | 1644 | 3287 | 325 | 817 |
4587 | 883 | Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Farmakologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2154 | 1886 | 1135 | 1200 |
4588 | 882 | Asklepios (Orthopädische Klinik Lindenlohe / Klinik Sankt Augustin) |  | 636 | 651 | 1324 | 2431 |
4589 | 881 | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute |  | 3144 | 1702 | 822 | 1427 |
4590 | 878 | Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |  | 942 | 1643 | 1362 | 1351 |
4591 | 875 | NHS Lothian |  | 1433 | 4738 | 1336 | 168 |
4592 | 869 | Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics HAS |  | 2577 | 1342 | 1209 | 1556 |
4593 | 867 | Institut de Veille Sanitaire |  | 1136 | 692 | 2538 | 1024 |
4594 | 867 | Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme |  | 2855 | 2602 | 939 | 820 |
4595 | 866 | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis RAS |  | 1221 | 2199 | 842 | 1101 |
4596 | 864 | Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia (Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Tecnologia e Inovação) |  | 1179 | 1823 | 827 | 1366 |
4597 | 864 | P P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS |  | 2203 | 1424 | 925 | 1596 |
4598 | 858 | Asociación Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Nanociencias CIC nanoGUNE |  | 1801 | 2467 | 477 | 1069 |
4599 | 858 | Spedali Civili di Brescia |  | 1666 | 2977 | 1668 | 480 |
4600 | 858 | Max Planck Institut für Biochemie |  | 409 | 4332 | 373 | 432 |