301 | 1239 | Dorodnicyn Computing Centre RAS | | 728 | 1259 | 1272 | 2627 |
302 | 2576 | Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology | | 2167 | 3099 | 2538 | 2627 |
303 | 4161 | Institute of Computer and Communication Systems Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / Институт по информационни и комуникационни технологии БАН | | 3557 | 6129 | 2538 | 2627 |
304 | 3016 | Institute of Physical Chemistry BAS | | 4907 | 5829 | 1685 | 2627 |
305 | 1332 | Komi Scientific Center RAS | | 1341 | 1180 | 1909 | 2627 |
306 | 2154 | Research Centre for Medical Genetics / Медико генетический научный центр | | 3426 | 2955 | 2377 | 2627 |
307 | 4802 | Institute of Polymers BAS | | 3831 | 7823 | 1860 | 2627 |
308 | 4931 | Institute of Molecular Biology National Academy of Sciences of Armenia | | 6992 | 6775 | 2538 | 2653 |
309 | 1390 | Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics RAS | | 1817 | 1482 | 1602 | 2653 |
310 | 1459 | Institute for Condensed Matter Physics Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 2104 | 2169 | 782 | 2653 |
311 | 1662 | Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS | | 1933 | 1689 | 2276 | 2653 |
312 | 3091 | Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2297 | 4157 | 2538 | 2653 |
313 | 2823 | Geophysical Institute Prague ASCR | | 4394 | 5046 | 2080 | 2653 |
314 | 6318 | Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR | | 4780 | 7876 | 2538 | 2653 |
315 | 5399 | Institute of Marine Biology AV Zhirmunskogo RAS | | 6325 | 7339 | 2521 | 2653 |
316 | 5191 | Institute of Organic Synthesis I Ya Postovsky UB RAS / Институт органического синтеза им И Я Постовского Уральского отделения РАН | | 5455 | 7111 | 2538 | 2653 |
317 | 3343 | Institute for Physical Research Armenian Academy of Sciences | | 3588 | 6497 | 1611 | 2653 |
318 | 3991 | Victor Babes National Institute | | 5062 | 5725 | 2538 | 2653 |
319 | 1602 | National Research Institute of Animal Production Krakow | | 1267 | 2361 | 1550 | 2653 |
320 | 2528 | Agricultural Institute of Slovenia | | 1468 | 2990 | 2538 | 2653 |
321 | 3468 | Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry | | 3359 | 4954 | 2538 | 2653 |
322 | 2361 | Institute of Biophysics SB RAS / Институт биофизики Сибирского отделения РАН | | 5681 | 3768 | 2048 | 2696 |
323 | 3137 | Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics RAS | | 2123 | 5779 | 2046 | 2696 |
324 | 2232 | Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 2550 | 4325 | 1436 | 2696 |
325 | 2350 | Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials RAS | | 5980 | 4614 | 1032 | 2696 |
326 | 5452 | Forest Research Institute Bulgaria Academy of Sciences | | 5422 | 7277 | 2538 | 2696 |
327 | 2412 | Limnological Institute SB RAS / Лимнологический институт Сибирского отделения РАН | | 3588 | 3955 | 2133 | 2696 |
328 | 2478 | Czech Metrology Institute | | 2291 | 2623 | 2538 | 2733 |
329 | 3032 | Institute of Catalysis BAS | | 5855 | 5568 | 1751 | 2733 |
330 | 2910 | Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory RAS | | 3416 | 3504 | 2538 | 2733 |
331 | 2326 | Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS / Институт высшей нервной деятельности и нейрофизиологии РАН | | 4135 | 3993 | 1829 | 2733 |
332 | 2580 | Institute of Microbiology and Virology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 6008 | 4921 | 1337 | 2733 |
333 | 2066 | Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 2946 | 3156 | 1962 | 2733 |
334 | 2106 | Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS / Институт экологии растений и животных Уральского отделения РАН | | 2280 | 3680 | 1619 | 2733 |
335 | 5031 | Roman Kozłowski Institute of Paleobiology Polish Academy of Sciences / Roman Kozłowski Instytut Paleobiologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3063 | 7001 | 2538 | 2733 |
336 | 4035 | Institute of Psychology ASCR | | 4338 | 7326 | 1304 | 2782 |
337 | 2341 | Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology N F Gamaley / Научно исследовательский институт эпидемиологии и микробиологии им Н Ф Гамалеи | | 6929 | 3328 | 2101 | 2782 |
338 | 2607 | Institute of Gene Biology RAS / Институт биологии гена РАН | | 6085 | 4578 | 1725 | 2782 |
339 | 1928 | Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 421 | 1414 | 2538 | 2782 |
340 | 1945 | Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3033 | 3214 | 1389 | 2782 |
341 | 4971 | Institute of Experimental Medicine Clinic / Институт Экспериментальной медицины СЗО РАМН | | 6224 | 6698 | 2538 | 2782 |
342 | 4378 | Institutul de Mecanica Solidelor Academia Romana | | 6264 | 5961 | 2538 | 2782 |
343 | 4787 | Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS / Институт лазерной физики Сибирского отделения РАН | | 5336 | 7027 | 2476 | 2782 |
344 | 2468 | Institutul de Biologie Academia Romana | | 4459 | 4292 | 1713 | 2822 |
345 | 2630 | Institutul de Sanatate Publica | | 2131 | 2819 | 2538 | 2822 |
346 | 3962 | Institute of Radio Astronomy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 7292 | 5165 | 2538 | 2822 |
347 | 3545 | Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3643 | 6318 | 1946 | 2822 |
348 | 3249 | Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems RAS | | 2199 | 4179 | 2538 | 2822 |
349 | 2520 | Kazan Physical Technical Institute RAS | | 3213 | 4715 | 1476 | 2822 |
350 | 3130 | Institutul Astronomic Academia Romana | | 4907 | 3649 | 2538 | 2822 |
351 | 2664 | Central Economic and Mathematical Institute RAS | | 2244 | 4994 | 1623 | 2822 |
352 | 1409 | Czech Hydrometeorological Institute | | 325 | 600 | 2514 | 2822 |
353 | 2731 | National Institute for Geology | | 1946 | 3062 | 2538 | 2822 |
354 | 2552 | Geological Institute of Hungary / Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Szolgálat | | 2240 | 2636 | 2538 | 2822 |
355 | 1815 | Meteorological and Hydrological Service | | 3076 | 991 | 2538 | 2822 |
356 | 1877 | Southern Scientific Centre RAS / Южный научный центр РАН | | 1644 | 3001 | 1442 | 2822 |
357 | 3024 | United Institute of Informatics Problems NASB | | 4416 | 3472 | 2538 | 2822 |
358 | 6118 | Institute of Measurement Science Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 4468 | 7635 | 2538 | 2822 |
359 | 2199 | Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology | | 2334 | 4520 | 481 | 2867 |
360 | 1362 | (1)Central Institute for Labour Protection National Research Institute | | 564 | 1096 | 1876 | 2867 |
361 | 3436 | Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS / Институт земной коры Сибирского отделения РАН | | 2939 | 5161 | 2475 | 2867 |
362 | 4074 | Daghestan Scientific Center RAS / Дагестанский научный центр РАН | | 5998 | 5415 | 2538 | 2867 |
363 | 4042 | Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 4255 | 6879 | 1958 | 2867 |
364 | 3292 | Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters RAS | | 3071 | 4101 | 2538 | 2867 |
365 | 5006 | Institute of Medical Biology Polish of Sciences / Instytut Biologii Medycznej Polskiej Nauk | | 5103 | 6655 | 2538 | 2867 |
366 | 4782 | Institute of Organometallic Chemistry G A Razuvaev RAS / Институт металлоорганической химии им Г А Разуваева РАН | | 6966 | 6280 | 2538 | 2867 |
367 | 4128 | Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology RAS / Институт геологии и геохронологии докембрия РАН | | 3974 | 5644 | 2538 | 2867 |
368 | 2667 | Institute of Plant Physiology K A Timiryazev RAS / Институт физиологии растений им К А Тимирязева РАН | | 4680 | 4341 | 2009 | 2867 |
369 | 1563 | Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation | | 1880 | 1754 | 1528 | 2867 |
370 | 1605 | Hungarian Meteorological Service | | 657 | 731 | 2538 | 2867 |
371 | 5174 | Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics SB RAMS / Научно исследовательский институт молекулярной биологии и биофизики Сибирского отделения Российской академии медицинских наук | | 7455 | 6624 | 2538 | 2867 |
372 | 2432 | (1)Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 1884 | 2274 | 2538 | 2867 |
373 | 2026 | National Museum of Natural History Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 1475 | 2712 | 2023 | 2919 |
374 | 5130 | Institute of Chemistry ASM | | 6096 | 6638 | 2538 | 2919 |
375 | 6580 | Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS | | 7417 | 7741 | 2538 | 2919 |
376 | 4111 | Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS / Институт биологических проблем Севера Дальневосточного отделения РАН | | 4719 | 5459 | 2538 | 2919 |
377 | 1897 | Nuclear Safety Institute RAS | | 2906 | 2038 | 2142 | 2919 |
378 | 6142 | Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography Acad. Ivan Kostov | | 5580 | 7516 | 2538 | 2919 |
379 | 3198 | Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials | | 5219 | 3542 | 2538 | 2919 |
380 | 4313 | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ASCR | | 3229 | 7121 | 1974 | 2919 |
381 | 5480 | Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering NASB | | 6382 | 6892 | 2538 | 2981 |
382 | 3358 | Institute of Electrophysics RAS | | 4091 | 6105 | 1364 | 2981 |
383 | 3514 | Institute of Geochemistry A P Vinogradov SB RAS / Институт геохимии им А П Виноградова Сибирского отделения РАН | | 2152 | 6246 | 1775 | 2981 |
384 | 6332 | Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies Acad Jordan Malinowski Bulgaria Academy of Sciences | | 5984 | 8067 | 1891 | 2981 |
385 | 6459 | Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology Polish Academy of Sciences / Witold Stefański Instytut Parazytologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 6817 | 7626 | 2538 | 2981 |
386 | 4836 | Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Raw Materials | | 3163 | 6422 | 2538 | 2981 |
387 | 3020 | Institutul de Biochimie Academia Romana | | 6061 | 5017 | 1748 | 2981 |
388 | 4739 | Institute for New Antibiotics G F Gause / Научно исследовательский институт по изысканию новых антибиотиков им Г Ф Гаузе Российской академии медицинских наук | | 6399 | 6082 | 2538 | 2981 |
389 | 1583 | Research Institute for Linguistics HAS | | 697 | 1561 | 1832 | 2981 |
390 | 5130 | Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides M P Chumakov RAMS / Институт полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов имени М П Чумакова Российской академии медицинских наук | | 7984 | 6056 | 2538 | 2981 |
391 | 2013 | Institute of Protein Reseach RAS / Институт белка РАН | | 4140 | 3044 | 1180 | 2981 |
392 | 2173 | Centre for Regional Studies HAS | | 1475 | 2515 | 2343 | 2981 |
393 | 3497 | Institute of Astronomy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 2805 | 6060 | 1766 | 3034 |
394 | 4644 | Institute of Geological Sciences Armenian National Academy of Sciences | | 5295 | 5938 | 2538 | 3034 |
395 | 4329 | Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia | | 4000 | 5613 | 2538 | 3034 |
396 | 3121 | Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems RAS | | 947 | 4951 | 2196 | 3034 |
397 | 6209 | Strata Mechanics Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Mechaniki Górotworu Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 5434 | 7457 | 2538 | 3034 |
398 | 3241 | Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS / Иркутский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН | | 1307 | 3717 | 2538 | 3034 |
399 | 3304 | Av Luikov Yeat and Mass Transfer Institute NASB | | 2518 | 3757 | 2538 | 3034 |
400 | 5171 | Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies ASM | | 5423 | 6546 | 2538 | 3034 |