201 | 1707 | Institute of Biomedical Chemistry V N Orekhovich RAMS / Научно исследовательский институт биомедицинской химии имени В Н Ореховича | | 2117 | 3378 | 1724 | 2173 |
202 | 5016 | Institute of Inorganic Chemistry ASCR | | 5725 | 7446 | 2538 | 2173 |
203 | 2163 | Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry I M Sechenov RAS / Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им И М Сеченова РАН | | 4338 | 3590 | 2416 | 2188 |
204 | 1402 | Institute of Physics Zagreb | | 2736 | 2798 | 724 | 2188 |
205 | 1129 | Institute of Geography RAS / Институт географии РАН | | 2114 | 989 | 2014 | 2188 |
206 | 2014 | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3283 | 4253 | 1781 | 2188 |
207 | 1258 | Institute of Control Sciences RAS | | 469 | 1891 | 1374 | 2188 |
208 | 2202 | Institute of Solution Chemistry G A Krestov RAS / Институт химии растворов им Г А Крестова РАН | | 4279 | 3946 | 2324 | 2188 |
209 | 1676 | Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS / Институт теоретической и прикладной механики СА Христиановича | | 2186 | 3750 | 993 | 2188 |
210 | 3998 | Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation RAS | | 3175 | 6566 | 2538 | 2188 |
211 | 2367 | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS / Институт археологии и этнографии Сибирского отделения РАН | | 1834 | 3374 | 2538 | 2188 |
212 | 1491 | Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences / Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2736 | 2777 | 1373 | 2188 |
213 | 3158 | Drug Institute in Warsaw | | 5729 | 4914 | 2538 | 2188 |
214 | 3032 | Institute of Computer Science ASCR / Ústav informatiky Akademie věd České Republiky | | 5358 | 4678 | 2538 | 2188 |
215 | 3896 | Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 6011 | 6235 | 2538 | 2220 |
216 | 2052 | Institute of Botany Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 2433 | 2428 | 2538 | 2220 |
217 | 1435 | Schmidt United Institute of Earth Physics RAS | | 1633 | 2265 | 1725 | 2220 |
218 | 3584 | Institute of Human Genetics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Genetyki Człowieka Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3668 | 5897 | 2538 | 2220 |
219 | 2552 | Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3831 | 3676 | 2538 | 2220 |
220 | 3924 | Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of the UB RAS / Институт высокотемпературной электрохимии Уральского отделения РАН | | 4704 | 6664 | 2507 | 2220 |
221 | 1764 | Institute of Astronomy RAS | | 3336 | 2492 | 2375 | 2220 |
222 | 4374 | Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Nauk Geologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 4232 | 6934 | 2538 | 2220 |
223 | 1528 | Institute of Mathematics and Informatics BAS | | 636 | 3172 | 1251 | 2220 |
224 | 1555 | Main Astronomical Observatory National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 1562 | 2897 | 1593 | 2249 |
225 | 3170 | Institute of Analytical Chemistry ASCR | | 3712 | 5007 | 2538 | 2249 |
226 | 1764 | Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2305 | 3556 | 1543 | 2266 |
227 | 1223 | B Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 1301 | 2174 | 328 | 2266 |
228 | 2552 | Institute of Physiologically Active Substances RAS / Институт физиологически активных веществ РАН | | 5497 | 3457 | 2538 | 2266 |
229 | 2072 | Institute of Psychology RAS / Институт психологии РАН | | 2053 | 2447 | 2538 | 2266 |
230 | 4468 | Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry SB RAS / Институт химии твердого тела и механохимии Сибирского отделения РАН | | 4961 | 6946 | 2538 | 2266 |
231 | 1684 | Slovenian Forestry Institute | | 737 | 3045 | 1906 | 2290 |
232 | 2371 | Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3991 | 3050 | 2538 | 2290 |
233 | 2020 | Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits Petrography Mineralogy and Geochemistry RAS | | 4216 | 3548 | 2136 | 2290 |
234 | 3847 | Institute for Energy Problems of Chemical Physics V L Talrose RAS / Институт энергетических проблем химической физики им В Л Тальрозе РАН | | 7502 | 5879 | 2538 | 2290 |
235 | 3134 | Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics ASCR | | 1666 | 6134 | 2274 | 2290 |
236 | 1674 | Neurosurgical Institute N N Burdenko RAMS / Научно исследовательский институт нейрохирургии имени академика Н Н Бурденко Российской академии медицинских наук | | 5373 | 2340 | 2107 | 2313 |
237 | 2563 | Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms RAS | | 5849 | 5146 | 2001 | 2313 |
238 | 2708 | Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS | | 4565 | 5080 | 2296 | 2313 |
239 | 1727 | Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health Zagreb | | 2845 | 3578 | 1128 | 2313 |
240 | 1117 | Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ASCR | | 1494 | 1251 | 1190 | 2313 |
241 | 4374 | Institute of Geology ASCR | | 2754 | 6889 | 2538 | 2313 |
242 | 1494 | Zagreb Institute of Public Health | | 1596 | 2099 | 1929 | 2339 |
243 | 4116 | Institute of Biotechnology ASCR | | 6288 | 7523 | 1789 | 2339 |
244 | 4235 | Institute of Chemistry FEB RAS / Институт химии Дальневосточного отделения РАН | | 6279 | 7348 | 2228 | 2339 |
245 | 3457 | Institute of Developmental Biology Koltzov RAS / Институт биологии развития им Н К Кольцова РАН | | 5529 | 6145 | 2422 | 2339 |
246 | 1574 | Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 1971 | 2579 | 1768 | 2339 |
247 | 1913 | Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis | | 1484 | 3681 | 1872 | 2339 |
248 | 1820 | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine / Національна академія медичних наук України | | 552 | 4034 | 1216 | 2377 |
249 | 1700 | National Research Center for Hematology / Гематологический научный центр | | 3391 | 2251 | 2239 | 2377 |
250 | 2569 | Institute of Computational Technologies RAS | | 814 | 5126 | 2226 | 2377 |
251 | 3094 | Institute of Mechanics BAS | | 2845 | 6645 | 1402 | 2377 |
252 | 2394 | Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS / Институт вычислительной математики РАН | | 4205 | 5258 | 1471 | 2377 |
253 | 2112 | Karelian Research Centre RAS / Карельский научный центр РАН | | 616 | 4944 | 1240 | 2377 |
254 | 1788 | Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS | | 465 | 1639 | 2538 | 2377 |
255 | 1959 | Institute of Ecology HAS | | 1862 | 4650 | 700 | 2377 |
256 | 969 | Polish Geological Institute | | 256 | 919 | 1414 | 2377 |
257 | 3686 | Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry G B Elyakov FEB RAS / Тихоокеанский институт биоорганической химии им Г Б Елякова Дальневосточного отделения РАН | | 4409 | 5787 | 2538 | 2377 |
258 | 2786 | Pacific Oceanology Institute RAS | | 3914 | 5482 | 2126 | 2377 |
259 | 1646 | Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry V I Vernadsky RAS / Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им В И Вернадского РАН | | 2464 | 2588 | 1871 | 2408 |
260 | 2478 | Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal | | 3197 | 5221 | 1723 | 2431 |
261 | 4113 | Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology Polish Academy of Sciences / Franciszek Górski Instytut Fizjologii Roślin Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 5092 | 6286 | 2538 | 2431 |
262 | 1733 | Kola Science Center Russian Academy of Sciences / Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук | | 4740 | 2537 | 2005 | 2431 |
263 | 1933 | Lithuanian Energy Institute | | 1253 | 2573 | 2454 | 2431 |
264 | 2428 | Lithuanian Academy of Sciences | | 2960 | 3060 | 2538 | 2431 |
265 | 1320 | Palaeontological Institute RAS | | 3140 | 1340 | 1802 | 2460 |
266 | 2832 | Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials RAS | | 3920 | 3848 | 2538 | 2460 |
267 | 1871 | Institute of Semiconductors Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 3079 | 4093 | 739 | 2460 |
268 | 3218 | Palladin Institute of Biochemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 2608 | 4799 | 2538 | 2460 |
269 | 3065 | Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Bulgaria Academy of Sciences | | 4235 | 5923 | 2027 | 2460 |
270 | 1850 | Global Change Research Centre ASCR | | 3038 | 3343 | 1649 | 2460 |
271 | 2029 | Endocrinology Research Centre / Эндокринологический научный центр | | 2253 | 1961 | 2538 | 2460 |
272 | 2099 | Slovene National Building and Civil Engineering Institute | | 3045 | 3057 | 2402 | 2460 |
273 | 2991 | Research Institute of Animal Nutrition | | 2035 | 4320 | 2538 | 2487 |
274 | 1271 | Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 764 | 1911 | 579 | 2487 |
275 | 1951 | Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS / Институт солнечно земной физики Сибирского отделения РАН | | 2008 | 3792 | 1513 | 2487 |
276 | 2035 | National Food and Nutrition Institute | | 3971 | 1804 | 2538 | 2487 |
277 | 6111 | Institute of Experimental Endocrinology Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 5935 | 7861 | 2538 | 2487 |
278 | 3264 | Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences RAS | | 1985 | 4821 | 2538 | 2510 |
279 | 3545 | Institute of Agricultural Medicine | | 3404 | 6474 | 2235 | 2510 |
280 | 1915 | Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS | | 3660 | 2152 | 2454 | 2510 |
281 | 5074 | Institute of Environmental Engineering / Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 5092 | 7194 | 2538 | 2510 |
282 | 2845 | Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS | | 3678 | 3795 | 2538 | 2510 |
283 | 3779 | Institute of Agricultural and Forest Enviroment Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Enviroment rolnych i leśnych w Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 4916 | 5668 | 2538 | 2510 |
284 | 2115 | National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology V I Kulakov / Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии
и перинатологии В.И. Кулакова | | 2723 | 2058 | 2538 | 2510 |
285 | 2419 | National Center for Epidemiology | | 4082 | 2721 | 2538 | 2555 |
286 | 1812 | Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт | | 1038 | 2391 | 2301 | 2555 |
287 | 5295 | Institute of Cell Biophysics RAS / Институт биофизики клетки РАН | | 6788 | 7233 | 2538 | 2555 |
288 | 2895 | Institutul de Biologie Si Patologie Celulara Academia Romana | | 6127 | 5922 | 1301 | 2555 |
289 | 4618 | Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization / Stanisław Leszczycki Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania | | 3253 | 6828 | 2538 | 2555 |
290 | 1857 | State Research Center of The Russian Federation Institute for Biomedical Problems | | 2861 | 1385 | 2538 | 2555 |
291 | 2679 | Institute of Metals and Technology | | 3092 | 3391 | 2538 | 2555 |
292 | 1953 | Institute for Problems in Informatics RAS | | 4113 | 2757 | 2196 | 2555 |
293 | 1334 | Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | | 1724 | 1678 | 1114 | 2555 |
294 | 3007 | Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion RAS | | 4671 | 5741 | 1928 | 2555 |
295 | 4639 | Institute for High Pressure Physics L F Vereshchagin RAS / Институт физики высоких давлений им Л Ф Верещагина РАН | | 5555 | 6661 | 2538 | 2584 |
296 | 3794 | Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics RAS | | 2397 | 5740 | 2538 | 2584 |
297 | 1901 | I I Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 1535 | 3997 | 832 | 2584 |
298 | 4698 | Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics Slovak Academy of Sciences | | 3848 | 6846 | 2538 | 2584 |
299 | 3360 | Institute of Psychology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Psychologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3584 | 5419 | 2485 | 2584 |
300 | 3401 | Institute of Archaeology ASCR | | 1581 | 6073 | 2314 | 2627 |