980 | Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research | | 301 | 335 | 2287 | 2696 |
1867 | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | | 302 | 272 | 2538 | 3660 |
5909 | UPS837 Direction des Systèmes d'Information | | 303 | 6035 | 2538 | 3660 |
2963 | Niels Bohr Institute | | 304 | 3283 | 263 | 3879 |
313 | Ioffe Institute RAS | | 305 | 769 | 299 | 521 |
994 | Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione | | 305 | 3712 | 420 | 944 |
69 | American Museum of Natural History | | 307 | 49 | 114 | 405 |
648 | American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research | | 308 | 73 | 1339 | 3191 |
2877 | Agencia Española de Normalización | | 309 | 803 | 2538 | 3879 |
101 | Paul Scherrer Institut | | 310 | 356 | 86 | 110 |
954 | Institute of Information Science and Technologies / Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Alessandro Faedo | | 311 | 3490 | 300 | 995 |
4011 | FRE2805 Centre de Recherches Inter-Langues sur la Signification en Contexte | | 312 | 2332 | 2538 | 3879 |
294 | Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas | | 313 | 746 | 353 | 464 |
3171 | Servicio Geológico Colombiano (Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería) | | 314 | 1794 | 2342 | 3879 |
665 | Geological Survey of Norway | | 315 | 1208 | 706 | 1326 |
1974 | Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura | | 316 | 902 | 2368 | 3509 |
135 | Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences | | 317 | 300 | 149 | 255 |
432 | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia | | 318 | 922 | 321 | 857 |
1714 | Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE / Luonnonvarakeskus | | 319 | 852 | 123 | 3879 |
5483 | Huygens Institute | | 320 | 4584 | 2538 | 3879 |
228 | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | | 321 | 1487 | 77 | 111 |
2000 | Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid | | 322 | 4943 | 674 | 2431 |
2743 | National Institute of Infectious Diseases | | 323 | 682 | 2538 | 3879 |
422 | Météo France | | 324 | 156 | 2538 | 694 |
1409 | Czech Hydrometeorological Institute | | 325 | 600 | 2514 | 2822 |
1966 | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Nairobi | | 326 | 168 | 2538 | 3879 |
137 | Technical Research Centre of Finland | | 327 | 284 | 212 | 286 |
552 | Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 328 | 909 | 1165 | 1092 |
1099 | Clalit Health Services | | 329 | 957 | 2538 | 1454 |
2331 | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | | 330 | 344 | 2538 | 3879 |
938 | Summer Institute of Linguistics | | 331 | 53 | 495 | 3879 |
5743 | Afghanistan Center at Kabul University | | 332 | 4949 | 2538 | 3879 |
3351 | Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur Les Qualifications | | 332 | 1295 | 2538 | 3879 |
1666 | Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften GESIS | | 334 | 478 | 983 | 3879 |
47 | Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital | | 334 | 92 | 45 | 141 |
1080 | Arctic Antarctic Research Institute | | 336 | 1130 | 2117 | 2039 |
4113 | Korea Information Society Development Institute | | 336 | 2485 | 2538 | 3879 |
1227 | San Diego Supercomputer Center | | 338 | 148 | 601 | 3879 |
246 | Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit | | 339 | 155 | 1760 | 733 |
363 | Indian Space Research Organization | | 340 | 372 | 931 | 1009 |
89 | Cleveland Clinic | | 340 | 41 | 2538 | 34 |
2637 | Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach | | 342 | 973 | 2538 | 3660 |
1724 | Institute of Developing Economies | | 342 | 795 | 2044 | 3509 |
325 | Landcare Research | | 344 | 686 | 173 | 704 |
42 | Scripps Research Institute | | 344 | 112 | 26 | 98 |
587 | ifo Institut Leibniz Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e V. | | 346 | 309 | 2538 | 909 |
1303 | Institut Géographique National France | | 346 | 321 | 877 | 3660 |
125 | Istituto Superiore di Sanita | | 348 | 280 | 146 | 221 |
2997 | Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe | | 349 | 898 | 2538 | 3879 |
67 | Institut Pasteur | | 350 | 184 | 52 | 129 |
3545 | Norwegian Social Science Data Services / Norsk senter for forskningsdata | | 351 | 1577 | 2538 | 3879 |
5421 | Campus des laboratoires de Villejuif | | 351 | 5846 | 2176 | 3879 |
225 | Thomas Jefferson Lab National Accelerator Facility | | 353 | 253 | 131 | 897 |
1715 | Global Environmental Technology Development | | 354 | 351 | 2538 | 3410 |
1956 | Max Planck Institute for the History of Science | | 355 | 3641 | 2149 | 2339 |
361 | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | | 356 | 348 | 972 | 1051 |
254 | Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan | | 357 | 354 | 710 | 566 |
1818 | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | | 357 | 116 | 2538 | 3879 |
1566 | Schweizer Forschung für Landwirtschaft, Ernährung und Umwel Agroscope | | 357 | 4686 | 493 | 1873 |
2434 | UK Research Councils | | 360 | 422 | 2538 | 3879 |
1751 | Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía | | 361 | 568 | 1080 | 3879 |
161 | Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | | 362 | 320 | 334 | 286 |
335 | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières | | 363 | 560 | 490 | 763 |
400 | Norwegian Polar Institute | | 364 | 516 | 936 | 958 |
357 | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung | | 364 | 474 | 200 | 1101 |
55 | University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio | | 366 | 167 | 30 | 117 |
339 | Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation | | 367 | 775 | 290 | 619 |
25 | Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center | | 368 | 107 | 6 | 26 |
3377 | Central Scientific Agricultural Library RAAS / Центральная научная сельскохозяйственная библиотека Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук | | 369 | 1336 | 2538 | 3879 |
53 | Johns Hopkins Medicine | | 370 | 45 | 2538 | 15 |
604 | Instituto Nacional de Salud del Perú | | 371 | 511 | 1578 | 1701 |
172 | Centre National de Etudes Spatiales | | 372 | 225 | 908 | 346 |
155 | Sintef Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology | | 372 | 289 | 215 | 338 |
465 | South African National Biodiversity Institute | | 374 | 497 | 811 | 1391 |
901 | Cato Institute | | 375 | 50 | 2538 | 3076 |
2313 | Rheinischen Kliniken Köln | | 376 | 333 | 2538 | 3879 |
1897 | Hoover Institution | | 377 | 145 | 2538 | 3879 |
132 | Children's Hospital Boston | | 378 | 144 | 2538 | 37 |
4072 | National Library of India | | 379 | 2407 | 2538 | 3879 |
2832 | Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales | | 380 | 1838 | 2538 | 3410 |
3569 | Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau | | 381 | 1597 | 2538 | 3879 |
130 | Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas | | 382 | 249 | 125 | 306 |
99 | Observatoire de Paris | | 383 | 158 | 266 | 166 |
2046 | Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology / Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi | | 384 | 911 | 1150 | 3879 |
3411 | Institute of Information Sciences | | 385 | 1387 | 2538 | 3879 |
330 | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | | 386 | 853 | 2538 | 47 |
950 | Quirónsalud Grupo Hospitalario | | 386 | 810 | 1738 | 2266 |
1151 | Centro Nacional de Biotecnología | | 388 | 5569 | 185 | 558 |
118 | Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN CINVESTAV | | 389 | 366 | 76 | 157 |
1383 | Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex | | 389 | 306 | 277 | 3879 |
1231 | National Audubon Society | | 391 | 71 | 1883 | 3879 |
2650 | Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ISPRA | | 392 | 580 | 2538 | 3879 |
2680 | Hungarian Central Statistical Office | | 393 | 611 | 2538 | 3879 |
183 | National Astronomical Observatory Japan | | 394 | 231 | 578 | 438 |
3481 | National Institute of Special Education | | 395 | 1477 | 2538 | 3879 |
2217 | Leibniz Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation an der Universität Trier | | 395 | 1537 | 2538 | 3076 |
274 | UMR7606 Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 LIP6 | | 397 | 330 | 344 | 845 |
4291 | National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka | | 398 | 2757 | 2538 | 3879 |
3143 | TGIR Huma-Num (TGE Adonis) | | 399 | 1030 | 2538 | 3879 |
391 | Deutscher Wetterdienst | | 400 | 173 | 1215 | 1658 |