801 | 2584 | Fraunhofer Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie |  | 4961 | 7278 | 1359 | 1177 |
802 | 2271 | Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR |  | 2590 | 6174 | 1360 | 1740 |
803 | 2394 | Istituto per la Valorizzazione del Legno e delle Specie Arboree |  | 1751 | 6529 | 1360 | 1701 |
804 | 878 | Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |  | 942 | 1643 | 1362 | 1351 |
805 | 1131 | Botanical Institute V L Komarov RAS / Ботанический институт им В Л Комарова РАН |  | 1675 | 1407 | 1363 | 2141 |
806 | 3358 | Institute of Electrophysics RAS |  | 4091 | 6105 | 1364 | 2981 |
807 | 2380 | UMR8190 Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales LATMOS |  | 2379 | 7269 | 1366 | 995 |
808 | 1009 | Leibniz Institut für Katalyse an der Universität Rostock |  | 4837 | 3168 | 1368 | 708 |
809 | 2271 | Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR |  | 1090 | 6971 | 1369 | 1200 |
810 | 1921 | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR |  | 3554 | 6075 | 1370 | 1141 |
811 | 1372 | Geological Institute RAS / Геологический институт РАН |  | 2060 | 2727 | 1372 | 1975 |
812 | 1491 | Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences / Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2736 | 2777 | 1373 | 2188 |
813 | 1258 | Institute of Control Sciences RAS |  | 469 | 1891 | 1374 | 2188 |
814 | 822 | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics RAS |  | 733 | 1685 | 1377 | 1107 |
815 | 3447 | Institute of Agrarian Economics Ukraine |  | 4316 | 3079 | 1378 | 3879 |
816 | 1037 | Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2939 | 1949 | 1378 | 1501 |
817 | 2208 | Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung |  | 854 | 1018 | 1380 | 3879 |
818 | 1211 | Max Planck Institut for Brain Research (Hirnforschung) |  | 4760 | 2472 | 1381 | 1545 |
819 | 1612 | Leibniz Institut für Kristallzüchtung |  | 3914 | 3874 | 1384 | 1843 |
820 | 637 | Uppsala University Hospital |  | 3391 | 1978 | 1385 | 404 |
821 | 835 | Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde an der Universität Rostock |  | 2137 | 1462 | 1386 | 1279 |
822 | 1061 | Mater Misericordiae University Hospital |  | 5689 | 2633 | 1387 | 1009 |
823 | 6314 | Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa |  | 1077 | 7257 | 1388 | 3879 |
824 | 1945 | Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3033 | 3214 | 1389 | 2782 |
825 | 1648 | Institute for Social Research |  | 2425 | 2517 | 1390 | 2653 |
826 | 2771 | Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS / Институт химической биологии и фундаментальной медицины |  | 3838 | 6649 | 1392 | 2002 |
827 | 489 | Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Esteban Terradas |  | 1494 | 910 | 1393 | 669 |
828 | 757 | Icelandic Meteorological Office |  | 203 | 345 | 1394 | 2555 |
829 | 4395 | Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio |  | 7719 | 7691 | 1395 | 2431 |
830 | 6310 | Institute for Single Crystals |  | 5295 | 7076 | 1397 | 3879 |
831 | 496 | Statistics Norway |  | 149 | 248 | 1399 | 1975 |
832 | 2843 | Norwegian Institute for Studies in Innovation Research and Education |  | 2188 | 1951 | 1400 | 3879 |
833 | 3094 | Institute of Mechanics BAS |  | 2845 | 6645 | 1402 | 2377 |
834 | 939 | Onze Lieve Vrouw Hospital |  | 2588 | 1519 | 1403 | 1545 |
835 | 1091 | Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS / Математический институт В А Стеклова Российской академии наук |  | 2837 | 3300 | 1404 | 890 |
836 | 551 | Universitätsklinikum Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg |  | 2068 | 1602 | 1404 | 416 |
837 | 1534 | Institute of Mathematics ASCR |  | 1182 | 4048 | 1406 | 1701 |
838 | 1037 | Leibniz Institut für Neue Materialien |  | 4752 | 2275 | 1407 | 1188 |
839 | 2813 | Croatian Geological Survey |  | 3712 | 4443 | 1410 | 3191 |
840 | 1384 | Leibniz Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel und Osteuropa |  | 2048 | 2009 | 1412 | 2377 |
841 | 1597 | Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa |  | 5828 | 3515 | 1413 | 1920 |
842 | 969 | Polish Geological Institute |  | 256 | 919 | 1414 | 2377 |
843 | 1012 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims |  | 2969 | 2953 | 1416 | 878 |
844 | 3528 | Instituto de Fisica Fundamental |  | 4768 | 7603 | 1417 | 1934 |
845 | 4510 | Institute of Pedagogy / Інститут педагогіки Національної академії педагогічних наук України |  | 3588 | 5030 | 1418 | 3879 |
846 | 934 | Institute of Ecology and Evolution A N Severtsov RAS / Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им А Н Северцова РАН |  | 1330 | 1566 | 1419 | 1556 |
847 | 2610 | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise G Caporale |  | 663 | 1666 | 1421 | 3879 |
848 | 1190 | Biodonostia Instituto de Investigación |  | 3563 | 3700 | 1422 | 841 |
849 | 1127 | UMR8524 Laboratoire Paul Painlevé |  | 2167 | 1714 | 1424 | 1891 |
850 | 2688 | UMR8539 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique LMD |  | 1494 | 6475 | 1426 | 2104 |
851 | 6794 | Institute of Hydrobiology Biology Centre ASCR |  | 4426 | 7532 | 1430 | 3879 |
852 | 1237 | Deutsches Rheuma Forschungszentrum Berlin |  | 5144 | 3416 | 1431 | 1015 |
853 | 620 | Netherlands Institute for Space Research SRON |  | 2642 | 1189 | 1435 | 804 |
854 | 2232 | Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |  | 2550 | 4325 | 1436 | 2696 |
855 | 2529 | Institución Mila y Fontanals |  | 4037 | 6393 | 1437 | 1891 |
856 | 2771 | (1)UMR7588 Institut des Nanosciences de Paris INSP |  | 3736 | 7395 | 1438 | 1326 |
857 | 1858 | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |  | 5040 | 3609 | 1439 | 2339 |
858 | 4310 | Institute of Philology SB RAS / Институт филологии Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 2139 | 4791 | 1440 | 3879 |
859 | 1877 | Southern Scientific Centre RAS / Южный научный центр РАН |  | 1644 | 3001 | 1442 | 2822 |
860 | 1719 | Vicomtech-IK4 |  | 1998 | 2702 | 1443 | 2696 |
861 | 1971 | Stockholm Environment Institute |  | 3312 | 604 | 1444 | 3879 |
862 | 1307 | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences |  | 3712 | 460 | 1449 | 3316 |
863 | 795 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon |  | 3273 | 2367 | 1449 | 572 |
864 | 2198 | Rheinisch Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung |  | 1953 | 926 | 1452 | 3879 |
865 | 853 | Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS |  | 1605 | 966 | 1453 | 1843 |
866 | 2101 | UMR6599 Unité Heuristique et Diagnostic des Systèmes Complexes Heudiasyc |  | 3129 | 6341 | 1458 | 1292 |
867 | 5687 | Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS / Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики РАН |  | 4947 | 6408 | 1460 | 3879 |
868 | 3429 | Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato STIIMA |  | 5160 | 7673 | 1461 | 1721 |
869 | 549 | Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 401 | 924 | 1464 | 967 |
870 | 1767 | Center for Scientific Computing |  | 490 | 477 | 1465 | 3879 |
871 | 2828 | Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS / Томский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 1440 | 1939 | 1466 | 3879 |
872 | 1187 | Institute of Transport Economics |  | 1204 | 1429 | 1467 | 2249 |
873 | 1326 | UMR8568 Centre International de Recherche sur L’Environnement et le Développement |  | 2960 | 2336 | 1469 | 1992 |
874 | 2978 | EO Ospedali Galliera Genova |  | 1398 | 2212 | 1470 | 3879 |
875 | 2394 | Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS / Институт вычислительной математики РАН |  | 4205 | 5258 | 1471 | 2377 |
876 | 1024 | Danish Institute for International Studies |  | 1144 | 951 | 1472 | 2339 |
877 | 4149 | Wallon Agricultural Research Centre |  | 1136 | 4597 | 1475 | 3879 |
878 | 2520 | Kazan Physical Technical Institute RAS |  | 3213 | 4715 | 1476 | 2822 |
879 | 6625 | Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences / Ludwik Hirszfeld Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doświadczalnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2876 | 7414 | 1480 | 3879 |
880 | 2773 | Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics |  | 2022 | 1776 | 1481 | 3879 |
881 | 1160 | Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 1341 | 2505 | 1482 | 1480 |
882 | 1445 | Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics RAS |  | 509 | 835 | 1483 | 3316 |
883 | 1216 | Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3468 | 2105 | 1485 | 1765 |
884 | 2005 | Institute of Cytology RAS / Институт цитологии РАН |  | 3008 | 5226 | 1487 | 1843 |
885 | 3046 | (1)Institute of Aviation Warsaw / Instytut Lotnictwa |  | 1316 | 2329 | 1489 | 3879 |
886 | 1777 | Institute of Photonics and Electronics ASCR |  | 4365 | 3669 | 1490 | 2156 |
887 | 2058 | Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario |  | 1644 | 3029 | 1494 | 3034 |
888 | 1262 | UPR8241 Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination LCC |  | 3801 | 3562 | 1495 | 1042 |
889 | 3013 | Danish Center for Social Science Research VIVE / Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd |  | 1360 | 2253 | 1499 | 3879 |
890 | 2576 | Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar |  | 2011 | 3446 | 1501 | 3316 |
891 | 4057 | Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biologii Ssaków Białowieża Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3736 | 4204 | 1502 | 3879 |
892 | 1369 | Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen |  | 2404 | 2882 | 1503 | 1813 |
893 | 1448 | Institute of Biophysics ASCR |  | 3342 | 4023 | 1504 | 1358 |
894 | 1202 | Fraunhofer Institut für System und Innovationsforschung |  | 3660 | 2045 | 1506 | 1753 |
895 | 1950 | UMR5279 Laboratoire d'Electrochimie et de Physico Chimie des Matériaux et des Interfaces L E P M I |  | 5887 | 5575 | 1508 | 1409 |
896 | 3325 | UMR5535 Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier |  | 4000 | 7636 | 1509 | 1640 |
897 | 1205 | UMR8643 Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification |  | 1896 | 2225 | 1510 | 1740 |
898 | 1463 | Institute of Atmospheric Physics A M Obukhov RAS / Институт физики атмосферы им А М Обухова РАН |  | 6987 | 2640 | 1511 | 1975 |
899 | 1951 | Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics SB RAS / Институт солнечно земной физики Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 2008 | 3792 | 1513 | 2487 |
900 | 1439 | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Polish Academy of Sciences / Międzynarodowy Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2946 | 3251 | 1515 | 1753 |