The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) ( is the principal scientific institution of the Russian Federation, and a leading center of basic research in natural and social sciences in Russia. It was established pursuant to the order of the Emperor Peter I by the Decree of the Ruling Senate dated January 28, 1724. The Academy was reinstated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 1991. RAS is a civil self-governed non-commercial organization. The Russian Academy of Sciences functions in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Academy Charter. Its principal aim consists in organization and performance of fundamental researches for the purpose of obtaining further knowledge of the natural, social and human development principles that promote technological, economic, social and cultural development in Russia. As consistent with historically formed status and tasks, the Academy is shaped on scientific-branch and territorial basis and includes 9 departments (by science subject), 3 regional branches, and 14 regional scientific centers. The Academy is closely linked with the whole system of scientific research and higher education of Russia.