1 | 15 | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization |  | 20 | 32 | 16 | 27 |
2 | 131 | Bureau of Meteorology |  | 177 | 86 | 269 | 777 |
3 | 192 | Royal Children's Hospital |  | 1291 | 429 | 457 | 235 |
4 | 224 | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute |  | 3328 | 588 | 72 | 331 |
5 | 231 | Murdoch Children's Research Institute |  | 1771 | 956 | 158 | 164 |
6 | 263 | National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research |  | 701 | 376 | 268 | 694 |
7 | 271 | QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute |  | 2512 | 1136 | 100 | 202 |
8 | 283 | Garvan Institute of Medical Research |  | 80 | 918 | 143 | 431 |
9 | 303 | Australian Institute of Marine Science |  | 1069 | 639 | 190 | 596 |
10 | 325 | Landcare Research |  | 344 | 686 | 173 | 704 |
11 | 326 | Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |  | 3743 | 1273 | 110 | 236 |
12 | 339 | Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation |  | 367 | 775 | 290 | 619 |
13 | 375 | Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences |  | 1398 | 763 | 240 | 738 |
14 | 406 | George Institute for International Health |  | 1675 | 1361 | 382 | 355 |
15 | 411 | Howard Florey Institute |  | 4216 | 1820 | 176 | 230 |
16 | 422 | Austin Health |  | 2809 | 1632 | 549 | 246 |
17 | 438 | Baker Institute |  | 3175 | 1324 | 707 | 346 |
18 | 447 | Neuroscience Research Australia (Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute) |  | 2330 | 1382 | 343 | 451 |
19 | 468 | Cancer Council Victoria |  | 2240 | 906 | 895 | 711 |
20 | 482 | Geoscience Australia |  | 300 | 287 | 622 | 2039 |
21 | 490 | Telethon Kids Institute (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research) |  | 3262 | 1510 | 319 | 493 |
22 | 588 | Plant & Food Research (Crop & Food Research) |  | 4768 | 1747 | 126 | 766 |
23 | 589 | Agresearch |  | 5919 | 1672 | 368 | 642 |
24 | 595 | Burnet Institute (Austin Research Institute) |  | 1834 | 1719 | 380 | 753 |
25 | 597 | Royal Women's Hospital |  | 3532 | 1114 | 1837 | 647 |
26 | 602 | Monash Health (Southern Health) |  | 3983 | 1797 | 1699 | 338 |
27 | 675 | Australian Museum |  | 1093 | 202 | 2538 | 1351 |
28 | 730 | Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai |  | 543 | 166 | 1646 | 2822 |
29 | 795 | Alfred Health |  | 2837 | 1377 | 2538 | 283 |
30 | 818 | Anglo Australian Observatory |  | 3079 | 762 | 2538 | 718 |
31 | 831 | Royal Melbourne Hospital |  | 2147 | 1826 | 2538 | 215 |
32 | 954 | Scion Forest Research Institute |  | 2763 | 2035 | 557 | 1534 |
33 | 964 | Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute |  | 3842 | 2331 | 689 | 1256 |
34 | 1169 | Royal Adelaide Hospital South Australia |  | 6602 | 2142 | 2538 | 424 |
35 | 1240 | Women's and Children's Hospital Adelaide |  | 3457 | 1839 | 2538 | 817 |
36 | 1259 | Cawthron Research |  | 2495 | 2620 | 985 | 1832 |
37 | 1284 | Environmental Science and Research |  | 1906 | 1908 | 815 | 2377 |
38 | 1350 | Queensland Health |  | 415 | 293 | 188 | 3879 |
39 | 1489 | Callaghan Innovation (Industrial Research) |  | 3298 | 1558 | 1701 | 2733 |
40 | 1526 | Defence and Science Technology Organisation Australia |  | 3636 | 5439 | 1181 | 908 |
41 | 1557 | Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology |  | 4616 | 3098 | 722 | 2313 |
42 | 1560 | St Vincent's Institute |  | 3336 | 4066 | 595 | 1960 |
43 | 1595 | Royal Perth Hospital |  | 5717 | 4331 | 2538 | 435 |
44 | 1656 | Sydney Children's Hospital |  | 2363 | 5250 | 2538 | 312 |
45 | 1679 | Australian Bureau of Statistics |  | 106 | 93 | 2538 | 3879 |
46 | 1734 | Australian Institute of Criminology |  | 1368 | 362 | 2482 | 3509 |
47 | 1773 | Australia Telescope National Facility |  | 599 | 3363 | 2538 | 1345 |
48 | 1867 | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare |  | 302 | 272 | 2538 | 3660 |
49 | 1868 | Children's Cancer Institute Australia for Medical Research |  | 3899 | 2405 | 1520 | 2981 |
50 | 1975 | Australian Wine Research Institute |  | 2910 | 1773 | 1813 | 3252 |
51 | 2156 | Heart Research Institute |  | 6302 | 3549 | 1673 | 2696 |
52 | 2185 | Woolcock Institute of Medical Research |  | 5949 | 3315 | 2538 | 1843 |
53 | 2307 | CSIRO E-Health Research Center |  | 5937 | 4026 | 2538 | 1640 |
54 | 2389 | MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology |  | 4907 | 3223 | 2538 | 2188 |
55 | 2497 | ANZAC Research Institute |  | 6745 | 3913 | 2276 | 2555 |
56 | 2537 | Hudson Institute of Medical Research (Prince Henry’s Institute) |  | 3468 | 3059 | 2538 | 2555 |
57 | 2547 | Mater Medical Research Institute |  | 5906 | 4553 | 2538 | 1701 |
58 | 2712 | Papua New Guinea Institute Medical Research |  | 6380 | 4238 | 2538 | 2053 |
59 | 2741 | New Zealand Meteorological Service |  | 2993 | 553 | 2538 | 3879 |
60 | 2794 | Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory |  | 4634 | 3931 | 2538 | 2339 |
61 | 2914 | Malaghan Institute of Medical Research |  | 5007 | 3476 | 2538 | 2696 |
62 | 2947 | National Acoustic Laboratories |  | 3289 | 2822 | 2343 | 3410 |
63 | 3110 | Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital |  | 6486 | 7359 | 2538 | 513 |
64 | 3158 | Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research |  | 1596 | 945 | 2538 | 3879 |
65 | 3244 | Childrens Medical Research Institute |  | 3817 | 2629 | 1401 | 3879 |
66 | 3390 | Jean Hailes Foundation for Women's Health |  | 3486 | 1139 | 2538 | 3879 |
67 | 3447 | Institut Louis Malarde |  | 1644 | 4775 | 2538 | 2782 |
68 | 3497 | Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement IRD Nouvelle Calédonie |  | 3420 | 4655 | 2538 | 2822 |
69 | 3515 | Medical Research Institute of New Zealand |  | 7133 | 5407 | 2538 | 2290 |
70 | 3525 | Southland Hospital |  | 2037 | 3042 | 2538 | 3410 |
71 | 3553 | Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre |  | 5460 | 1243 | 2538 | 3879 |
72 | 3591 | Bionics Institute (Bionic Ear Institute) |  | 4616 | 3312 | 1463 | 3879 |
73 | 3662 | Hanson Institute |  | 7545 | 5873 | 2538 | 2104 |
74 | 3728 | AMEOS |  | 1484 | 1676 | 2538 | 3879 |
75 | 3815 | Queensland Academy of Sport |  | 7057 | 4598 | 2538 | 2981 |
76 | 4007 | National Research Centre for Growth and Development, Auckland |  | 2358 | 2036 | 2538 | 3879 |
77 | 4158 | Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre |  | 3001 | 3707 | 2538 | 3509 |
78 | 4383 | Cambia |  | 5589 | 2392 | 2538 | 3879 |
79 | 4459 | Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre |  | 6123 | 4697 | 2538 | 3316 |
80 | 4466 | Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute |  | 6011 | 2488 | 2538 | 3879 |
81 | 4498 | Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (Sydney Cancer Centre) |  | 2982 | 2785 | 2538 | 3879 |
82 | 4691 | Wakefield Orthopaedic Clinic |  | 6948 | 4688 | 2538 | 3410 |
83 | 4761 | NSW Breast Cancer Institute |  | 5407 | 3977 | 2538 | 3660 |
84 | 4829 | Bendigo Hospital |  | 5175 | 3107 | 2538 | 3879 |
85 | 4879 | John Hunter Hospital |  | 2738 | 6015 | 703 | 3879 |
86 | 4948 | Queensland Medical Laboratory |  | 5144 | 3292 | 2538 | 3879 |
87 | 5126 | Perth Observatory |  | 6836 | 3355 | 2538 | 3879 |
88 | 5185 | Sydney South West Area Health Service |  | 6335 | 6112 | 730 | 3879 |
89 | 5480 | Queen Victoria Women's Centre |  | 6194 | 3937 | 2538 | 3879 |
90 | 5577 | Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology & Evolution |  | 5295 | 4192 | 2538 | 3879 |
91 | 5620 | Victoria's Skin and Cancer Foundation |  | 6137 | 4166 | 2538 | 3879 |
92 | 5714 | Hawke's Bay District Health Board |  | 2117 | 4628 | 2538 | 3879 |
93 | 5748 | Menzies Foundation |  | 5783 | 4421 | 2538 | 3879 |
94 | 5916 | SA Pathology (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) |  | 6186 | 4604 | 2538 | 3879 |
95 | 6132 | Cape Tribulation Tropical Research Station |  | 7576 | 4710 | 2538 | 3879 |
96 | 6135 | Qe Health Queen Elizabeth Hospital |  | 6700 | 4874 | 2538 | 3879 |
97 | 6157 | Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Foundation |  | 7396 | 4792 | 2538 | 3879 |
98 | 6182 | Chemistry Centre Western Australia |  | 6918 | 4937 | 2538 | 3879 |
99 | 6215 | Sugar Research Institute |  | 7086 | 4956 | 2538 | 3879 |
100 | 6375 | CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research |  | 993 | 5698 | 2538 | 3879 |