4101 | 1250 | National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics | | 1689 | 3272 | 719 | 1572 |
4102 | 930 | Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1368 | 1712 | 1051 | 1572 |
4103 | 477 | Academy of Sciences of Moldova | | 171 | 323 | 1633 | 1572 |
4104 | 2402 | UMR6282 Biogeosciences | | 5919 | 4459 | 2538 | 1572 |
4105 | 1415 | Institute of Cytology and Genetics RAS | | 838 | 4163 | 912 | 1556 |
4106 | 1938 | UMR5515 Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image et du Signal | | 1751 | 6031 | 666 | 1556 |
4107 | 1375 | UMR7334 Institut Materiaux Microelectronique Nanosciences de Provence IM2NP | | 5048 | 3627 | 799 | 1556 |
4108 | 1297 | Robert Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences / Robert Szewalski Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1865 | 3289 | 1117 | 1556 |
4109 | 2684 | Istituto di Scienza e Tecnología dei Materiali Ceramici | | 4551 | 7296 | 715 | 1556 |
4110 | 2799 | UMR7583 Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques LISA | | 2648 | 7435 | 866 | 1556 |
4111 | 1012 | Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research | | 1974 | 2126 | 856 | 1556 |
4112 | 869 | Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics HAS | | 2577 | 1342 | 1209 | 1556 |
4113 | 934 | Institute of Ecology and Evolution A N Severtsov RAS / Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им А Н Северцова РАН | | 1330 | 1566 | 1419 | 1556 |
4114 | 939 | Onze Lieve Vrouw Hospital | | 2588 | 1519 | 1403 | 1545 |
4115 | 2958 | (1)UMR8523 Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules | | 4468 | 5788 | 2538 | 1545 |
4116 | 2297 | UPR8521 Laboratoire Procédés Matériaux et Énergie Solaire PROMES | | 5160 | 5995 | 1850 | 1545 |
4117 | 2813 | Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica Antonio Ruberti | | 1724 | 7379 | 1251 | 1545 |
4118 | 556 | Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale | | 2673 | 612 | 687 | 1545 |
4119 | 1122 | Leibniz Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie | | 3237 | 2399 | 1041 | 1545 |
4120 | 1211 | Max Planck Institut for Brain Research (Hirnforschung) | | 4760 | 2472 | 1381 | 1545 |
4121 | 2023 | USR3278 Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de L'Environnement CRIOBE | | 3887 | 3492 | 2538 | 1545 |
4122 | 3474 | UMR6213 Univers Temps Frequence Interfaces Nanostructures Atmosphère et Environnement Molécules Institut Utinam | | 2923 | 6800 | 2538 | 1538 |
4123 | 4704 | Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria | | 6574 | 7773 | 2538 | 1538 |
4124 | 922 | Instituut Voor Natuur en Bosonderzoek | | 780 | 1985 | 680 | 1538 |
4125 | 2236 | Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 484 | 6101 | 2016 | 1538 |
4126 | 1329 | UMR8626 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques Lptms | | 2676 | 3005 | 1656 | 1538 |
4127 | 2559 | UMR6144 Laboratoire de Genie des Procedes Environnement Agroalimentaire Gepea | | 6467 | 4809 | 2538 | 1538 |
4128 | 825 | Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil | | 534 | 1425 | 1038 | 1526 |
4129 | 1401 | UMR6621 Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné | | 1562 | 1593 | 2538 | 1526 |
4130 | 1165 | Plataforma Solar de Almeria | | 5311 | 1981 | 1706 | 1526 |
4131 | 976 | Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS / Институт теоретической физики Л Д Ландау | | 1544 | 2112 | 748 | 1526 |
4132 | 2437 | Mirosław Mossakowski Medical Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Mirosław Mossakowski Medical Research Center z Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2642 | 6716 | 1563 | 1518 |
4133 | 939 | Leibniz Institut für Zoo und Wildtierforschung | | 4658 | 1614 | 1053 | 1518 |
4134 | 2311 | MC Slotervaart | | 6397 | 4235 | 2538 | 1518 |
4135 | 2633 | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology / Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Traumatologie | | 4527 | 5218 | 2538 | 1518 |
4136 | 2443 | Centre Henri Becquerel | | 4671 | 4747 | 2538 | 1508 |
4137 | 2493 | UPR8641 Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal | | 3473 | 7083 | 930 | 1508 |
4138 | 2384 | Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas | | 4334 | 6781 | 1059 | 1508 |
4139 | 936 | Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas | | 1989 | 1790 | 1002 | 1508 |
4140 | 1057 | Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos / Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems | | 2078 | 2668 | 488 | 1508 |
4141 | 1530 | Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique | | 4527 | 1885 | 2538 | 1508 |
4142 | 1954 | Mathematical Institute Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts | | 612 | 5985 | 1182 | 1508 |
4143 | 1037 | Space Research Center Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2939 | 1949 | 1378 | 1501 |
4144 | 673 | Swedish Defence Research Agency | | 2501 | 847 | 966 | 1501 |
4145 | 512 | Zoological Institute RAS / Зоологический институт РАН | | 238 | 694 | 465 | 1501 |
4146 | 1677 | Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust) | | 3391 | 2497 | 2538 | 1501 |
4147 | 3237 | Instituto de la Grasa | | 5690 | 7551 | 1643 | 1501 |
4148 | 1318 | UMR5502 Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse | | 3801 | 3617 | 721 | 1490 |
4149 | 1323 | Institute of Experimental Medicine HAS | | 4097 | 3638 | 684 | 1490 |
4150 | 2925 | Max Planck Institute of Biophysics | | 5971 | 7371 | 1315 | 1490 |
4151 | 900 | Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS | | 1307 | 1601 | 1217 | 1490 |
4152 | 2130 | UMR7266 Littoral Environnement et Sociétés Lienss | | 4752 | 3883 | 2538 | 1480 |
4153 | 3140 | UMR6158 Laboratoire d'Informatique de Modélisation et d'Optimisation des Systèmes Limos | | 3942 | 6237 | 2538 | 1480 |
4154 | 1160 | Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Rozrodu Zwierząt i Badań Żywności Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1341 | 2505 | 1482 | 1480 |
4155 | 1199 | International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering | | 915 | 1070 | 2538 | 1480 |
4156 | 3267 | UMR6281 Institut Charles Delaunay | | 3848 | 6454 | 2538 | 1480 |
4157 | 673 | Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel | | 1581 | 816 | 1224 | 1480 |
4158 | 2427 | UMR5203 Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle | | 4514 | 6974 | 883 | 1480 |
4159 | 1299 | Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad | | 526 | 1399 | 2538 | 1480 |
4160 | 1375 | Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial | | 794 | 4334 | 623 | 1473 |
4161 | 5225 | UMR7086 Interfaces Traitements Organisation et Dynamique des Systèmes Itodys | | 7696 | 7955 | 2538 | 1473 |
4162 | 1273 | Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR | | 2528 | 2575 | 1944 | 1473 |
4163 | 1767 | UMR137 Unité Mixte de Physique Cnrs/Thalès | | 5697 | 5450 | 686 | 1473 |
4164 | 1880 | Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR | | 1125 | 5964 | 884 | 1473 |
4165 | 523 | Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung | | 503 | 513 | 1259 | 1473 |
4166 | 2408 | Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela | | 3636 | 4817 | 2538 | 1464 |
4167 | 1578 | Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation | | 4374 | 2125 | 2538 | 1464 |
4168 | 2540 | UR5629 Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques | | 7016 | 4848 | 2538 | 1464 |
4169 | 4703 | UMR7314 Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides Lrcs | | 5115 | 7859 | 2538 | 1464 |
4170 | 527 | Norwegian Meteorological Institute | | 1231 | 572 | 896 | 1464 |
4171 | 4452 | UMR7162 Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques Mpq | | 4296 | 7735 | 2538 | 1464 |
4172 | 2004 | Diakonhjemmet Hospital | | 5711 | 3440 | 2538 | 1461 |
4173 | 2662 | Istituto di Biochimica delle Proteine | | 5188 | 7230 | 1025 | 1461 |
4174 | 2606 | Institute for Biomedical Technologies / Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche | | 1615 | 7365 | 890 | 1461 |
4175 | 1065 | Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2397 | 2420 | 997 | 1454 |
4176 | 336 | Tubitak Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | | 224 | 204 | 723 | 1454 |
4177 | 1099 | Clalit Health Services | | 329 | 957 | 2538 | 1454 |
4178 | 680 | National Hellenic Research Foundation | | 1817 | 1127 | 416 | 1454 |
4179 | 1721 | Centre Georges François Leclerc | | 4983 | 4327 | 2049 | 1445 |
4180 | 2923 | Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare | | 5123 | 7261 | 1752 | 1445 |
4181 | 3417 | Instituto de Geociencias | | 3920 | 7469 | 2302 | 1445 |
4182 | 2838 | Istituto di Scienze dell'Alimentazione | | 4483 | 7538 | 752 | 1445 |
4183 | 2487 | UMR8049 Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge Ligm | | 5699 | 4897 | 2538 | 1445 |
4184 | 1420 | UMR8628 Département de Mathématiques d'Orsay | | 1330 | 4514 | 683 | 1438 |
4185 | 2393 | National Institute of Oncology | | 4140 | 4779 | 2538 | 1438 |
4186 | 2773 | Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l'Energia Nicola Giordano | | 6003 | 7465 | 638 | 1438 |
4187 | 1901 | Heinrich Pette Institut Leibniz Institut für Experimentelle Virologie | | 3870 | 3349 | 2538 | 1427 |
4188 | 1591 | Institute of Atmospheric Optics V E Zuev SB RAS / Институт оптики атмосферы им В Е Зуева Сибирского отделения РАН | | 1525 | 2500 | 2538 | 1427 |
4189 | 2085 | Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR | | 2972 | 6266 | 1237 | 1427 |
4190 | 3152 | UMR5503 Laboratoire de Genie Chimique Lgc | | 6678 | 6137 | 2538 | 1427 |
4191 | 1778 | UPR2300 Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques | | 3079 | 5510 | 1072 | 1427 |
4192 | 681 | Leibniz Institut DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen / German Resource Centre for Biological Material | | 434 | 1120 | 772 | 1427 |
4193 | 881 | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | | 3144 | 1702 | 822 | 1427 |
4194 | 2800 | UMR7600 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée LPTMC | | 4075 | 7422 | 1147 | 1419 |
4195 | 4572 | UPR2357 Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes | | 5324 | 7812 | 2538 | 1419 |
4196 | 2243 | Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque | | 4780 | 6855 | 534 | 1419 |
4197 | 1612 | UMR6538 Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (Domaines Océaniques) | | 2092 | 2533 | 2538 | 1419 |
4198 | 1538 | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust | | 3243 | 2139 | 2538 | 1419 |
4199 | 1097 | Centro de Investigación Cooperativa Biogune | | 4243 | 2647 | 797 | 1409 |
4200 | 1660 | UPR1142 Institut de Genetique Humaine IGH | | 652 | 5697 | 567 | 1409 |