1801 | 6594 | Institute of Chemistry А Е Favorsky SB RAS / Иркутский институт химии им А Е Фаворского Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 4787 | 5733 | 2538 | 3879 |
1802 | 7348 | Institute of Restoration and Preservation Technology |  | 7923 | 6537 | 2538 | 3879 |
1803 | 2263 | UMR7501 Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée |  | 2273 | 2782 | 2538 | 2377 |
1804 | 7580 | UMS3552 Irmage |  | 7626 | 7154 | 2538 | 3879 |
1805 | 2731 | UMR6625 Institut de Recherche Mathematique de Rennes Irmar |  | 4961 | 4245 | 2538 | 2124 |
1806 | 4847 | FRE2896 Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain |  | 2720 | 3324 | 2538 | 3879 |
1807 | 5533 | Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Salamanca |  | 4565 | 7747 | 2538 | 2266 |
1808 | 5447 | Institut de Recherche en Ophtalmologie |  | 7696 | 6361 | 2538 | 3140 |
1809 | 6354 | Institute of Radiophysics & Electronics Armenian Academy of Sciences |  | 7502 | 5928 | 2538 | 3660 |
1810 | 2436 | UMR7342 Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre IRPHE |  | 3399 | 3464 | 2538 | 2188 |
1811 | 8073 | UPS3364 Ingénierie Radioprotection Sûreté et Démantelement IRSD |  | 7733 | 8059 | 2538 | 3879 |
1812 | 7811 | Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari |  | 4075 | 7759 | 2538 | 3879 |
1813 | 5231 | Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno |  | 5955 | 5192 | 2538 | 3509 |
1814 | 7247 | FR2488 Institut de Recherche en Sciences et en Technologies de la Ville |  | 8011 | 6240 | 2538 | 3879 |
1815 | 1807 | Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria |  | 6635 | 4119 | 2538 | 763 |
1816 | 3965 | LRC7728 Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse |  | 6284 | 7523 | 2538 | 1141 |
1817 | 5456 | UMR5280 Institut des Sciences Analytiques Isa |  | 5911 | 5480 | 2538 | 3509 |
1818 | 5761 | Institut für Soziale Arbeit Munster |  | 6186 | 4403 | 2538 | 3879 |
1819 | 5605 | Isar Klinikum |  | 4565 | 4274 | 2538 | 3879 |
1820 | 7410 | UMS3518 Integrated Structural Biology Grenoble Isbg |  | 4860 | 7085 | 2538 | 3879 |
1821 | 3915 | Fraunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung |  | 4969 | 6046 | 2538 | 2408 |
1822 | 3241 | Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS / Иркутский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 1307 | 3717 | 2538 | 3034 |
1823 | 6971 | UMS3665 Institut des Sciences de La Communication du Cnrs Isc |  | 4622 | 6398 | 2538 | 3879 |
1824 | 7576 | Istituto di Scienze del Comportamento G de Lisio |  | 7487 | 7169 | 2538 | 3879 |
1825 | 4245 | UPS3611 Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Île de France ISC PIF |  | 3237 | 2360 | 2538 | 3879 |
1826 | 1817 | UMR6226 Sciences Chimiques de Rennes ISCR |  | 3880 | 5093 | 2538 | 484 |
1827 | 4019 | Institute of Silicate Chemistry RAS / Институт химии силикатов имени И В Гребенщикова РАН |  | 4113 | 4969 | 2538 | 3076 |
1828 | 6886 | Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology / Иркутский научный центр хирургии и травматологии |  | 5596 | 6189 | 2538 | 3879 |
1829 | 7898 | Institute for the Study of Education and Human development |  | 8011 | 7566 | 2538 | 3879 |
1830 | 7145 | Institute of Social Economic Researches of Daghestan Scientific Center RAS / Институт социально экономических исследований Дагестанского научного центра РАН |  | 6514 | 6526 | 2538 | 3879 |
1831 | 6899 | Institute of Lithuanian Emigration |  | 7078 | 6062 | 2538 | 3879 |
1832 | 7251 | Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediteranea |  | 1863 | 7879 | 2538 | 3410 |
1833 | 2748 | UMR5554 Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution |  | 4350 | 6776 | 2538 | 679 |
1834 | 5931 | Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population Russian Academy of Sciences / Институт Социально Экономических Проблем Народонаселения
Российской Академии Наук |  | 5889 | 4651 | 2538 | 3879 |
1835 | 4942 | Muchen Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung |  | 4172 | 3345 | 2538 | 3879 |
1836 | 5815 | Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitk Cologne |  | 5160 | 4556 | 2538 | 3879 |
1837 | 7776 | Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali |  | 3332 | 7739 | 2538 | 3879 |
1838 | 8054 | Instituto de Seguridad de la Información (Instituto de Física Aplicada) |  | 7288 | 8044 | 2538 | 3879 |
1839 | 3415 | Industrial Systems Institute |  | 6067 | 4480 | 2538 | 2733 |
1840 | 1578 | Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation |  | 4374 | 2125 | 2538 | 1464 |
1841 | 5403 | Institute of Biomedical Engineering / Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica |  | 4605 | 7762 | 2538 | 2156 |
1842 | 8004 | UMR8001 Laboratoire de Probabilités Statistiques et Modélisations Lpsm |  | 5786 | 8000 | 2538 | 3879 |
1843 | 5574 | Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia |  | 3880 | 4296 | 2538 | 3879 |
1844 | 7450 | Institute for Security and International Studies Sofia |  | 6983 | 7020 | 2538 | 3879 |
1845 | 7065 | Isis Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |  | 2792 | 6619 | 2538 | 3879 |
1846 | 1921 | UMR7006 Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires |  | 5571 | 3484 | 2538 | 1300 |
1847 | 5924 | Fraunhofer Institut für Siliziumtechnologie |  | 5849 | 7137 | 2538 | 3076 |
1848 | 4670 | Institute of the USA and Canada RAS |  | 2614 | 3077 | 2538 | 3879 |
1849 | 4398 | Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik |  | 4338 | 2501 | 2538 | 3879 |
1850 | 2845 | Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS |  | 3678 | 3795 | 2538 | 2510 |
1851 | 3198 | Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials |  | 5219 | 3542 | 2538 | 2919 |
1852 | 3611 | UMR5255 Institut des Sciences Moléculaires |  | 1562 | 7675 | 2538 | 873 |
1853 | 6422 | UMR7287 Institut des Sciences du Mouvement Etienne Jules Marey ISM |  | 5392 | 7669 | 2538 | 2981 |
1854 | 2958 | UMR7313 Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille ISM2 |  | 3983 | 5335 | 2538 | 1856 |
1855 | 7534 | Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo ISMed |  | 4710 | 7904 | 2538 | 3509 |
1856 | 3964 | Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati |  | 3594 | 7526 | 2538 | 1267 |
1857 | 4679 | UMR8214 Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay |  | 3513 | 7773 | 2538 | 1658 |
1858 | 5602 | Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg Gmbh |  | 1771 | 4501 | 2538 | 3879 |
1859 | 4424 | Istituto di Scienze Neurologiche |  | 7137 | 7831 | 2538 | 1094 |
1860 | 5919 | Institut für Sozialforschung Saarbrucken |  | 6716 | 4557 | 2538 | 3879 |
1861 | 4342 | Institut für Sozial-Oekologische Forschung |  | 5495 | 2333 | 2538 | 3879 |
1862 | 4950 | UMR8166 Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique |  | 5175 | 4838 | 2538 | 3509 |
1863 | 6647 | Istituto per il Sistema Produzione Animale In Ambiente Mediterraneo |  | 5745 | 7986 | 2538 | 2653 |
1864 | 2167 | Institute of Sciences of Food Production / Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari |  | 6552 | 4440 | 2538 | 1165 |
1865 | 7689 | Istituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno |  | 4224 | 7554 | 2538 | 3879 |
1866 | 7379 | Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine |  | 7984 | 6492 | 2538 | 3879 |
1867 | 2650 | Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ISPRA |  | 392 | 580 | 2538 | 3879 |
1868 | 6375 | Institutul de Stiinte Politice Si Relatii Internationale Academia Romana |  | 5426 | 5384 | 2538 | 3879 |
1869 | 5197 | Institute of Social and Political Studies RAS / Институт социально политических исследований РАН |  | 5711 | 3565 | 2538 | 3879 |
1870 | 3284 | Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade |  | 1724 | 2124 | 2538 | 3509 |
1871 | 7055 | Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea |  | 5144 | 6478 | 2538 | 3879 |
1872 | 7985 | Israel Ceramic and Silicate Institute |  | 7804 | 7903 | 2538 | 3879 |
1873 | 6056 | Israel Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research |  | 5824 | 4857 | 2538 | 3879 |
1874 | 5043 | Israel Marine Data Center |  | 2248 | 3633 | 2538 | 3879 |
1875 | 1964 | Institute of Sociology RAS / Институт социологии РАН |  | 282 | 933 | 2538 | 3191 |
1876 | 4086 | Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research |  | 5499 | 4167 | 2538 | 3316 |
1877 | 3827 | World Data Centre for Soils Wageningen |  | 3253 | 1718 | 2538 | 3879 |
1878 | 3779 | Institute of Agricultural and Forest Enviroment Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Enviroment rolnych i leśnych w Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 4916 | 5668 | 2538 | 2510 |
1879 | 5231 | Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpadagogik |  | 5990 | 3594 | 2538 | 3879 |
1880 | 4149 | JSC Information Satellite Systems Academician M F Reshetnev / ОАО Информационные спутниковые системы им акад М Ф Решетнева |  | 3076 | 2196 | 2538 | 3879 |
1881 | 6162 | Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RAS / Институт почвоведения и агрохимии Сибирского отделения РАН |  | 4651 | 6427 | 2538 | 3509 |
1882 | 6180 | Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje |  | 2881 | 5287 | 2538 | 3879 |
1883 | 1760 | International Space Science Institute |  | 2767 | 2202 | 2538 | 1856 |
1884 | 6681 | Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Regionali Federali e sulle Autonomie Massimo Severo Giannini |  | 1801 | 7517 | 2538 | 3316 |
1885 | 6118 | Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |  | 3133 | 5181 | 2538 | 3879 |
1886 | 5016 | Institut Suisse de Speleologie et de Karstologie |  | 4870 | 4427 | 2538 | 3660 |
1887 | 4629 | Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS / Институт физико химических и биологических проблем почвоведения РАН |  | 7483 | 7094 | 2538 | 2124 |
1888 | 6269 | Institute for the Study of Science RAS / Институт проблем развития науки РАН |  | 5887 | 5191 | 2538 | 3879 |
1889 | 6610 | Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik |  | 5939 | 7293 | 2538 | 3316 |
1890 | 5357 | Fraunhofer Institut für Schicht und Oberflachentechnik |  | 4442 | 7052 | 2538 | 2867 |
1891 | 1925 | Istituto Nazionale di Statistica |  | 186 | 162 | 2538 | 3879 |
1892 | 8062 | FRE2001 Imagerie et Stratégies Thérapeutiques des Pathologies Cérébrales et Tumorales |  | 7255 | 8055 | 2538 | 3879 |
1893 | 3518 | UMR7072 Laboratoire de Tectonique |  | 7159 | 6789 | 2538 | 1376 |
1894 | 1907 | UMR5275 ISTerre Institut des Sciences de la Terre |  | 1751 | 2836 | 2538 | 1832 |
1895 | 4257 | Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica |  | 1941 | 2480 | 2538 | 3879 |
1896 | 5860 | Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani |  | 5399 | 6325 | 2538 | 3410 |
1897 | 2533 | UMR7327 Institut des Sciences de La Terre d'Orléans Isto |  | 6445 | 5045 | 2538 | 1391 |
1898 | 5616 | Research and Production Enterprise Istok A I Shokin / Научно производственное предприятие Исток |  | 3770 | 4368 | 2538 | 3879 |
1899 | 6794 | Institute on Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics RAS / Институт сверхвысокочастотной полупроводниковой электроники РАН |  | 5271 | 6032 | 2538 | 3879 |
1900 | 1575 | UMR7205 Institut de Systématique Evolution Biodiversité Isyeb |  | 4795 | 2942 | 2538 | 981 |