1101 | 1098 | Scientific Institute of Public Health SCIENSANO Belgium | | 947 | 3020 | 1824 | 940 |
1102 | 4071 | Krasnoyarsk Science Centre SB RAS / Красноярский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН | | 4710 | 3812 | 1824 | 3879 |
1103 | 3640 | Centro de Investigación Tecnológica en Electroquímica | | 5048 | 3031 | 1826 | 3879 |
1104 | 2326 | Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS / Институт высшей нервной деятельности и нейрофизиологии РАН | | 4135 | 3993 | 1829 | 2733 |
1105 | 1357 | Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling Warsaw University | | 13 | 160 | 1830 | 3879 |
1106 | 1221 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | | 104 | 83 | 1830 | 3879 |
1107 | 1583 | Research Institute for Linguistics HAS | | 697 | 1561 | 1832 | 2981 |
1108 | 4805 | Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe Kaiserslautern | | 4760 | 7055 | 1836 | 3252 |
1109 | 3176 | Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione | | 759 | 6945 | 1837 | 2156 |
1110 | 1469 | Centre de Recerca Matemática | | 2898 | 2259 | 1840 | 2188 |
1111 | 2188 | UMR7636 Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes | | 5560 | 5468 | 1841 | 1729 |
1112 | 806 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Tours | | 1544 | 2463 | 1842 | 474 |
1113 | 1672 | Fridtjof Nansen Institute | | 3920 | 1976 | 1843 | 2733 |
1114 | 1524 | FRE3018 Genethon Centre de Recherche et d'Applications sur les Thérapies Géniques | | 5609 | 2040 | 1845 | 2339 |
1115 | 2987 | Swerea KIMAB (Swedish Corrosion Institute / Swedish Ceramic Institute) | | 3079 | 1813 | 1846 | 3879 |
1116 | 3640 | All Russian Institute for Breeding of Fruit Crops / Всероссийский научно исследовательский институт селекции плодовых культур | | 3045 | 3164 | 1847 | 3879 |
1117 | 3417 | Institute for Sustainable Technologies National Research Institute | | 2310 | 2788 | 1849 | 3879 |
1118 | 2297 | UPR8521 Laboratoire Procédés Matériaux et Énergie Solaire PROMES | | 5160 | 5995 | 1850 | 1545 |
1119 | 5013 | Sociological Institute RAS / Социологический институт РАН | | 4374 | 5362 | 1852 | 3879 |
1120 | 4802 | Institute of Polymers BAS | | 3831 | 7823 | 1860 | 2627 |
1121 | 2208 | Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS | | 4719 | 5247 | 1864 | 1920 |
1122 | 2963 | Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung | | 1817 | 1828 | 1865 | 3879 |
1123 | 1191 | Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate | | 473 | 975 | 1866 | 2555 |
1124 | 6355 | Bundesinstitut für Bevolkerungsforschung | | 2691 | 6981 | 1867 | 3879 |
1125 | 7631 | Institut Botànic de Barcelona | | 3213 | 8044 | 1868 | 3879 |
1126 | 3701 | Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 5144 | 3074 | 1869 | 3879 |
1127 | 5862 | Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik | | 3750 | 6378 | 1869 | 3879 |
1128 | 1646 | Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry V I Vernadsky RAS / Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им В И Вернадского РАН | | 2464 | 2588 | 1871 | 2408 |
1129 | 1913 | Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis | | 1484 | 3681 | 1872 | 2339 |
1130 | 7148 | Institute of Plant Molecular Biology ASCR | | 4172 | 7697 | 1874 | 3879 |
1131 | 4384 | Polar Geophysical Institute RAS | | 3770 | 4425 | 1876 | 3879 |
1132 | 1362 | (1)Central Institute for Labour Protection National Research Institute | | 564 | 1096 | 1876 | 2867 |
1133 | 1925 | Vrvis Kompetenzzentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung | | 3226 | 2416 | 1879 | 2919 |
1134 | 7047 | UMR5095 Institut de Biochimie et Génétique Cellulaires IBGC | | 3584 | 7608 | 1882 | 3879 |
1135 | 2164 | Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials Polish Academy of Sciences / Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 4350 | 5400 | 1884 | 1765 |
1136 | 3880 | Siberian Institute of Plants Physiologies and Biochemistry SB RAS / Сибирский институт физиологии и биохимии растений Сибирского отделения РАН | | 3303 | 5118 | 1886 | 3509 |
1137 | 3914 | Buryat Science Center SB RAS / Бурятский научный центр Сибирского отделения РАН | | 3499 | 3573 | 1887 | 3879 |
1138 | 3011 | Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation N V Pushkov RAS / Институт земного магнетизма ионосферы и распространения радиоволн им Н В Пушкова РАН | | 1735 | 1890 | 1888 | 3879 |
1139 | 6933 | Institute of Information Technologies BAS | | 4105 | 7491 | 1889 | 3879 |
1140 | 6332 | Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies Acad Jordan Malinowski Bulgaria Academy of Sciences | | 5984 | 8067 | 1891 | 2981 |
1141 | 3290 | Institute of Slavic Studies Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 1212 | 2499 | 1892 | 3879 |
1142 | 3555 | CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine OEAW | | 5663 | 2741 | 1893 | 3879 |
1143 | 3215 | Fraunhofer Instituts für Digitale Medientechnologie | | 4983 | 6317 | 1894 | 2431 |
1144 | 2125 | Fraunhofer Institut für Sichere Informations-Technologie | | 3801 | 3903 | 1897 | 2460 |
1145 | 1393 | Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum Forschungsinstitut für Vor und Frühgeschichte | | 1562 | 1218 | 1899 | 2733 |
1146 | 3589 | Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina López Neyra | | 5474 | 7633 | 1900 | 1689 |
1147 | 3118 | National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology BAS | | 3042 | 1983 | 1901 | 3879 |
1148 | 2473 | National Institute for Earth Physics | | 3770 | 2026 | 1902 | 3509 |
1149 | 1684 | Slovenian Forestry Institute | | 737 | 3045 | 1906 | 2290 |
1150 | 617 | International Peace Research Institute Oslo | | 829 | 609 | 1907 | 1336 |
1151 | 1332 | Komi Scientific Center RAS | | 1341 | 1180 | 1909 | 2627 |
1152 | 4442 | Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias | | 4768 | 7790 | 1910 | 2313 |
1153 | 3327 | International Tomography Center RAS | | 5542 | 7212 | 1912 | 1856 |
1154 | 6665 | UMR5824 Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique | | 3029 | 7250 | 1914 | 3879 |
1155 | 2340 | Icelandic Food Research | | 668 | 2884 | 1915 | 3252 |
1156 | 6419 | Institute of Computer Science Iasi | | 5739 | 6856 | 1916 | 3879 |
1157 | 2630 | Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS | | 2149 | 1963 | 1916 | 3660 |
1158 | 5267 | Space Research Institute BAS | | 3870 | 5630 | 1918 | 3879 |
1159 | 4579 | All Russian Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production / Всероссийский научно исследовательский институт селекции и семеноводства овощных культур | | 4149 | 4637 | 1920 | 3879 |
1160 | 2594 | Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte | | 4011 | 7225 | 1922 | 1001 |
1161 | 1826 | Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS / Институт металлургии и материаловедения им А А Байкова РАН | | 3725 | 3847 | 1923 | 2002 |
1162 | 3561 | Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | | 4309 | 4395 | 1925 | 3509 |
1163 | 2906 | Agricultural Biotechnology Center | | 6820 | 3081 | 1926 | 3410 |
1164 | 3007 | Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion RAS | | 4671 | 5741 | 1928 | 2555 |
1165 | 1494 | Zagreb Institute of Public Health | | 1596 | 2099 | 1929 | 2339 |
1166 | 3020 | Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research | | 5115 | 7499 | 1931 | 1130 |
1167 | 2078 | UMR8617 Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale | | 2334 | 6595 | 1932 | 882 |
1168 | 4727 | Istituto per le Macchine Agricole e Movimento Terra | | 6722 | 7790 | 1933 | 2460 |
1169 | 1043 | Cancer Registry of Norway Institute of Population-Based Cancer Research | | 3653 | 2616 | 1935 | 834 |
1170 | 3513 | Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR | | 1751 | 7433 | 1941 | 1992 |
1171 | 6480 | Geophysical Institute BAS | | 5324 | 6924 | 1942 | 3879 |
1172 | 3745 | Institute for Problems of Development North SB RAS / Институт проблем освоения Севера Сибирского отделения РАН | | 5123 | 3075 | 1943 | 3879 |
1173 | 1273 | Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR | | 2528 | 2575 | 1944 | 1473 |
1174 | 4040 | UMR8545 Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques | | 2387 | 4798 | 1945 | 3660 |
1175 | 3545 | Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 3643 | 6318 | 1946 | 2822 |
1176 | 4367 | FR684 Fédération de Recherche du Département de Physique École Normale Supérieure | | 1633 | 6227 | 1947 | 3410 |
1177 | 3679 | Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali | | 3410 | 7016 | 1949 | 2487 |
1178 | 4678 | Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition Polish Academy of Sciences / Kielanowski Instytut Fizjologii i Żywienia Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 6061 | 4614 | 1950 | 3879 |
1179 | 1542 | International Research Institute of Stavanger | | 2544 | 3207 | 1951 | 1832 |
1180 | 1005 | Czech Geological Survey | | 258 | 1217 | 1951 | 1906 |
1181 | 699 | UMR5821 Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie | | 2203 | 2242 | 1954 | 311 |
1182 | 3466 | Western Norway Research Institute | | 1703 | 2813 | 1955 | 3879 |
1183 | 1936 | Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung | | 1103 | 3811 | 1956 | 2266 |
1184 | 4042 | Geological Institute Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 4255 | 6879 | 1958 | 2867 |
1185 | 1056 | Bundesanstalt für Gewasserkunde | | 1368 | 1047 | 1959 | 2064 |
1186 | 1047 | Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium | | 1974 | 621 | 1959 | 2510 |
1187 | 1488 | Fraunhofer Representative Office USA | | 5103 | 1824 | 1961 | 2339 |
1188 | 2276 | National Research and Education Network BAS | | 1596 | 830 | 1962 | 3879 |
1189 | 1210 | (1)Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung | | 2178 | 1194 | 1962 | 2220 |
1190 | 2066 | Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | | 2946 | 3156 | 1962 | 2733 |
1191 | 6397 | Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo | | 3563 | 7841 | 1965 | 3410 |
1192 | 3555 | Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre UB RAS / Институт биологии Коми научного центра Уральского отделения РАН | | 2532 | 2908 | 1966 | 3879 |
1193 | 5541 | Institute of Solid State Chemistry UB RAS / Институт химии твердого тела Уральского отделения РАН | | 3175 | 5945 | 1966 | 3879 |
1194 | 6862 | Institute of Pig Breeding and Agroindustrial Production / Інститут свинарства і агропромислового виробництва | | 6463 | 7287 | 1968 | 3879 |
1195 | 3640 | Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR | | 2284 | 7417 | 1970 | 2091 |
1196 | 4313 | Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ASCR | | 3229 | 7121 | 1974 | 2919 |
1197 | 2781 | Kamchatka Research Center Far Eastern Branch RAS / Камчатский научный центр ДВО РАН | | 1267 | 1491 | 1976 | 3879 |
1198 | 3164 | Institute of Linguistics RAS / Институт языкознания РАН | | 1917 | 2063 | 1979 | 3879 |
1199 | 5548 | Institute of Vocational Education and Training National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine | | 183 | 6302 | 1980 | 3879 |
1200 | 3884 | Institute of Political Studies Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk | | 2906 | 3458 | 1982 | 3879 |