901 | 1724 | UMR7198 Institut Jean Lamour Ijl |  | 2523 | 3899 | 2538 | 871 |
902 | 1727 | Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health Zagreb |  | 2845 | 3578 | 1128 | 2313 |
903 | 1730 | Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili |  | 2328 | 4106 | 2538 | 804 |
904 | 1731 | Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia |  | 1929 | 556 | 631 | 3879 |
905 | 1732 | Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau |  | 4255 | 4217 | 2538 | 692 |
906 | 1733 | Kola Science Center Russian Academy of Sciences / Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук |  | 4740 | 2537 | 2005 | 2431 |
907 | 1736 | UMR7589 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies LPTHE |  | 2126 | 5688 | 1028 | 1288 |
908 | 1737 | Max Planck Institute for Software Systems |  | 1713 | 534 | 795 | 3879 |
909 | 1737 | Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry A N Frumkin RAS / Институт физической химии и электрохимии им А Н Фрумкина РАН |  | 2931 | 3687 | 2130 | 1797 |
910 | 1739 | Organización Nacional de Trasplantes |  | 1801 | 1097 | 2538 | 2653 |
911 | 1740 | Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico |  | 1856 | 2976 | 735 | 2822 |
912 | 1741 | UMR5549 Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition |  | 4431 | 4397 | 642 | 2077 |
913 | 1747 | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources |  | 2867 | 2542 | 2200 | 2377 |
914 | 1747 | Centre Antoine Lacassagne |  | 5930 | 3256 | 2538 | 1081 |
915 | 1747 | World Conservation Monitoring Center |  | 2194 | 417 | 1325 | 3879 |
916 | 1750 | Astronomical Institute ASCR |  | 1259 | 4241 | 1695 | 1920 |
917 | 1751 | Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía |  | 361 | 568 | 1080 | 3879 |
918 | 1753 | Institute of Plant Genetics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Genetyki Roślin Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 3381 | 3185 | 2061 | 2141 |
919 | 1755 | Hellenic Institute Pasteur |  | 3534 | 3248 | 1571 | 2377 |
920 | 1758 | Fraunhofer Fokus Institut |  | 2319 | 4096 | 1692 | 1960 |
921 | 1760 | International Space Science Institute |  | 2767 | 2202 | 2538 | 1856 |
922 | 1761 | Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung |  | 450 | 538 | 1213 | 3879 |
923 | 1764 | Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences / Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk |  | 2305 | 3556 | 1543 | 2266 |
924 | 1764 | Institute of Astronomy RAS |  | 3336 | 2492 | 2375 | 2220 |
925 | 1767 | UMR8607 Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire |  | 667 | 5856 | 2538 | 291 |
926 | 1767 | UMR137 Unité Mixte de Physique Cnrs/Thalès |  | 5697 | 5450 | 686 | 1473 |
927 | 1767 | Center for Scientific Computing |  | 490 | 477 | 1465 | 3879 |
928 | 1767 | Fondazione Ugo Bordoni |  | 3289 | 1843 | 1574 | 3076 |
929 | 1771 | UMR6249 Laboratoire Chrono Environment |  | 3625 | 3600 | 2538 | 1028 |
930 | 1773 | Centro Hospitalar de São João |  | 3675 | 3834 | 2538 | 930 |
931 | 1777 | Institute of Photonics and Electronics ASCR |  | 4365 | 3669 | 1490 | 2156 |
932 | 1778 | UPR2300 Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques |  | 3079 | 5510 | 1072 | 1427 |
933 | 1778 | Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse |  | 2475 | 5732 | 873 | 1366 |
934 | 1780 | IK4 Research Alliance |  | 4172 | 3704 | 2538 | 973 |
935 | 1782 | UMR5001 Institut des Géosciences de L'Environnement Ige |  | 2414 | 3862 | 2538 | 964 |
936 | 1783 | UMR5588 Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de Physique |  | 3482 | 3274 | 2538 | 1227 |
937 | 1786 | UMR5525 Techniques de l'Imagerie, de la Modélisation et de la Cognition |  | 3525 | 3073 | 2538 | 1366 |
938 | 1786 | Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin |  | 834 | 369 | 2538 | 3410 |
939 | 1788 | Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS |  | 465 | 1639 | 2538 | 2377 |
940 | 1791 | Académie des Sciences |  | 1129 | 543 | 2538 | 3252 |
941 | 1791 | Leibniz Institut für Atmosphärenphysik an der Universität Rostock |  | 3369 | 2297 | 2259 | 2487 |
942 | 1793 | Institute of Mathematics Physics and Mechanics Ljubljana |  | 3285 | 2324 | 2538 | 1813 |
943 | 1794 | UMR5217 Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble |  | 2235 | 2170 | 2538 | 1950 |
944 | 1795 | Institute of Macromolecular Compounds RAS |  | 4296 | 4160 | 1772 | 1856 |
945 | 1797 | Instituto de Tecnología Química |  | 2291 | 3807 | 2538 | 1009 |
946 | 1799 | Armament Development Authority |  | 3443 | 1041 | 2538 | 2733 |
947 | 1804 | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine |  | 1307 | 4894 | 1660 | 1649 |
948 | 1806 | UMR6070 Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis |  | 1860 | 3896 | 938 | 2408 |
949 | 1807 | Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria |  | 6635 | 4119 | 2538 | 763 |
950 | 1810 | Max Planck Institut für Herz und Lungenforschung |  | 4514 | 3859 | 2538 | 944 |
951 | 1812 | Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт |  | 1038 | 2391 | 2301 | 2555 |
952 | 1814 | Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery NHS Trust |  | 2484 | 2659 | 2538 | 1721 |
953 | 1815 | Meteorological and Hydrological Service |  | 3076 | 991 | 2538 | 2822 |
954 | 1817 | UMR6226 Sciences Chimiques de Rennes ISCR |  | 3880 | 5093 | 2538 | 484 |
955 | 1818 | Institute of Chemical Physics Academician Semyonova RAS |  | 3319 | 5195 | 1042 | 1689 |
956 | 1820 | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine / Національна академія медичних наук України |  | 552 | 4034 | 1216 | 2377 |
957 | 1821 | Hospital for Tropical Diseases |  | 7002 | 3809 | 2538 | 882 |
958 | 1823 | Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y Vino |  | 4916 | 4264 | 2065 | 1649 |
959 | 1824 | Kirensky Institute of Physics RAS |  | 1544 | 2935 | 2538 | 1620 |
960 | 1824 | UPR3346 Institut Pprime Recherche et Ingénierie en Matériaux Mécanique et Energétique |  | 3678 | 3906 | 2538 | 975 |
961 | 1826 | Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS / Институт металлургии и материаловедения им А А Байкова РАН |  | 3725 | 3847 | 1923 | 2002 |
962 | 1826 | Кazan Scientific Center RAS / Казанский научный центр РАН |  | 2233 | 2617 | 2538 | 1765 |
963 | 1828 | Estación Experimental del Zaidin |  | 2098 | 6532 | 768 | 967 |
964 | 1829 | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores |  | 1016 | 751 | 528 | 3879 |
965 | 1831 | CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis |  | 827 | 587 | 1179 | 3879 |
966 | 1831 | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |  | 1330 | 6093 | 1267 | 1113 |
967 | 1833 | Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser |  | 2562 | 6423 | 1105 | 940 |
968 | 1835 | Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León |  | 1562 | 2805 | 2304 | 2339 |
969 | 1837 | Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables |  | 3899 | 1769 | 2331 | 2782 |
970 | 1837 | Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos |  | 3248 | 6900 | 763 | 726 |
971 | 1839 | Institute of Microstructure Physics RAS / Институт физики микроструктур РАН |  | 4719 | 3816 | 1609 | 2141 |
972 | 1841 | UMR8550 Laboratoire de Physique Statistique |  | 2308 | 6116 | 1017 | 1165 |
973 | 1842 | Centre Oscar Lambret |  | 4740 | 3696 | 2538 | 1061 |
974 | 1842 | Institut Guttmann |  | 1016 | 2039 | 2538 | 2156 |
975 | 1842 | Istituto di Fisica Applicata Nello Carrara |  | 1735 | 6283 | 515 | 1292 |
976 | 1847 | Institut Bergonie |  | 7767 | 3888 | 2538 | 789 |
977 | 1850 | UMR5521 Sols Solides Structures Risques 3Sr |  | 3721 | 5059 | 807 | 1891 |
978 | 1850 | Global Change Research Centre ASCR |  | 3038 | 3343 | 1649 | 2460 |
979 | 1853 | UMR7599 Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires |  | 2541 | 3015 | 2538 | 1581 |
980 | 1854 | UMR6415 Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds GANIL |  | 4538 | 2717 | 2538 | 1658 |
981 | 1856 | J Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry ASCR |  | 2754 | 6351 | 1167 | 975 |
982 | 1857 | State Research Center of The Russian Federation Institute for Biomedical Problems |  | 2861 | 1385 | 2538 | 2555 |
983 | 1858 | Centre Scientifique de Monaco |  | 5040 | 3609 | 1439 | 2339 |
984 | 1862 | Statistics Netherlands |  | 211 | 140 | 2538 | 3879 |
985 | 1862 | UMR12 Laboratoire Leon Brillouin |  | 1963 | 3028 | 2538 | 1611 |
986 | 1864 | Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung in Davos |  | 1581 | 679 | 870 | 3879 |
987 | 1868 | Institute of Semiconductor Physics RAS |  | 2788 | 5375 | 1806 | 1380 |
988 | 1871 | Institute of Semiconductors Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |  | 3079 | 4093 | 739 | 2460 |
989 | 1871 | UMR1572 Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement |  | 2730 | 6076 | 2521 | 299 |
990 | 1875 | Tartu Observatory |  | 773 | 4441 | 2125 | 1797 |
991 | 1875 | Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung (IITB+FOM) |  | 1912 | 5239 | 1558 | 1628 |
992 | 1877 | Danish Building Research Institute |  | 3594 | 1847 | 2538 | 2220 |
993 | 1877 | Southern Scientific Centre RAS / Южный научный центр РАН |  | 1644 | 3001 | 1442 | 2822 |
994 | 1880 | Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR |  | 1125 | 5964 | 884 | 1473 |
995 | 1883 | Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer |  | 1449 | 2018 | 889 | 3316 |
996 | 1883 | Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña / Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya |  | 4586 | 6036 | 945 | 1218 |
997 | 1887 | National Institute for Biological Standards and Control |  | 2043 | 2580 | 2047 | 2733 |
998 | 1888 | Ipswich Hospital |  | 3482 | 2764 | 2538 | 1740 |
999 | 1889 | Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo |  | 4451 | 3161 | 2119 | 2290 |
1000 | 1891 | Instituto Nacional de Estadística |  | 179 | 151 | 2538 | 3879 |